May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 245 - Chapter 245. She was back. Love was no longer 35

Chapter 245: Chapter 245. She was back. Love was no longer 35

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng stepped forward to welcome her. "Miss Yanzi, you're worrying too much. I believe that no one will remember to write about it. After all, the news of Gong Mochen's incompetence spread only yesterday. It can't be that he has suddenly recovered, right?

"Or, could it be that Miss Yanzi's medicinal effects are comparable to Yei Wei's and can treat impotence?"

She spoke in a loud voice, not showing any mercy to Yanzi at all...

Yanzi's face instantly went red. Had she become a freaking medicine to treat impotence?

She had always walked the path of a pure and innocent girl. If such words were to get out, it would simply ruin her image!

"Boss Yun, what are you saying? I don't understand. Anyway, President Gong and I are innocent! Nothing happened between us!"

"Don't worry, I know he's a useless man. Even if you sat on him, he wouldn't react! Who would be so bored as to misunderstand you guys?" Qin Sheng said.

She hated Yanzi's fake face and expressions. She was obviously deliberately causing people to misunderstand, yet she pretended to be innocent!

Yanzi's face instantly tensed. Not only did she not misunderstand, Qin Sheng even implied that she'd sat on Gong Mochen, but Gong Mochen didn't react. Wasn't that hinting that she was trying to seduce Gong Mochen?

However, Qin Sheng's words weren't an accusation or abuse. It was just a hypothesis. She didn't even have an excuse to fall out with Qin Sheng.

"That's good. After all, I haven't had a boyfriend before. I don't want to affect my reputation!" Yanzi quickly said. She made sure to mention that she had never had a boyfriend before to prove her innocence.

Qin Sheng found it funny. It was one thing to lie to outsiders about these things, but Yanzi didn't have a boyfriend?

Well, maybe she really didn't, because she only had a bed partner!

She didn't say that out loud though. She couldn't destroy the star she wanted to use in her film. Those words just now were to teach her a lesson!

"Please come to my office. We'll talk in detail."

"I don't think there's a need to go to your office. I'm in a hurry. The celebration party is ready. Let's sign the contract here! This way, everyone can leave quickly!" Yanzi said loudly.

Qin Sheng lips curved up. "There's going to be a celebration here, but this celebration party isn't for you. As for whether you sign the contract or not, it depends on whether you're suitable for my script. Le Le, give the script to Miss Yanzi."

Following Qin Sheng's instructions, Le Le gave the script to Yanzi.

"After you read the script, come back to my company to have an audition. If you meet my requirements, I'll sign the contract with you!" Qin Sheng continued.

An audition... Following Qin Sheng's words, everyone's eyes widened.

Yanzi was an a-list celebrity. She only selected scripts that she liked, and no one ever rejected her and she never had to audition if she was given a script. And Yun media actually wanted her to audition!

"F*ck! Boss Yun, you don't know how to appreciate favors, do you? Our Yanzi accepted your movie on account of President Gong, yet you still want her to audition?" Wang Qing roared angrily.

Qin Sheng smirked. "Since you're such a big-name celebrity, you shouldn't be afraid of auditions, right? Yun Media wants to create a world-class blockbuster. All the cast must be the strongest, and all the actors must audition to ensure that they are suitable for the roles in the script.

"Miss Yanzi has been in the film and television industry for many years. I'm sure you can understand what kind of movie would be produced if we strive for perfection in the filming process."

Yanzi was rendered speechless by Qin Sheng. Her face twitched. It was simply too embarrassing. She had thought that this was a celebration for her! The most infuriating thing was that she still couldn't find any words to refute Qin Sheng!

"Wang Qing, take the script. Let's go!" she said, her words coming out from between her teeth. She turned around and strode towards the door.

Wang Qing chased after her with the script in her hands. She lowered her voice and said, "Yun Sheng is deliberately making things difficult for you. I think she wants to take revenge for the drugging incident. If it were me, I would have said that I'm not filming! Why would I risk being embarrassed!"

"Idiot! If I said that I'm not filming anymore, how rude would that look? Moreover, Yun Sheng's words are watertight. Can I really say that I won't audition?" Yanzi glared at Wang Qing.

"Don't tell me you still want to film?" Wang Qing didn't understand Yanzi's thinking.

"How stupid. Of course, I don't want to film, but I can't say that! Anyway, this matter just gives me a chance to meet Gong Mochen!" Yanzi said.

It turned out that she'd only seen Gong Mochen in the news. This time, she hoped she would meet Gong Mochen in person, and she believed that he would be even more attractive in real life. At first glance, she felt that she was going to fall in love with the man!

"You want to see Gong Mochen? But he's useless, didn't you know that? Don't tell me you want to be with a man who is impotent? Don't have that idea! Actually, I think Du Can isn't bad. You should hang out with him more!" Wang Qing persuaded.

"Forget about Du Can! I don't want that playboy, even if he gave it to me for free! But Gong Mochen is different; he's very manly!" Yanzi said.

"Well, it's a pity that he doesn't have a man's function!" Wang Qing said.

"I don't believe what the news is saying! He doesn't have a man's function? Well, I want to try it myself! Let's go!" Yanzi brought Wang Qing to the car.


In the hall of the Yun Media Group, the reporters left with Yanzi, and silence returned to the building.

Li Ang, who had been silent all this time, walked over. "Yanzi seems to be very angry. Aren't you afraid that she won't star in the film?"

"If she doesn't star in it, I'll just find other actors. I don't believe that no one can surpass her!" Qin Sheng said angrily.

Li Ang, who had been determined to use Yanzi, changed his mind just now.

He felt inexplicably disgusted with Yanzi, especially since Qin Sheng was drugged by her!

Li Ang frowned. Was it because of Yanzi's character, or because she wanted to have a scandal with Gong Mochen? Was that why he suddenly felt even more repulsed by her?

"Boss! I'm back! Hurry up and get me a glass of wine. I'm dying of thirst!"

A girl rushed through the door.

The woman had wine-red hair and floated in like a cloud, dragging a man in with her. She went straight to the champagne tower, took a glass of champagne and drank it. She also gave the man a glass.

Qin Sheng frowned severely. The welcoming party and the scattering of flowers were ruined by Chu Xia, who'd come too early!

"Didn't I tell you to give me a call when you were about to arrive?"

"Ah? I forgot. Why didn't you call in advance?" Chu Xia blinked her eyes. She didn't understand Qin Sheng's attitude at all.

Chu Jian came out from the crowd. "Xia Xia, you're too naughty. I was going to scatter flowers! Why did you run in here?"

Everyone had been preparing to scatter flowers on Chu Xia when she came through the door.

Chu Xia finally realized what was going on...

"Ah? Then can't you scatter the flowers now? I'm here! Scatter them!"

Chu Jian immediately grabbed the flower petals from the flower basket and threw them at Chu Xia.

Qin Sheng was on the verge of slapping her forehead. This hadn't worked out as planned at all!

The timing was totally off. The atmosphere was completely wrong! Ah well. Too late now, she supposed.

She looked at the man beside Chu Xia. "Ming Tai!"

The moment the name was uttered, everyone present was instantly shocked. He was one of the best actors: Ming Tai!

Chu Xia pulled the man over and introduced him to everyone, smiling widely. "Ming Tai, he's my boyfriend. Didn't you say that there was a movie to shoot? I helped by bringing him to you!"

Chu Jian's little face twisted. His mama had found a boyfriend again... Did he just become his father?