May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 125 - Chapter 125: Save the baby

Chapter 125: Chapter 125: Save the baby

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

In the bathroom, Chu Xia was clutching her throat. Her throat was hurting from how hard she was holding it. How bad had her days been recently? She didn't have a good appetite, so she didn't eat anything at all. She tried her best to spit out what she had drunk, but she couldn't spit it out!

She was so anxious that she was crying. Suddenly, she remembered the method to induce vomiting that she'd learned in the first aid class. She turned around and picked up a mouthwash cup. She took some water and poured it into her mouth, feeling it slip down to her stomach. At that moment, she couldn't care less about anything else. She drank a few cups in a row before she clutched her throat with her hands. As expected, the black medicinal liquid and the water came back up.

She vomited until her tears were flowing. When she had finished her last mouthful, she squatted on the ground and cried. Why was Sikong Jue so cruel? She had already said that she wouldn't cause trouble for him when she gave birth, and he went and pushed an abortion on her!

She would never forgive this man, ever!

Suddenly, her lower abdomen twitched, and she felt a sharp pain. She was surprised by the pain. It was as if flesh was being gouged out of her stomach!

Cold sweat dripped down her forehead. She quickly took out her phone and called Qin Sheng.

"Qin Sheng, save me. Hurry up and save me and the baby!"

She could feel hot and humid blood flowing out of her body. She cried loudly. She hadn't had time to properly love her baby, but was the baby going to leave her?

Qin Sheng was so confused. She was woken up by the ringing of her phone. Based on the quality of her sleep in the past, she wouldn't have usually woken up at all. It was just that she was worried about Gong Mochen, so she'd placed her phone beside her bed. Subconsciously, she hoped that the man would call her to apologize to her.

However, she didn't expect to receive a call from Chu Xia for help.

All her sleepiness was banished by Chu Xia's please for help.

"Wait there, I'll come to you right away!" she said as she got up from the bed.

Strange... why was there a pillow next to her again? The pillow had clearly been placed above her head for comfort.

She guaranteed that she didn't put that there before going to sleep. She was curious, why did the pillow change its position every day?

She snapped out of her thoughts. She just wanted to save Chu Xia, so she didn't have time to think about her pillow. She put on a coat and ran out of the room.

"Nie Feng! Nie Feng!" she shouted as she ran.

Nie Feng ran out of the duty room on the first floor. "Miss Qin, what's wrong?"

He would go back to the Qin family's mansion to watch over Qin Sheng every day after he'd sent Gong Mochen off, because Gong Mochen would only trust him to take care of Qin Sheng.

"Hurry up and get me to Chu Xia. Something happened to her!" Qin Sheng said.

"Okay, let's go!" Nie Feng ran out with Qin Sheng.

A door on the second floor opened, and a demonic figure walked out. He was holding a phone in his hand. "Something must have happened. Qin Sheng ran away. Are you really that ruthless to kill your own child?''

"What else could I do? Let her give birth and watch as my own child struggles?" Sikong Jue said coldly.

He wasn't going to let Chu Xia give birth to a child that was destined to be unhealthy. If he hadn't met such a silly woman who insisted on giving birth to his child, he wouldn't be in this situation.

"Maybe you should've waited for Chu Xia to thank you? But maybe not... I think she hates you to death! That girl is quite silly and cute!" Li Ang teased.

"Get lost! I'm not in the mood to joke today!" Sikong Jue got the result he wanted and hung up the phone.

There were so many emotions flowing through him, but unfortunately, no one understood. He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it. Then he got up, and walked out of his suite, heading straight for Gong Mochen's single room.

Only Gong Mochen and Yu Fan were in the single room as usual. He walked in casually and said, "Get out!"

Yu Fan glanced at Gong Mochen, not knowing whether she should leave or not. She only left the room when she saw the man nod his head lightly.

Gong Mochen looked at Sikong Jue and asked, "What's wrong with Highness Yu? His face looks like a peach blossom..."

Sikong Jue sat on the sofa. He didn't care about Gong Mochen's sarcasm. He knew that his face had been scratched by Chu Xia.

"Why do you care if my face is like a peach blossom? Tell me, what do you want to do by coming to The Moonlight Club every day?" He got straight to the point.

"Nothing much. The tea here is good. I'm here to taste the tea." Gong Mochen picked up a cup of tea and sipped it carefully.

Sikong Jue snorted. "You want the Duke to misunderstand our relationship and think that I betrayed him and gave the medicine to you? Stop dreaming. I can't break my agreement with Li Ang. Even if you take my life!"

Gong Mochen chuckled. "Since you're so confident, why are you still looking for me?"

The corner of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. "CEO Gong, you don't seem to be afraid of death?"

He didn't expect Gong Mochen to be able to talk to him so calmly. He clearly knew that he had the antidote in his hands...

"Anyway, the antidote isn't in my hands. It doesn't matter to me whether I'm afraid of death or not. Why are you thinking about such useless things? Li Ang, on the other hand, probably doesn't think that way.

"If I walk out of here one day, guess what he will think? In the agreement between you and him, he holds your place. What if he does this again?" Gong Mochen said softly, making Sikong Jue's heart skip a beat.

Sikong Jue had said before that his agreement with Li Ang had nothing to do with money. Since it had nothing to do with money, then it could only be about people or things. In the end, it was just people. Gong Mochen thought that Li Ang must be holding onto Sikong Jue for some reason...

"You!" Sikong Jue's face darkened. What would Li Ang do to him?

That was the key to the agreement. Once he angered Li Ang, he wasn't afraid of what Li Ang would do to him, but she could not be hurt!

"It's true that not many people can make the antidote, but other than you, there is only one other person who can make it." Gong Mochen slowly drank the tea in his hand.

Sikong Jue's face twitched. Was he going to use the antidote given by someone else to detoxify the poison and then frame him for giving it to him? He only wanted to curse. Gong Mochen was extremely ruthless!

"Do you think he will give you the antidote?" he asked.

"Yes, as long as I agree to his conditions, he will give it to me. However, when that time comes, I will make the people who make me unhappy wish they were dead." Gong Mochen pinched his fingers and the cup in his hand shattered into pieces.

He raised his hand and the pieces fell onto the coffee table.

Sikong Jue's eyes were dark. "The stability of the antidote hasn't been tested. I can't give it to you yet."

Not only the antidote, but he hadn't thought about what to do. Gong Mochen had forced him into a corner. He needed time to think about what he should do!

"Sure, I'll give you time to think it through," Gong Mochen said.

"Okay!" Sikong Jue stood up and walked out of the single room.


In the hospital, Qin Sheng stood outside the door of the emergency room, nervously pacing back and forth.

When Nie Feng carried Chu Xia downstairs, she saw that there was a lot of blood on Chu Xia's pants. Her heart was throbbing, beating so fast.

The lights in the emergency room were turned off. The doctor walked out of the door. "Who is Chu Xia's family member?"