Mech Journey

Chapter 628

"General Yang, I really can't think of you coming here at such a great risk."

At the entrance of Ono Star City, Yang Mu and General Xiao Long are standing on a modified sightseeing ship, watching their ships slowly pass through the tight Star City pass.

Because of the ultimatum announced by the PAA, Ono business alliance has entered a state of emergency. Athena system is opened 24 hours a day. The access code has been checked. Yang Mu's ships also need to be inspected.

Xiao Long just came from another star region and met Yang Mu here. He couldn't wait to talk to Yang Mu.

Yang Mu looked at each other with a smile, then looked at the entrance in front of him again, and said slowly.

"General Xiao thought my identity was too embarrassing, didn't he?"

"Otherwise? Everyone knows you're the inventor of the hybrid engine. If you come here now, everyone's going to guess. And now it's just that the ONO business alliance is in this situation. "

"As long as it's an individual, it's going to connect you with that." Xiao Long gave a deep breath and said without good breath.

Yang Mu lowered his head and pursed his lips, but did not respond to each other.

It's really sudden, and it's true that he has to bear a lot of pressure from public opinion. However, Yang Mu believes that Ji Jin will not slow down. Moreover, he has already made a phone call with Xu Yuanming, and the other party has also said that he will do more in this matter.

Therefore, PAA still dare not really use force against Ono Business Alliance for the time being.

As long as they slow down, it is an opportunity for themselves and the mecha, and the ONO business alliance can successfully solve this problem.

"Don't worry, General Xiao. I'm not such a stupid person. Naturally, I have great confidence to be here this time."

"So you're here for this, right? You're still trying to get involved, right?" Xiao long felt that he saw Yang Mu and asked again.

Yang Mu grinned and helplessly explained: "believe me, OK, naturally there are other ideas."

The ship slowly passes through the entrance and enters the super space city built by human beings. The artificial sun in the core area provides lighting and heat for the whole star city. As soon as he passes through the entrance, Li Mu can feel the white light filling the whole space, which looks like a livable star.

"The construction of Ono city is very good, at least we can't get such technology for the time being."

The argument between Xiao Long and Yang Mu lasted only a moment, and then they began to look at the city with admiration.

The city of the sky, built by businessmen, is a famous city of freedom. Its living standard and education level are well-known in the world.

However, a country that has developed entirely on the financial and transportation industries will not have a huge impact on the industrial economy of various countries. However, the construction technology of this miraculous space city has always been a peep of all countries.

And the orbital defense system.

In a word, this is a legendary city, even a Utopia in the human world.

Yang Mu is also staring at the surrounding situation with wide eyes. The city itself has never entered. After all, in the past, because of his own identity, the city soldiers were not allowed to enter the city, and the previous generation only knew about it from various materials.

However, it is thanks to Ji Jin and his own ability that he was able to enter as a science and technology consultant. Ono business alliance obviously welcomed Yang Mu, an inventor of hybrid engine, to come here. Perhaps they have communicated with Aolai Kingdom, knowing that Yang Mu can still help them Those who have experienced this crisis attach great importance to Yang Mu's visit.

Not ten minutes after Yang Mu's ship entered it, there were guided floating cars on both sides to assist. The ship docked at a spiral ship, from which Yang Mu boarded the hovercraft sent by Ono business alliance.

Originally, Xiao Long also felt that Yang Mu's identity could not be placed in a transport vehicle of other countries, and insisted on using the ship's own floating airship to take him to the administrative office.

But Yang Mu also refused. After all, the ONO business alliance now has a partnership with itself. If there is no trust between friends, then how can we talk about public solutions?

Yang Mu finally took their spaceship to the executive hall.

When we arrived at the executive hall, there were many people waiting for Yang Mu's arrival.

Yang Mu came down from the hovercraft, and a dignified middle-aged woman came up.

On the other hand, Long Hui, the leader of Ono business alliance, is a strong middle-aged woman.

"General Yang, I'm glad you're here." Long Hui said with a smile to Yang Mu, and then he took Yang Mu into the meeting hall in front of him.

Ono business alliance has arranged a high-profile press conference here. This press conference is ostensibly to welcome Yang Mu's arrival, but it is actually accumulating strength for another thing.That is to say, the basic data of hybrid engine will be fully disclosed.

This was originally an event that would stimulate PAA to a great extent, but in this case, there will be another turning point.

The turning point is in Yang Mu.

Yang Mu walked into the meeting hall slowly. Suddenly, there was a lot of noise in the meeting place. Countless reporters stood up and looked at the young general. His face was more excited.

Today's news is really huge, because Yang Mu, a pioneer of hybrid power, came here at the peak of the storm and indicated that he came here in his personal capacity to check the development of hybrid engine technology.

And in this, did pajir make any action? Although Yang Mu stressed that it was coming in a private capacity, it was obvious that pajr would come forward to mediate this matter.

Reporters' loud inquiries have been heard around, but Yang Mu is sitting in his position under the guidance of the glass curtain wall, while Long Hui steps onto the platform and speaks to reporters in the whole hall.

"I'm very glad that you are here today. Let's welcome Mr. Yang Mu and thank him for his great contribution to the promotion of international science and technology."

Long Hui said with a smile. Many people started to clap, but some people heard the different things in this sentence, and immediately raised their hands.

But Long Hui didn't pay attention to it. Now it's not time for reporters to ask questions. Long Hui talked with a lot of words. First, he praised Yang Mu's achievements. Then, after a long speech, his words suddenly changed.

"As you all know, Ono business alliance has always attached great importance to the development of transportation industry technology because of its uniqueness. In recent years, hybrid engine technology has been developed under the guidance of us and pajr Research Institute, and has begun to enter the secondary research stage."

Long Hui suddenly said such a sentence, just like just rippling in the pond suddenly dropped a huge bomb, almost everyone's brain suddenly burst.

"Longxing administrator, do you mean that the hybrid engine technology of Ono business alliance was developed jointly with pajr?"

At this time, a reporter said loudly that the people present were immediately aware of the matter, and their eyes were full of light.

Long Hui made such a statement, almost that now Ono business alliance and pajr have been wearing a pair of pants.

Such a thing almost made the whole meeting room boil up.

In this way, the international dispute has become a game between the two powers.

It's going to be explosive news.

Even Xiao Long, who heard this sentence, almost stood up from his chair. Yang Mu next to him pressed him down and comforted him in his surprised eyes.

"Don't worry, it's something authorized. Besides, I'm still here."

"Pajr will never fight PAA at this juncture."

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