May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 550 - Chapter 550 love in Mengmeng 15

Chapter 550: Chapter 550 love in Mengmeng 15

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Yin Yin? Yan Fei, what do you know? " Qin Sheng took a step forward.

Yan Fei's lips twitched. "What do I not know? I'm just, I'm just saying. Li Ang has a woman by his side. Do you sleep so soundly? "

She pulled her son into the car.

Yan Fei's actions were very fast, revealing her unconcealable panic. Qin Sheng knew that Yan Fei was not just reminding her that there was a woman by Li Ang's side!

She turned to look at Le Le. "Le Le, have our people take the photo of Yin Yin and show it to the people who saw Lian Lian at the entrance of the amusement park this morning. Was it Yin Yin who abducted Lian Lian? "

"Alright, I'll inform everyone immediately! " Le Le said.

Very soon, there was a reply on Le Le's phone. It was not just one person, but many people. The woman who abducted Lian Lian was this woman!

Qin Sheng tightened her grip. She drove back to Li Ang's villa. The villa was brightly lit. Yin Yin was eating caviar and drinking red wine. She would definitely enjoy it!

Seeing Qin Sheng walk in, she looked behind Qin Sheng warily. There was no Li Ang behind Qin Sheng, so she heaved a sigh of relief.

All the expressions on Yin Yin's face were seen by Qin Sheng. "What's wrong? Are you afraid that Li Ang will come back to settle the score with you? Tell me, where did you take Lian Lian? "

Yin Yin put on an innocent face, shook her head frivolously, and continued to drink red wine.

Qin Sheng walked over, grabbed the bottle of red wine, and poured it on Yin Yin's head. She wanted to drink red wine, so she let her drink it well!

Yin Yin shouted loudly, and the cold red wine was poured over her head. It was so cold that she had goosebumps all over her body!

She jumped up from the SOFA and glared at Qin Sheng. She picked up her red Wine Cup and threw it at Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng dodged Yin Yin's attack and punched Yin Yin's face, knocking her to the ground. Her hand grabbed Yin Yin's neck. Yin Yin had done something to her, so she didn't have time to care about Yin Yin. She could endure it for now, but if Yin Yin dared to touch Lian Lian's finger.. She definitely wouldn't let Yin Yin off!

"Tell me, where is my daughter? "

Yinyin shook her head in pain. She felt like she was about to strangle her to death, but there were cameras at home, so she couldn't fight back, let alone speak.

Otherwise, all her years of hard work would be wasted!

She held Qin Sheng's hand, trying to catch her breath.

Qin Sheng took out her phone. "There's more than one person at the entrance of the park who has seen you. You're the one who led Lian Lian Out! The person who kidnapped Lian Lian is you! "

With the phone and the truth, so many people wouldn't be mistaken!

Yin Yin gritted her teeth. At that moment, she was only glad that she did not speak up to defend herself!

Qin Sheng suddenly exerted strength in her hands. She wanted to force Yin Yin to resist. As long as she was anxious enough to shout, all of Yin Yin's disguises would be exposed!

Her hand dug out the pistol that Li Ang gave to Yin Yin from Yin Yin's pocket. She loosened her grip on Yin Yin's neck, but aimed the muzzle at Yin Yin's temple.

"Li Ang is bringing people to look for my daughter. Don't expect him to rush back to save you! If you don't tell me where my daughter is, I'll bury you with my daughter! "

She said fiercely. She didn't believe that Yin Yin was not anxious. No one was not afraid of death!

Yin Yin's face was pale. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at her temple. As long as Qin Sheng's finger pressed on it, her life would be gone. And she didn't doubt that Qin Sheng had the intention to kill her!

Her hand clenched into a fist. What should she do She knew that the surveillance camera in the house was on!

She shook her head desperately, trying to stall for time. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"You don't want to say it, right? Fine! Then Bury my daughter with me! " Qin Sheng's hand pulled the trigger!

Yin Yin finally couldn't hold on anymore. Mou Ran raised her hand and grabbed Qin Sheng's hand. She struggled to sit up. At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the door.

Her eyes flashed with viciousness. She wanted to snatch the gun, but she held Qin Sheng's hand and pulled the trigger.

Qin Sheng subconsciously wanted to snatch the gun. Just as the two of them were entangled, a gunshot went into Yin Yin's stomach, and blood oozed out from her lower abdomen.

Leon rushed into the door and saw Yin Yin Yin fall to the ground. Her stomach was covered in blood, and Qin Sheng was still holding the gun in her hand.

"YINYIN! " He rushed to Yinyin and picked her up.

Qin Sheng's face was pale. She knew what Li Ang saw, but she didn't even have the heart to explain.

Li Ang took a deep look at Qin Sheng and rushed out of the villa with Yinyin in his arms. He got into George's car and ran to the hospital.

Qin Sheng threw down the gun and followed him out. Yinyin hadn't told her daughter's whereabouts, and at this time, the only person who knew her daughter's whereabouts was Yinyin.

When she arrived at the door of the operating theater, Li Ang was sitting on a bench in the corridor.

The Red Light in the operating theater was still on, and his hand was buried deep in his hand.

"How is Yinyin? " Qin Sheng asked coldly.

She thought that Yan Fei was right. Men would always sympathize with the weak. An independent and strong woman who never pretended to be weak and pitiful was important in a man's heart.

Unfortunately, she thought that she would never learn to pretend to be pitiful in this lifetime.

Li Ang put down his hand and raised his head. His eyes were cold. "Why did you kill her? "

Qin Sheng's gaze was restrained. "She kidnapped Lian Lian. I want to find my daughter! Yinyin is important to you, Lian Lian is important to me! "

Li Ang's heart was in turmoil. "Lian Lian is also important to me, but why did you hurt Yinyin? My people also found out that it was Yinyin who took Lian Lian Away. However, Yinyin only brought Lian Lian to the entrance of the Amusement Park, and Lian Lian ran away.

Lian Lian ran away on her own. Yinyin also left on her own. Even if she was the one who brought Lian Lian out of the Amusement Park, Lian Lian's loss is not her responsibility!"

George was not a pushover. He also found out the truth. When he knew the result, he rushed home and wanted to find Yinyin to find out more.

In the end, he saw Qin Sheng trying to kill Yin Yin!

"Do you believe that Lian Lian is lost and has nothing to do with her? " Qin Sheng looked at Li Ang coldly.

"If we didn't leave together, does it have something to do with her? Look, this is the message that Yin Yin wrote to me! " Li Ang took out his cell phone and opened his friend list. This was the message that Yin Yin had sent him in the car!

A man, a heart, and a little girl.

It was a very childish message, but Li Ang could guess what Yin Yin meant. The man was him, and the little girl's Lian Lian meant that he wanted Lian Lian.

He remembered what he had told Yin Yin. He wanted Lian Lian.

Because Yin Yin had heard him say that he wanted Lian Lian, she went to look for Lian Lian. She wanted to bring Lian Lian home, but at the entrance of the park, she was mistaken as a child abductor. She was surrounded by a group of people, and Lian Lian ran away on her own.

This was all he knew about the whole incident!

Qin Sheng sneered. She had to admire Yin Yin. She could make things so perfect!

The surgery door opened, and the doctor walked out. "Who is Yin Yin's family member? Her condition is very bad... "