Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints

Chapter 253: The giant stone shield in front, the regional channel is crying

Chapter 253 The giant stone shield in front, the regional channel is crying


"What should I do?"

   "I can\'t hide anymore!"

  Zhang Jiawei panicked, her mind suddenly went blank.

  BOSS\'s large-scale AOE skills are too powerful. If she completes the job change and has follow-up skills, she can still have a chance to survive. Now she has no chance.

  She could only open Weiwei\'s red lips, wanting to say something.

  It is more than one meter long, and the sharp spikes as thick as a fist will penetrate her body.

   "Did you just die?"

   she thought at last.

   "Boom boom boom..."

  Suddenly there was a loud crash.

   "What are you doing standing there stupidly, come behind me!"

   Zhao Ba shouted.

   "Ah!" Zhang Jiawei narrowly escaped death, and when she recovered, she saw Zhao Ba set up a huge shield in front of her.

  The deadly spikes were blocked by the shield, and none of them could hurt her.

   "Brother Ba, I love you!"

   Zhang Jiawei said, taking a step forward.

  【Game Tips: If you use the special effect - Stone Shield, the Stone Shield will become bigger and heavier, which can greatly increase the defense area and help your teammates resist the coming damage. 】

  Zhao Ba holds the shield with both hands, and his movement speed has slowed down.

   Soon the BOSS will stop spinning, and the second phase of the big move is over!

   "He\'s turned into a plucking chicken!"

   Zhao Ba said.

  The leader of the scavenging beast used all the spikes on his body as an attack method, leaving the body without protection, leaving only pores.


   Zhao Ba said.

  The leader of the scavenging beast used the attack method of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injury eight hundred.

  In normal times, the effect of this trick will be very good, even if some players rush up with a shield, they will be killed by the broken shield.

  Through the effect of its huge attack range, it will kill most of the players in the back row in seconds, and the remaining players who are not dead are just stragglers, not a good deal.

   Even if it loses most of its defense and part of its attack from spikes, it can kill the remaining enemies.

   Once the battle is won, the leader of the scavengers can grow spikes again.

  It\'s a pity that it met Zhao Ba, a player with amazing strength and a strong shield damage reduction ability, so he had to fall.

   "If you dare to hurt Weiwei, I can cut you as much as you want!"

   Zhao Ba rushed forward.

  Zhang Jiawei blushed, holding a scimitar in both hands without mercy.

  【Game Tip: When your team kills a large scavenger, you get 100% extra experience. 】

  【Game Tip: Your team dismantled the large scavengers! 】

  【Game tip: Your team gets the scavenger thorn (rare quality)*2】

  【Game Tips: Your team gets scavenger armor (rare quality)*5】

  【Game Tip: Your team gets Corrupted Wand (rare quality)*1】

  【Game Tip: Your team gets...】


  Chu Qiangjun has led the team to kill all the elite large scavengers and decompose their bodies.

   "Everyone, follow me to help Bajia fight the boss!"

  Chu Qiangjun said loudly.

   There have been a lot of gains, 8 pieces of rare equipment and countless rare materials have arrived.

  As long as the battle is officially over, players can purchase those equipment and materials.


   "I want to shoot that BOSS into a hedgehog!"

   "Look at mine, armor-piercing arrow!"

  Wu Mingsheng raised the Giant Killer, and the red light that burst from the head fell on the leader of the scavenging beast, burning a **** hole in its skin, and reducing the leader\'s defense by 17% with one blow.

   "Since everyone is coming together, let\'s be more violent!"

  A black light shot out from Zhao Ba\'s body, and landed on the skin of the scavengers!


   The scavenging beast instantly let out a scream that could only be heard if someone kicked its "ball". Even though it may not have a "ball", this can also reflect the power of the dissociation technique.

   Its entire skin was corroded, exposing the red flesh tissue inside.

   The disintegration technique didn\'t kill it in seconds, but it reduced its defense by almost 58%, plus the 17% reduction in defense from the explosive arrow, this guy only had 25% of defense left.

  It took off the spikes on its body, and its defense power was reduced, but it still had a layer of underpants.

   Zhao Ba took off his underpants, so he could only run naked!

  The Overlord Army players can attack vigorously, those who can slash forward, those who can shoot arrows, and even the support can stubbornly use the offensive miracles that do not have high damage to deal damage.

   Within ten seconds, the life value of the leader of the scavengers was only 6%!

  It let out a scream, and then shrank its body, preparing to enter the ground.

  【Game Tips: The leader of the BOSS scavengers has entered the third stage. He will enter the ground, recover blood quickly, and grow spikes again. 】

   "Everyone stop, let me kill the boss!" Zhao Ba saw the game prompt and said loudly: "Do you still want to run?"

   "Wolf Sword Art - Shadow of the Lone Wolf!"

   "Eye of Terror!"

  The red light hit the leader of the scavenger beast in the distance, and it stood still, and then a black jackal rushed to it, and then controlled it.

  【Game tip: You use the effect of rewarding fear, the level of the eye of fear effect is increased to LV.45, and the leader of the scavengers enters a state of fear for 3 seconds! 】

  【Game Tip: Your skill Lone Wolf Shadow hits the leader of the scavengers, putting him in a bound state for 2.7 seconds! 】

  The superimposed control effect of the two is as long as 5.7 seconds, which is enough for Zhao Ba to do many things.

   "Soul Guided Arrow!"

   "Crystal Soul Gun!"

   "Spiritual Leap!"

   "Crystalline soul strangulation!

  Bajiajun players stopped and watched Zhao Ba perform.

   Zhao Ba\'s side appeared like an eight-armed Ming king with eight long arrows.

  As his soul strength increases, the soul arrow will become longer and thicker, and its damage will increase.

   This is the same for Crystallized Soul Lance and Crystallized Soul Strand.

  The soul-guided arrows all pierced into the body of the leader of the scavengers, reducing his blood volume to only 1%.

  The crystallized soul gun pierces the body of the boss again, there is no need to wait until Zhao Ba rushes to the boss and uses the crystallized soul to strangle the boss, the boss is dead!

  【Game Tip: You used the crystallized soul gun to kill the leader of the scavengers! 】

  【Game tip: Your soul energy has been boosted! 】

  【Game Tip: You have gained 1 point of fame through the effect of the title "Victor of Deathmatch" - the winner is king! 】

  It feels so good to have the pure white soul energy falling into Zhao Ba\'s body.

   It\'s a feeling of ecstasy again!

   What\'s more, he gained a bit of popularity. Thanks to his carefulness, he changed his title when he was about to kill the boss, otherwise he wouldn\'t have this bit of popularity!

   At the moment he killed the BOSS, the player who had just leveled up in killing the elite monsters and large scavengers leveled up again, and not only rose to the first level, but several white lights of the leveled up appeared in succession.

   "Upgrade 3 levels in a row, so much experience!"

   Zhang Jiawei said in surprise.

  Because she accompanied Zhao Ba to fight the boss, she caused a lot of damage, so when distributing experience, she deserved so much.

  Other players upgrade because their level is too low, as long as they do a little damage to the boss, the experience gained is enough for them to upgrade.

   After all, it is the boss of LV.45, which is much higher than their level.

   "Hahaha, my level has reached LV.37, that\'s awesome!" Wang Ziguan laughed.

  Following the team to level up is much faster than the original group of several people.

  Many players are the same, their faces are full of joy. After the strength is improved, the threat of death will be reduced, and the pressure of survival will be reduced.

   Joining Bajia Army is really an extremely correct choice!

   "Brother Ba, hurry up and disassemble the BOSS, let the game system settle the rewards!"

  Zhang Jiawei rubbed her hands and said, "I\'m really excited to see what kind of equipment this boss will drop!"

  Everyone gathered around the leader of the scavengers, some posted videos, some took photos together. After the system update, these functions are very popular with players.

  So Zhao Ba didn\'t decompose the corpse prematurely.

   "Hahaha, look at my handsome eyebrows, other players in the regional channel must think I\'m so handsome!"

  Wu Mingsheng tidied up his appearance, then took a beautiful pose, and used the camera function of the game to take a photo to commemorate.

  He, like other players, sent it to the regional channel to show off, letting everyone know the strength of the Overlord Army.

  The battle is over, you can play as you want, but during the battle, at the request of Zhao Ba, everyone must turn off the video recording and camera functions.

   One is to prevent players from being distracted, and the other is that Zhao Ba is afraid of information leakage.

  His skills are very powerful, one less exposure is one, otherwise the enemy will find out a way to deal with him.

  The players on the regional channel saw the news that the Bajia army had defeated the LV.45 boss, and everyone had been promoted to several levels. They couldn\'t help being envious and crazy.

  PS: Book Friends Group QQ: 951430026, everyone is welcome to join the group to discuss the plot!

  (end of this chapter)