May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 855 - Chapter 855 Love Habits 15

Chapter 855: Chapter 855 Love Habits 15

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng was so angry that she wanted to strangle Gong Mochen. She did not waste any time in the villa and drove to Gong Mochen's company. Now that she could not find Gong Mochen, she could only go to Nangong Mochen's place to see what Nangong Mochen had discovered.

She parked the car in the underground parking lot with ease. There was an elevator that went straight to the president's office. However, for the sake of concealment, the elevator was rarely used. Unless it was an emergency, Nangong Mochen and Gong mochen would not use this elevator.

However, she had to use it today. Otherwise, how would she know what Nangong Mochen was doing?

She pressed the button on the elevator and went straight to the office on the top floor. As the elevator door opened, she was stunned to see man man squatting in front of the safe!

"Man man! What are you doing? " She walked out of the elevator in a few steps.

Man Man was obviously a little scared. She did not expect that a perfectly good wall was actually an elevator!

"I'm packing. " She pressed her hand on the door of the safe and quietly closed the door!

"You need to pack your things into the safe? " Qin Sheng asked.

"I'M CLEANING THE SAFE! There's dust here. " Man Man was wiping the safe with a handkerchief as if she was cleaning it just now.

"Hehe, tell me the truth. What do you want to do by his side? " Qin Sheng asked.

"I want to find a job! Don't you know that? " Man Man stood up and looked at Qin Sheng. There was nothing in her hand except for the handkerchief.

Qin Sheng glanced at man man's hand and found nothing unusual. Maybe she hadn't stolen anything or found the thing she wanted to steal.

Otherwise, with her speed, man man would not have a place to hide anything.

"Do you think I'm stupid? From now on, get out of the Gong group! " She ordered.

Ever since Mu Xue helped her monitor man man's Wechat, she felt that man man was not right. Man Man often sent messages to the person with Nan Shu's profile picture, but they were only symbols. There was not a single word. Last time, Mu Xue detected that they had sent a picture Then, they withdrew again. But the next day, man man appeared at the location of the picture.

No matter how stupid she was, she knew that man man and that person were not simple. And that person was very likely Zhuo Nan!

Man Man's reason for staying by Nangong Mochen's side was obvious. Man Man was helping Zhuo Nan find the thing they were looking for by Nangong MOCHEN's side!

As for what it was, she did not know. But no matter what it was, she would not let man man stay!

"I'll get out of here? Are you sure you can get me out of here? To tell you the truth, Gong Mochen is already mine! He won't be willing to let me go! " Man Man raised her Chin and said arrogantly.

"He's yours? I don't believe it! " Qin Sheng said.

Even if Nangong Mochen wasn't Gong Mochen, Nangong Mochen had been chasing her all this time. She didn't believe that Nangong Mochen would have the guts to betray her and find another woman!

"If you don't believe it, then try! You Hide in the lounge and see how he treats me! He'll be back soon from the meeting! " Man Man said.

"okay, I'll see how he treats you! " Qin Sheng said as she walked into the lounge and waited to see man man's good show!

A moment later, the sound of man man's footsteps could be heard. Nangong Mochen walked into the office.

Man Man greeted the man, "President Gong, thank you for your hard work. "

She raised her head and looked at the man in a daze.

Nangong Mochen looked at the woman in front of him, "why are you so flirtatious today? "

Man Man, "I'm the same every day. Don't you know my heart? "

Nangong Mochen pushed the woman in his arms away, "forget about your heart. I don't need it! "

As he spoke, he walked to his boss's desk and sat in his chair. He turned on his computer and was about to read some documents.

Man Man walked over, "President Gong, why are you so cold to me today? I know you don't need my heart, but don't you need my people too? "

Nangong Mochen said, "get lost! Don't blame ME FOR BEING RUDE! "

He said coldly.

Man Man said, "Qin Sheng doesn't want you, so are you going to wait for her? "

Nangong mochen frowned. It had to be said that this woman understood a man's mentality too well. "Are you willing to be a mistress? "

"I'm willing to stay by your side unconditionally! " Man Man said in a low voice.

The door to the lounge suddenly opened.

Qin Sheng walked out in a loud voice. "President Gong, you're in such a good mood. Did you keep my cousin so that she could be a mistress? "

Nangong Mochen had no idea that Qin Sheng was in his office. He widened his eyes in shock, "why are you here? "

"If I'm not here, how would I know what you did behind my back? " Qin Sheng roared angrily!

Nangong Mochen stood up and pushed the woman on him to the ground, "baby, don't misunderstand, I didn't do anything! You saw it too, I really didn't do anything! "

"You still want to lie to me? Let's get a divorce! " Qin Sheng said fiercely and strode out of the room.

"Qin Sheng, listen to my explanation. Even if you're not here, I won't DO ANYTHING TO HER! Really, my dear, you have to believe me! " Nangong mochen quickly chased after her.

Man Man had thrown manman on the ground. The cold marble floor had knocked her so hard that she couldn't stand up. Her hands were still clenched tightly. Seeing man man man and Qin Sheng run out, she got up from the ground and walked out of the room quickly.

"Stop! " Man Man's voice sounded behind Manman.

Cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Her hands were even tighter. She wouldn't be discovered, right?

She slowly turned around. "Nie Feng, What did you call me for? "

Nie Feng walked forward. "President has instructed that you intentionally caused him and Madam to quarrel. You should come with me now! "

"President Gong, what do you want to do to me? I JUST ADORE HIM! " Man Man hurriedly said as her heart raced. Nangong Mochen wouldn't let her die, right?