May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 623 - Chapter 623 loving each other 23

Chapter 623: Chapter 623 loving each other 23

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia rushed over angrily. She did not find her son when she walked out of the hotel, nor did she see her daughter on the bench.

Where was her daughter?

She heard the sound of a little girl crying in the distance, so she followed the sound and ran over to take a look. She saw Sikong jue pushing Chu Chu Down with one glance!

Chu Xia picked Chu Chu up and examined the wounds on her body. She was instantly enraged. "Sikong Jue, you pervert! How dare you abuse my daughter! "

She put down Chu Chu and grabbed the man's hair. She then hit the man's face with her other hand.

Sikong jue raised his hand to block the woman's fist, but the woman was still grabbing his hair.

"I didn't hit her. It was Willam who hurt her! "

"Willam? There's no Willam here. Why would he go against my daughter? YOU'RE LYING! " Chu Xia refused to believe that Willam would find trouble with her daughter for no reason.

The most likely person was Sikong Jue. Only he hated her the most!

The corner of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. He did not expect to be misunderstood by the woman. Chu Chu fell, and he reached out to help her up. That action might have said that he had knocked Chu Chu down.

However, Chu Xia did not believe his explanation at all. Perhaps in Chu Xia's heart, he was such a person!

"Hehe, since you think so, then I was the one who hit her! If you want to hit her, then hit her quickly. Otherwise, if I leave, you won't have a place to settle the score! "

He did not explain, and he was too lazy to explain. Anyway, she would not believe him even if he told her.

Chu Xia saw that the man had admitted it, and she was even more furious. Her precious daughter, how could she bear to let others hurt her? Moreover, Sikong Jue was her biological father. She felt even more heartache for her daughter!

She grabbed the man's hair and kicked and hit him. She directed all her anger at the man.

"BASTARD! Bastard! Why don't you die! " She cursed.

Her son was nowhere to be found. Her daughter was beaten because of this man!

"How can I bear to die? Chuxia, I will drag you down with me even if I have to die! " Sikong jue roared in anger.

He raised his hand to block the woman's fist.

Chuxia could not hit the man at all. She hit his arm. She could not take advantage of the man at all. Moreover, her fist hurt when it hit his bones.

She let go of the man's hair and said, "Sikong Jue, if you touch my daughter again, I will kill you! GET LOST! GET LOST! "

She yelled at the man. If he dared to touch Chu Chu again, she could really kill him!

She felt so sorry for her daughter that she was hit by her own father!

Sikong Jue's face was gloomy and filled with anger. He reached out to untie the handkerchief on Chu Chu's leg and turned around to leave. He thought that the worst thing he had ever done in his life was to get drunk and fall in love with this woman!

Chu Chu was so scared by the fight between Chu Xia and Sikong jue that she kept crying.

Chu Xia's mind was captured by her own daughter. She cursed Sikong Jue in her heart and even took the handkerchief that was used to bandage Chu Chu before she left.

Fortunately, Chu Chu's wound had stopped bleeding and had formed a scab. It was fine if she did not bandage it.

"Chu Chu, don't cry. Mommy scared you. Don't worry, Mommy taught the bad guy a lesson for you! "

Chu Chu shook her little head. "It wasn't this Shu Li. It was a beautiful big brother. The big brother hit me and said that I looked like bread. Mommy, did you say that I looked like bread? He said that I wasn't good enough for him and even kicked me down.

"It's that Shu Li from before who bandaged my wound. "I wanted to chase after the big brother, but I couldn't stand properly and fell. "

She sobbed. Wasn't she an angel Why did she look like bread?

Chu Xia froze. So it wasn't Sikong Jue. When she thought of Sikong Jue's action of opening the handkerchief, she thought that it should be his.

However, so what if it wasn't him? He wasn't the one who hit her daughter, but he was the one who lost her son, right?

She would never forgive Sikong Jue in this lifetime!

"Chu Chu, why is it bread? You'RE MOMMY'S LITTLE ANGEL! " She coaxed her daughter.

"You're lying to me! I'm just very fat. I want to lose weight and marry my big brother. He's a prince! He's extremely good-looking. No, he's the most beautiful person I've ever seen! I want to become a princess and marry him! " Chu Chu said.

Chu Xia's forehead darkened. Who did her daughter take after?

Why was she infatuated since she was young?

"Prince Willam? This boy isn't good. Our Chu Chu WON'T BE WITH HIM! " She left to deny Willam

This boy was terrifyingly cold since he was young. She wouldn't let her daughter be with such a terrifying person!

"No, I want to be with my beautiful brother. I WANT TO BE WITH HIM! " Chu Chu said willfully.

Such a good-looking boy was even a prince. He was as good-looking as the prince in fairy tales. Her biggest dream was to become the princess in Fairy Tales!

Chu Xia carried her daughter and left the alley with her. She was speechless at her daughter's thoughts. Her daughter was clearly from the Appearance Association. She would not listen to anything she said now She could only wait until she was old enough to forget this matter!

However, she did not expect that people's memories were sometimes very short. They could forget what had just happened, and sometimes they were very stubborn. They would never forget it for the rest of their lives!

What chuxia needed to do now was to take Sikong Jue's hair between her fingers and go to the hospital to have a DNA test with Chu Chu.

She needed to get an accurate report on whether it was Sikong Jue's daughter or not.

She had deliberately grabbed Sikong Jue's hair just now so that she could pull off two strands of hair.

Her phone rang and she picked up the call. "Ming Tai, what's up? "

"I'm in the West City. I can't find Jian Jian here, but I've checked his appointment registration. I think he's coming back to stay here! " Ming Tai said.

Chu Xia's heart skipped a beat. "Really! You must help me Find Jian Jian. I'll go over now! "

She brought Chu Chu into the car and went straight to the place Ming Tai had mentioned.

Willam searched the entire town, but he couldn't find Jian Jian. He also didn't know where Lian Lian was.

He was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. There wasn't a single thing in his life that he couldn't do!

That little thing, let's see how he will torture her to death!


Lian Lian, who was in the villa, sneezed twice. She did not know who was scolding her!

"Lian Lian. " A woman's voice drifted over from behind her.

Lian Lian turned around and was surprised. It was Han Qing calling her!

She ran over curiously. "Grandma, you can talk? "

However, Han Qing only looked at Lian Lian in a daze and did not say a word.

Gong Mochen walked into the villa. "Lian Lian! "

Lian Lian turned around and ran towards the man. She threw herself into the man's arms. "Shu Li, you're back! "

The longer she spent with this man, the more she liked this Shu Li.

Gong mochen kissed the Little Boy's face. "So obedient. Did you Miss Shu Li? "

Lian Lian nodded, indicating that she missed him.

Gong Mochen turned around and pointed at Lian Lian's face. She still didn't want to kiss him after thinking about it. This little thing really needs to be taught a lesson!

Lian Lian kissed the man's Silver Mask. "Shu Li, grandma just called me Lian Lian! "

Gong Mochen was stunned. He strode towards Han Qing with Lian Lian. "Mom, do you know me? "

Han Qing looked at the man in front of her in a daze. "Mo Chen. "

Gong Mochen's heart skipped a beat. Han Qing had stopped taking her medicine for a few days, and now she could recognize him. Ye Wei's words were right There was something wrong with the medicine that Nangong MOCHEN had sent!

He frowned deeply. He had already thought of why Nangong Mochen wanted to fool Han Qing... ...