May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 312 - Chapter 312, contract 27

Chapter 312: Chapter 312, contract 27

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

There was a dolls house in the room, and in the dolls house were her little Aoi and little Pearl's cages.

"Uncle, did you help me raise them? Is this really them?" Her eyes were fixed on little Aoi, and she raised her hand to open the cage.

"Does your stomach still hurt? You're still not well-behaved when you're sick." Gong Mochen ignored the little woman's question.

"It stopped hurting this morning. Did you and Yu Fan really spend a whole night discussing the contract?" Qin Sheng turned her head to look at the man.

"What else would we do? What else do you think Yu Fan and I did?" Gong Mochen's teeth bit the girl's ear lightly.

Of course, he couldn't tell her the other reason he'd been there. Other than the fact that he spent the whole night with Yu Fan to settle the matter of the model, he also made everyone think that he wanted to make Qin Sheng look like a victim. Only then would Ta Luosi not be able to find a chance to get close to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng replied, "How would I know? What did you two do? Yu Fan is pretty and two years younger than you."

Gong Mochen chuckled and said, "That might be true, but, she doesn't look like the person I like."

Qin Sheng raised little Aoi in front of him and asked, "Tell me, which one is the original one?"

There wasn't just one little Aoi here, but several little Aoi. They were almost identical hamsters, and she couldn't tell them apart.

"None of them are. Hamsters only live for two to three years. Before little Aoi died, I found Kato for him and let her give birth to a bunch of little Aoi. I've been waiting for you to come back and see them," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng frowned.

"My poor little Aoi... I wish I could've said bye to him," she said.

"Don't be sad..." said Gong Mochen moving closer to the girl.

Qin Sheng pushed the man's away and put Little Aoi in his palm. "Kato and Aoi were clearly a good match. Take your time! I'm going to take a nap."

She turned around and dived onto her big bed to take a nap.

Gong Mochen frowned and put Little Aoi back into the cage. He glared at Aoi, turned around, and then went to get into bed with Qin Sheng.

He hesitated before he climbed onto the bed and walked out of the room. The little woman was just right, so he couldn't disturb her.

Little Aoi blinked innocently and watched the man as he left. She looked at the melon seeds on the floor gloomily. The man dropped her melon seeds!


Qin Sheng woke up after an hour of napping. Her recent sleepiness was really annoying. In the past, she didn't like napping, but now she wanted to sleep every day at noon.

She went to the bathroom to wash up, and was depressed to find that her cycle hadn't started yet...

She felt dizzy. She always struggled to remember the exact day it was due to start. In the end, she shrugged it off, and freshened herself up.

When she went downstairs, Ye Wei walked past her. She chased after her in a few steps.

"Ye Wei!" she called out to the woman.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wei asked, her hands nervously intertwined with each other.

"Let me ask you, when did my aunt's leg recover?" Qin Sheng asked.

Ye Wei's face went pale. "I... I'm not sure..."

"You don't know? You've been my aunt's personal doctor for four years, how can you not know when her leg recovered? The last time she fainted in court, it was you who was by her side!" Qin Sheng said angrily.

Even if she knew that Gong Mochen had nothing to do with Ye Wei, she still wasn't sure about this woman. Moreover, this woman had been by Qin Zixian's side for years, and she didn't believe that Ye Wei didn't know anything!

"Last time, I was by her side, and she did faint... I can prove it as the hospital has her test report." Ye Wei didn't dare to look into Qin Sheng's eyes.

"What can the test report say? Did you just give Qin Zixian some medicine? Originally, you were helping Uncle to detoxify himself. Now it seems that you are under Qin Zixian's finger. Birds of a feather flock together!" Qin Sheng said coldly.

The corners of Ye Wei's lips twitched. "What right do you have to say that about me? I've never hurt you."

She had given Qin Zixian medicine, but she only wanted to stay by Gong Mochen's side silently. She had no other thoughts. How could she be the same as Qin Zixian?

"Ye Wei, I don't care what you're up to. But you'd better be clear about it. I won't let anyone bully me! That includes you!" Qin Sheng said with a rarely seen ruthlessness.

Seeing Ye Wei's affectionate expression towards Gong Mochen, she was in a bad mood!

Ye Wei wanted Gong Mochen. It was clear that she wanted to be with him. Did she really think Qin Sheng was blind?

'I'm sorry, but I'm not blind or deaf. No one can lie to me!' Qin Sheng thought to herself.

She left the villa after saying those harsh words. There was still Chu Xia's fashion show meeting to attend this afternoon.

Ye Wei walked out arrogantly and almost tore the handkerchief in her hand.

"I've told you before, even if you don't help me hurt her, Qin Sheng won't be grateful to you. She still hates you! Do you know why? Because you like her man!" said Qin Zixian, walking over slowly while raising her chin.

Ye Wei bit her lips. "I don't want to steal CEO Gong. I know I'm not worthy. I just want to stay by his side."

Qin Zixian laughed out loud, as if she had heard the funniest joke. "Do you think that a woman can allow other women to like her man? Whether you steal him or not, you'd still be a mistress!

"Love is selfish. Either you defeat your love rival, or you'll be defeated by your love rival. There's no room for a third person on the road of love!"

"At least I won't hurt anyone!" Ye Wei turned around and left.

"You think you're a good person if you don't hurt anyone? If you have the ability, don't think about other people's men! You think about other people's men, yet you want others to say that you're a saint and a good person?

"Ye Wei, at least I'm not as hypocritical as you. I'll take what I want with my own hands!" Qin Zixian said sternly.

Ye Wei looked at Qin Zixian in a daze. "What do you want to do now?"

"Naturally, I'll do what I need to do and seize the title of Mrs. Gong. If you're willing to help me, I'll let you be Gong Mochen's woman. How about it?"