Mech Journey

Chapter 627

A big event suddenly happened in the galaxy.

In February, PAA suddenly issued a foreign affairs ultimatum to Ono business alliance, demanding that the other party surrender unconditionally, and accept the investigation team appointed by PAA to carry out a comprehensive search on its own star city.

The reason why PAA made such an ultimatum was that the ONO business alliance had stolen their state secrets, and this state secrets would cause great risks to their national security in the future.

It was like an illusory excuse. People with a clear eye could see at a glance that it was the PAA deliberately trying to find fault, but in the end, they put forward the evidence.

Xin Xing, President of PAA mecha Research Institute, personally produced a video that confirmed that the ONO business alliance had stolen a lot of design information about the new hybrid engine from their research room.

At the same time, Xinxing also released a video of the ONO business alliance building a hybrid engine in the laboratory.

Xin Xing said that the technology stolen by the other party is completely consistent with what is made in the video. This technology was originally to be installed in the PAA's large mecha regiment soon, but now it has been stolen by Ono, and it is likely that many researches have been carried out such as cracking.

As a result, all these constitute a national security threat, and PAA will directly use force after the ONO business alliance does not compromise.

For a time, this event almost covered all the hot events in the galaxy, and became the front page headlines of the major media, making a lot of noise.

Yang Mu is sitting in the military headquarters office, looking at the news rolling on the holographic screen, flipping through it for a moment, but it also gives him some headache.

Yang Mu has just integrated the domestic arrangement of insects, but after all, the problem of Zerg needs the efforts of all mankind.

Now is the time to prepare for cooperation with other countries, and I have just applied for diplomatic power with the Military Ministry and the administrative department.

But it is at this critical moment that international relations have suddenly changed.

This ultimatum made by PAA has left Yang Mu at a loss. What's more, he doesn't know what to do to make his plan go out smoothly.

Originally, Yang Mu wanted to start with big countries first, but now with regard to the theft of hybrid engine technology, it is obvious that there is no way for him to rebuild the cooperative relationship with PAA as soon as possible.

Who let himself be the inventor of this thing? At this time, no matter what his identity is, he will be guessed by many people. When something really happens, it will only make the situation more embarrassing.

Yang Mu can't make up his mind. He has a headache about this, but his personal communication device suddenly rings.

Yang Mu took it out and saw that it was Ji Jin.

Ji Jin and himself have not been in touch for a long time, suddenly made a phone call, or private communication, Yang Mu know things may be a bit unusual.

Connect the phone, the voice of Ji Jin at the other end also rang out.

"Long time no see, Yang Mu. Are you ok now?" At that end, Ji Jin's inquiry voice came, and Yang Mu also laughed, while Ji Jin over there immediately turned into the body.

"What? Do you have a headache about PAA? "

"How do you know?" Yang Mu was a little surprised at the moment. After all, his plan didn't tell anyone why Ji Jin was so sharp.

"I know you think it's incredible, but at the end of the day, it's about this thing."

Ji Jin explained, and then asked again, "do you think PAA really lost the drawing?"

Hearing this, Yang Mu suddenly frowned, but he also asked in an uncertain way.

"Do you mean that the theft of this drawing was made up by PAA?"

"Of course, the ONO business alliance is closely related to us. We still provide their hybrid engine technology."

Ji Jin said so, but Yang Mu suddenly understood what kind of straight body, quite a little interested in asking.

"So, this is the drawing that PAA wants to get the hybrid engine directly in this way? Would their officials be so stupid? "

"The stupid one is not official, it's the dean of mecha Research Institute."

"Are you saying that Xinxing, in order to get the technology of hybrid engine, is prepared to use this kind of slander and cheat PAA officials?"

Yang Mu was astonished. This was the first time that he knew such a thing. He thought there must be something strange in this matter, but he didn't expect such a thing.

If this is the thing that Na Xin Xing covets this hybrid engine, it is very intriguing to throw such a dirty means that he once used on others.

"What do you want to tell me about this?" Yang Mu's eyes turned for a moment and asked.

Ji Jin at the other end was calm and said slowly, "the ONO business alliance is a country that we have cooperated with for a long time. They have also collected a lot of information for us, so we don't want them to fall into a war situation because of this.""So you want to give this hybrid engine technology to the PAA?" Yang Mu was worried.

"Isn't that just what the other party meant?" Yang Mu followed with persuasion.

"Not necessarily." Ji Jin responded: "what do you think if we make this technology fully public, and we will bring a new threat to PAA?"

"The new threat? What are you going to do? " Yang Mu asked a little worried.

"Of course, they make themselves confused, so they don't have so much energy to do something about other countries."

Ji Jin said slowly, but Yang Mu denied it immediately.

"This can't be done. Don't you know that at this critical moment, the strength of any big country can not be ignored. After all, we have a common enemy."

"But do you think these superpowers will really be able to follow your orders just as the situation is? Can you really sit down and cooperate? "

"Of course not, but it will only make things worse and take a different path." Yang Mu said in a loud negative.

Ji Jin over there said to Yang Mu after a moment's silence.

"What if I had to do it?"

"Dare you

"Yang Mu! I'm not a reckless person. This is because PAA's eating habits are too ugly. Ono business alliance is too important for us. In recent years, relying on our authorized technology, they have done the most complete Galaxy detection for me. It is also their credit that we can capture the black hole of Zerg so quickly. "

"And the technology they have is not shackled, because it is a small country, we can clamp down, but you have to know, if those cutting-edge technologies are acquired by such a big country, it will be a devastating disaster."

"It is not a rumor that the world will shake the tree. Super top technology can transform a country, let alone a superpower."

"Can you imagine what PAA will do with so many top technologies?" Ji Jin said fiercely, with a strong murderous spirit in her tone.

"Human beings are originally a race coming out of the bloody world. It's very familiar to wield a knife to ourselves."

Ji Jin's bloody words made Li Muhu stunned. At this moment, listening to the other party's explanation, Yang Mu felt that he didn't know how to refute.

It is true that technology is a double-edged sword, and it is an unknown variable to whom it falls.

"So you want to stir up the wind and rain?" Yang Mu asked slowly.

"No, I don't want to. I just want this thing to calm down, and then we can work together to prepare for the Zerg war."

Ji Jin said these things with a deep voice, full of helplessness in anticipation.

At such a critical point, human beings still do not know how to fight, which makes Ji Jin feel a little weak and hopeless.

"That's why I'm calling you because you're going to be the best player in the game." Ji Jin suddenly added.

Yang Mu Leng for a moment: "Why say so?"

"Because you represent the cutting edge of technology and the new direction of governance."

Ji Jin said so with a melancholy sigh.

"Do me a favor, go to the ONO Business Alliance..."

A moment later, the phone hung up, Yang Mu sat in his seat, pondered for a long time, and finally pressed the call button.

When a staff officer came into the office, Yang Mu stood up and said slowly to him.

"Help me arrange my itinerary. I'm going to the ONO business alliance."

"By the way, this message can be released directly."

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