May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 689 - Chapter 689 real and fake Hubby 29

Chapter 689: Chapter 689 real and fake Hubby 29

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"I know Lian Lian is in danger, but I'm afraid that Yinyin won't accept Lian Lian and me going back, " Qin Sheng said.

"I've already told Yinyin that we've broken up. Don't worry, she's at the hospital and won't be able to disturb us, " Li Ang explained.

Yesterday, he had already told Yinyin clearly at the hospital. He was no longer blinded by Yinyin's tears. No matter how much a woman cried, he had to force himself to tell her that they had broken up!

He had given her a sum of alimony and a villa as repayment for saving him back then.

Qin Sheng nodded. "That's good. Lian Lian and I will go back to your house. "

If Yin Yin was not around, everything that she was worried about would be fine.

"Then let's go quickly! I will deal with the two of them! " Qin Ze urged Li Ang to take Qin Sheng away quickly.

Li Ang and Qin Sheng did not go through the front door. Instead, they went through the small door in the backyard. He drove the car and led Qin Sheng straight to his villa.

Gong Mochen's phone rang with a notification. He faked a move and took a few steps back. This notification was specially set by him. Only messages sent by his underlings who were secretly protecting Qin Sheng would have such a notification.

He took out his phone and took a look. He saw the message from his underlings. His underlings informed him that Qin Sheng and Lian Lian had been picked up by Li Ang through the back door.

Nangong mochen looked at Gong Mochen. "Why? Did the commander urge you to get on the plane? Why aren't you leaving? Be careful not to violate military discipline. You'RE GOING TO BE ARRESTED TOO! "

He said proudly. He didn't believe that Gong Mochen would dare to Dawdle and not leave.

Gong Mochen curled the corners of his lips. "I'm leaving. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! "

He said this and got into his car. He drove back to the army and took a military plane to the United Nations court.

It was too good for Li Ang to pick up Qin Sheng. He could leave with peace of mind because Li Ang would never let him or Nangong Mochen get close to Qin Sheng.

Regarding Li Ang and Nangong Mochen's abilities, he felt that Li Ang could still protect Qin Sheng. Moreover, he would not let Nangong Mochen live so freely in country H. he would make him so busy that he would forget who he was!

His lips curled into a mocking smile. Nangong Mochen wanted to fight with him? ! !

Nangong Mochen did not know what his brother did. He was a little surprised that Gong Mochen left so easily.

He walked straight to the Qin family's door and went in to look for Qin Sheng.

"Foster Father, I'm here to look for Qin Sheng! " He continued to use Gong Mochen's identity.

Qin Ze blinked his old eyes. "Qin Sheng, she just left. "

"Left? How did she leave? ''NangonggMochenn asked.

"She drove away? Doesn't my Qin family have a car? " Qin Ze said.

"No, I mean, where did she go? " Nangong Mochen changed his question.

"She went back to the Yun family. She said she missed her grandfather, so she took her daughter back. " Qin Ze's eyes flashed with pride. Let's see if he doesn't give Yun Duan some trouble!

Thinking of this man chasing Qin Sheng to the Yun family, Yun Duan couldn't hand Qin Sheng over, and he ruined the Yun family, his mood had never been so good!

"She went back to the Yun family? " Nangong mochen muttered. Qin Sheng really didn't care about the affairs of h nation and took her child back to the Yun Family?

"Yes, if you don't believe me, you can search my villa and see if there's Qin Sheng here! " Yun Duan said loudly.

Since she left, he wasn't afraid of searching!

Nangong Mochen pursed his lips into a straight line. Naturally, he wouldn't waste his efforts searching for her. Qin Ze's words must be true!

"I understand. I'll take my leave then. By the way, has foster father received any news from Zixian over the past few days? " He thought of this.

Qin Zixian had yet to be caught. This woman made him want to kill her. The deeper she hid, the more she wanted to do something with the recording in the eavesdropping device!

Otherwise, she would not have to hide herself so deeply!

"Zixian has never contacted me since she left my Qin family. It's not that you don't know, right? I don't recognize this daughter anymore, " Qin Ze said.

"I know. But recently, I heard that Zixian disappeared from the human world. I thought she would contact you. After all, she's my sister who grew up with me. I don't want her to die an untimely death, " Nangong Mochen said.

"Hehe, if she dies an untimely death, it's her own fault. If there's nothing else, I'll take a break, " Qin ze ordered.

Nangong Mochen had no choice but to leave. "Godfather, rest early. I'll leave first. I'll come and see you another day. "

It seemed that Qin Ze really didn't want to recognize Qin Zixian anymore. But where would Qin Zixian hide?

His eyebrows sank, as if she had really gone into a hole in the ground!

Qin Ze looked at the man who walked out of the Qin family's gate. His hands were clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands jumped up and formed a vein-covered ditch.

A bodyguard walked in. "Master, President Gong has indeed left. Our people saw his car drive out of the villa complex! "

Qin Ze nodded. "got it. Continue to monitor the entire villa complex. Once these people enter the villa complex, inform me. "

As he ordered, his old eyes shot out a sharp gaze.

"Yes! " The bodyguard retreated.

Qin Ze strode out of the living room and headed straight for the small building in the backyard. The place where his eldest son had lived in the past, and later because of the fire, the small building was now in ruins.

His figure swayed in the small building and walked into a room on the first floor. He pressed a wall lamp on the wall of the room and a wall was opened, revealing the entrance of a staircase.

He walked down the stairs and the wall behind him returned to its original state.

The dim light reflected the stairs and Qin Ze's figure. It was too quiet, and the sound of his footsteps was magnified infinitely.

"Dad, is that you? " A woman's voice came from inside.

She was trembling in fear, as if she was on the verge of death.

"It's me! " Qin Ze said.

"Why didn't you say anything when you came in? Didn't I tell you to call me when you came in? Are you trying to scare me to death? " Qin Zixian changed her tone and said unhappily.

Qin Ze walked down the last step. It was a spacious basement with beds and applications.

"No one knows about this except me. What are you afraid of? "

"Who knows if Gong Mochen will find this place? Fortunately, dad secretly fixed this basement. Otherwise, I WOULD BE DEAD FOR SURE! " Qin Zixian sat comfortably on the Sofa and watched the movie on the projector.

"Of course. He is too inexperienced to fight with me! I used him when I brought him home. I wanted to use him to deal with the Yun family, so that he and the Yun family would both suffer heavy losses, " Qin Ze said.

"In the end, he isn't like the Yun family now. He returned and gave all your assets to Qin Sheng. Haha, Dad, you have schemed all your life, but you still lost everything! " Qin Zixian said bluntly.

"I have no objection to giving the assets to Qin Sheng. She's my granddaughter, and she merged the Gong Group, the Qin Group, and the Yun Group. In other words, these companies belong to the Qin family! " Qin Ze sneered.

"Don't forget, Yun Duan and Gong Mochen are still alive. These aren't yours yet! " Qin Zixian said.

"Just because they're alive now doesn't mean they'll still be alive in the future, " Qin Ze said.