Medical Master's World

Chapter 1000

Uncle Chang's legs softened and he sat down on the chair with a dead face.

It's over. It's hard!

Who can stand three hundred million?

And it's not just three hundred million. Qin Jun wins three hundred million at most each time. Other gamblers win with him. They lose 33 dozen and double each time.

It won't take a few times, and they are all 300 million each time.

The manager panicked, went downstairs to Qin Jun and said in a low voice.

"Let's go into the lounge and have a talk, sir?"

Qin Jun light smile, "no interest, I'm lucky now, I want to play a few."

When Qin Jun finished, the manager turned black.

Is that luck?

Ten people can see that you are a thousand, but I can't catch you!

They shake the dice, even they use the electric sieve, but Qin Jun is sitting there, and he can control the number of dice in your sieve cup. Are you serious?

The manager showed a sneer and said in a threatening tone.

"Mr. Qin, let's go to the rest room. Don't embarrass our security guards."

Liu Xiaoqiang's voice fell, and he became angry immediately.

"What's the matter? If you win the money, you have to do it? When you lose money, you don't care who the hell you are. If you win money, you won't play? Can't afford a casino? Grass

Liu Xiaoqiang is a dandy. When was he afraid of such battles?

The voice falls, other gamblers all shout.

"What! I don't think anyone dares to touch this big brother today! "

"Yes, there are many security guards or us. If you can't afford to play, don't open a gambling house and get the money quickly!"

"Today you are useless. If you have seed, call someone. Let's fight for it!"


These gamblers have all tasted the sweetness. They have won so much money that they have to take it away today. If they can't take it away, they will work hard together.

Once these hundreds of gamblers start, the gambling house will be a bit difficult to hold.

Qin Jun sneered, "see, I haven't won enough. It's just my brother-in-law's debt. Now it's time for us to win money. Go on."

With that, Qin Jun continued to bet on the leopard. Uncle Chang's hands were shaking. He couldn't play. No matter how he shook them or how he did them, once he opened the cup, it was the leopard.

This is evil. He has never seen such a profound gambling skill.

Liu Xiaoqiang was so excited, "shake the dice quickly. Can't you afford to lose? You are such a big casino. Can you still do business? Hurry up

Under everyone's urging, uncle Chang had no choice but to continue to shake the dice.

The manager called the boss immediately. The boss's surname was Yao Xinghui. He was a very influential person in Australia.

"Mr. Yao, there's something wrong with the casino!"

On the other side of the phone there was a woman's gasping voice, and Yao Xinghui was a little impatient.

"What can happen to the casinos?"

"Mr. Yao, a man came and won several billion. If you don't come again, I'm afraid you'll win tens of billions!"

"What! Won billions? What's Lao Chang doing? "

"Lao Chang made a move, but it didn't work. The other side was extremely clever. We couldn't see how to make a thousand. We couldn't use electric dice."

Yao Xinghui felt something was wrong, "wait for me!"