Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints

Chapter 254: Brother Ba is so lucky, super strong dagger

Chapter 254 Brother Ba is so lucky, super powerful dagger

  Regional channels:

Sun Gou-the lover of the old lady in the bar-LV.30: "Haha, it\'s cool to hang out with Brother Ba in the Bajia Army. I have been promoted to three levels in a row. I didn\'t see this BOSS (with a BOSS picture), he just got me and him." Brother Ba teamed up to overthrow it!"

  Zhang Jiawei-The Rhythmic Dancer LV.35: "Haha, Sun Gou, you **** loves to grab credit! It\'s obvious that our Bajia army overthrew the BOSS together!"

  Chu Qiangjun-Nightmare Commander LV.35: "I\'ll show you what the BOSS looks like, everyone should like my video. (Video attached.)


   The Bajiajun players showed off, and everyone wanted to say a few words on the regional channel.

   Even the players who are usually silent and only think about killing monsters and diving have spoken.

  Regional channels are hot.

  Zheng Feng-Official Warrior LV.30: "It\'s all my fault for my buddy who didn\'t succeed. If I join the Overlord Army, now I have the equipment and level, and I can overthrow the boss. I only hate the beginning!"

  Xu Jian-official soldier LV.30: "Does the Overlord Army need more people, I think my buddies and I can do it."

  Ju Aotian - Rank 4 LV.41: "Big guy, look at that BOSS, doesn\'t it look a bit like a magic cup, does anyone have a bold idea?"

  Mu Shengnan-Strength Fist LV.41: "Is there anyone else who has an idea about that thing? Not to mention that the BOSS\'s mouth is full of spikes, but your body, isn\'t it a toothpick poking a big vat?"

  Feng Yangbei-Yang Yanshi LV.41: "I\'ll sign up, if I meet that boss, I\'ll..."

  Chen Ping-The Strategist LV.41: "Hehe, you guys are terrifying!"


  The regional chat was normal at the beginning, but there were always people going wrong.

   Chatting and chatting began to compete for courage, these old men have been in the maze world for a long time, can they have ideas?

  The video from the regional channel quickly spread to the world channel:

   "Fuck, such a big BOSS, I really can\'t imagine how the Ba family killed them, teach one hand to teach the other, Brother Ba is awesome!"

"I remember that this kind of monster is called the leader of the carrion monster. It is a super boss of LV.45. The team of supernatural beings in our area encountered it. 8 of the 13 supernatural beings died. The Bajiajun player said that one of them Not dead, zero casualties, I can only say "Brother Ba, forever drop God" and it\'s over!"

   "Upstairs, it\'s useless to say forever? My bad brother is a BUG. When have you ever seen him sluggish?"

   "Hmph, Zhao Ba will be crazy for a few days, and our boat of mutual aid will surely kill him in the 102491 area!"

   "Don\'t think that if Wu Weitu is defeated, there is nothing we can do. Our boat of mutual aid is stronger than you think?"

   "How powerful are you upstairs? How many meals are enough for the boss? One meal or two?"


  The information on the world channel is very messy. Everyone knows Zhao Bameng, so there are special settings.

   Unless there is information about Zhao Ba on World Channel, I won’t watch it.

   Zhao Ba is almost the belief of some players in the labyrinth world. As long as Zhao Ba is still active, they will have the courage to continue fighting.

   Perhaps one day, Zhao Ba will not only command the 102491 area, but the entire Blue Star Region.

   This time, the boat of solidarity made a very intense speech on the regional channel, and was out of breath.

   Because Liu Shengdongquan, the leader of the mutual aid boat in Dragon City, was cut off by Wu Weitu a large piece of flesh, he felt pain.

  Seeing Zhao Ba\'s vigor again, he became angry and ordered his propaganda department to criticize Zhao Ba fiercely.

   "Hmph, people from other areas will reach 102491 soon, Zhao Ba, you won\'t be crazy for a few days!"

   Yagyu Tosen said.

  He must not let Zhao Ba grow up. According to the analysis of the intelligence department, Zhao Ba must have high-level abilities, and he only awakened in the labyrinth world.

   In the future, when Zhao Ba grows up, he will definitely become the leader of all the people in Huaxia, and become the main force fighting for the Dragon City.

   Moreover, Zhao Ba is forming his own Bajia Army. As time goes by, the Bajia Army will become a very powerful force.

   This is something Yagyu Tosen cannot tolerate.

  He suddenly received another piece of information, and cursed again: "Sandao Yixueliu, don\'t think that you are amazing after awakening your abilities. I want you to die, you must die!"


  After Zhao Ba and the others rested, the exciting moment came.

   "Brother Ba, should we first pray to the day for blessings at this time, so that we can get more good things!"

  Zhang Jiawei said with starlight in her eyes.

  She looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, fisted her hands and began to pray.

  Wu Mingsheng smiled and said: "You should worship the Lord God, the Lord God bless you!"

  While talking, he took out a wooden carving with the word Lord God engraved on it, put it on the ground, and stepped on the wooden carving a few times.

   "Hehe, you two are praying to God and Buddha." Zhao Ba laughed and said, "Don\'t do that, disassemble the boss!"

   With a wave of his hand, the huge boss corpse in front of him disappeared.

  【Game Tip: Your team gets Corruption Thorn (Legendary Quality)*2】

  【Game Tip: Your team gets Spiked Armor (Legendary Quality)*1】

  【Game Tip: Your team gets Stinger Arrow (Legendary Quality)*20】

  【Game Tip: Your team gets Corrupted Gall (Legendary Quality)*1】

  【Game tip: Your team gets good meat from the leader of the scavengers (legendary quality)*156】

  【Game Tip: You get a box that is almost corroded (quest item)*1】

  【Game Tip: Your team gets...】


   A series of game prompts appeared, and the BOSS exploded!


   "Worship what god!"

   "From now on, my **** will be Brother Ba!"

   "Forever God!"

   "Look at the attributes of things!"

   The players cheered. They had never seen so many legendary items, and their eyes were already blinded by the word "legendary".

   This is like the excitement of a poor boy who suddenly finds a lot of money at home.

   "Brother Ba is lucky, let me touch it!" Wu Mingsheng leaned towards Zhao Ba, but he missed it.

   "Hehe, don\'t even think about it!" Zhao Ba said.

   Then he and everyone checked the attributes of the dropped equipment.

  【Name: Thorn of Corrosion】

  【Quality: Legendary】

  【Normal effect: Greatly increase your armor-piercing attribute and weak point damage. 】

  【Special Effect-Strong Poison: When your attack falls on the enemy, it can make the enemy enter a strong poisoning state, and the enemy\'s attack speed will be reduced by 25%. 】

  【Special Effect - Tetanus: When the severe poison effect is superimposed to 8 layers, this special effect can be triggered, causing magic damage equal to 8% of the maximum health of the enemy. 】

   (Note: The effect of this effect on BOSS and elite monsters is only 4%, and the number of superimposed layers triggered will increase.)

  【Special effect - backstab blade: When you have two thorns of corrosion, you can increase your damage by 50% when attacking the enemy from behind. 】

  【Note: Because you have the pride of the gods, the hidden special effect-the cruelty of double thorns is automatically activated. 】

  【Hidden Special Effect - Cruelty of Double Thorns: Consume 30 energy stones and 15 dark magic cores to increase your next attack\'s armor penetration by 100% and apply 6 layers of poisoning to the enemy. Cooldown time 2 minutes. 】

  【Introduction: "If there is poison on the dagger, don\'t lick it with your mouth, you will die!" From a certain centaur. 】

   This dagger is very good. It can superimpose the poison effect and torture the enemy to death.

  If the assassin encounters those cumbersome characters when they are alone, and the opponent does not have displacement skills, then they can rely on this pair of daggers to slowly consume the enemy to death.

   Hit it once, the poisoning effect will be added, and then it will retreat, and so on.

   And once the poisoning effect is superimposed, it can also cause damage equal to the percentage of the maximum health value, so you are really not afraid of the opponent\'s flesh.

  Unfortunately, the effect of this superposition is only magic damage, not real damage. This is also a kind of balance. After all, the other attributes of this pair of daggers are also against the sky.

   It can also cause an additional 50% damage behind the enemy, with the invisibility effect, the **** skill of Yinren.

  If the hidden effects can be activated, the backstab damage will be very exaggerated.

  The most suitable player for this dagger is Muying.

  Mu Ying looked at the store where the team contributed points, and murmured in her mouth: "It\'s only enough to buy one, what should I do?"

  Her contribution points are not enough.

  The current contribution list is as follows:


  Prince crown 6588 points

  Wu Mingsheng 5437 points

   Zhao Ba 5419 points

  Chu Qiangjun 5342 points

  Wei Beihuang 4591 points

  Muying 4208 points

  Zhang Jiawei 4130 points


   It takes 8000 points to buy two legendary daggers, and 4000 points to buy one.

  (end of this chapter)