May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 200 - Chapter 200 forget him

Chapter 200: Chapter 200 forget him

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

As the two wooden boxes were thrown into the sky, Ta Luosi and Nie Feng jumped up to grab them.

Ha Siqi ran to Li Ang's plane, trying to pull Qin Sheng down.

Li Ang took Qin Sheng's hand and pulled her into the cabin of the plane.

As the cabin door closed, the plane started to take off, leaving Ha Siqi behind on the ladder.

Li Ang looked at Nie Feng and Ta Luosi, who were still fighting over the wooden boxes. "I've done what I promised you."

"What's that?" Qin Sheng asked. The plane had already risen into the air, and the people below were getting smaller and smaller.

She couldn't see who had snatched the wooden boxes at all.

"It's the antidote. Gong Mochen was poisoned. It's his antidote," Li Ang said faintly.

The man's words seemed to flash in Qin Sheng's mind. Her hand grabbed at the door of the cabin uncontrollably.

Li Ang grabbed Qin Sheng's arm. "Are you crazy? Are you really going to jump down and help Gong Mochen get the antidote?"

Qin Sheng slapped Li Ang's face. "B*stard! Why didn't you tell me that he was poisoned?"

Li Ang raised a hand to his smarting cheek. "If I told you, then what? If Nie Feng can't get the antidote, can you get it? Don't forget what you promised me. If you come with me, I will give him the antidote!"

Qin Sheng's tears rolled down her face. Because he was poisoned, because he knew he couldn't live, that was why he sent her away... Just to give her the last protection that he could give her!

"Li Ang, I hate you! For the rest of my life!" she screeched.

"Don't say it too early. If you want to know about what happened when you were young, you'd better take back your words, or I'm afraid that you'll regret it!" Li Ang lowered his voice, which was rare.

"What exactly happened to me when I was young?" Qin Sheng questioned.

"You'll know when you return to China. Go and sit on the seat. It's not safe!" Li Ang held Qin Sheng's hand.

Qin Sheng shook Li Ang's hand away. "Since you promised me that my uncle will be safe, why didn't you just give the antidote to Nie Feng?"

Li Ang pursed his lips. "I didn't know that Ta Luosi would sneak into my room. I was planning to get someone to give the antidote to Gong Mochen after we left, but Ta Luosi suddenly came. I could only use the antidote to ensure that we boarded the plane safely.

"If Gong Mochen's bodyguards are trash and can't even get the antidote, what right does he have to rule a country?

"Even if I gave the antidote to Nie Feng, could he protect it from Ta Luosi?"

This was a life and death battle, and he couldn't help at all. He had his own troubles to deal with.

"But, Uncle... Did Nie Feng get the antidote? Go and find out!" Qin Sheng grabbed Li Ang's arm.

Li Ang's brows sank. "Qin Sheng! From the moment you boarded the plane, every word you've said is about Gong Mochen! You'd better f*cking get it clear, I'm your boyfriend now! Gong Mochen can only live on his own ability! You'd better forget about him!"

"You said that after I leave with you, I can go back to this country at any time!" Qin Sheng retorted.

Li Ang's eyes were fixed on the little woman who was shouting at him. "You can come back at any time, but only after you're my wife!"

He really wanted to f*ck this little woman to death. Her heart was only for Gong Mochen, only Gong Mochen!

Qin Sheng stepped on Li Ang's foot. "If I don't marry you, what can you do to me?"

The corners of Li Ang's lips curved into a cold, evil, and ambiguous arc, and he stared into Qin Sheng's eyes. "Guess?"


In the banquet hall, Gong Mochen finally ended his speech after speaking for some time.

Qin Zixian thought that today was more like their company's publicity event and not her engagement!

Ye Wei's face was as pale as paper. Her palms were covered in cold sweat. She was afraid that Gong Mochen wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer...

"President Gong, please put on the engagement ring for Miss Qin Zixian!" said Ye Wei, finally finding an opportunity to interrupt.

Gong Mochen turned to look at Ye Wei. The earphones hidden in his ears made a sound that only he could hear, reporting to him the situation at the airport.

His brows were locked in a frown. He raised his feet and was about to rush off the rostrum.

However, he had stood for too long. He couldn't take it anymore. Just as he took a step, he was hugged by Qin Zixian.

"Third Brother, it's time for you to put on the engagement ring for me!"

Ye Wei looked at the unnatural expression on Gong Mochen's face. She stood up and wanted to walk up to the rostrum.

Gong Mochen reached out his hand to take the ring from the brocade box. If he was able to leave after putting the ring on, then he would give the ring to her.

He wanted to chase after Qin Sheng, HIS Qin Sheng!

Only at that moment did he understand the meaning behind Qin Sheng's words. She told him that regardless of whether he was around or not, she would take good care of herself. She had left... She had really left!

Qin Zixian excitedly held out her hand, ready for the ring. Suddenly, she saw a black figure appear outside the glass window.

The entire banquet hall was made of glass. She could clearly see outside. Her heart suddenly felt suffocated. She could see the remote control of the bomb in the man's hand!

The man extended his hand to signal for her to get off the rostrum...

The nerves in Qin Zixian's brain were all severed. Time seemed to have frozen. Everything became a blur, so she could only see Ta Luosi outside the glass.

Gong Mochen was going to be killed by the explosion!

Realization bulldozed into her blank mind.

She subconsciously took a step back. She knew that the bomb was under Gong Mochen's feet. As long as she avoided it, she would be safe!

Because of her retreat, the guests below the stage thought that Qin Zixian was shy and didn't dare to wear the ring. They all applauded.

The applause stimulated Qin Zixian's broken thoughts. She looked up and saw the man's eyes that were as deep as the sea.

His face was well-defined and handsome, and his facial features were as good-looking as a statue of a male God. This was the man she deeply loved. Was she going to watch him die?

Gong Mochen didn't know what was under her feet... His eyes were unmoving, but it was because of this that she was so heartbroken and didn't dare to look into his eyes any longer.

She never knew that she loved him so much!

So much so that she didn't want him to die at the last moment.

Gong Mochen was a little surprised at Qin Zixian's reaction. Why would she retreat like that?

His eyes noticed Qin Zixian's stiff gaze. He turned his head to look behind him.

Outside the glass banquet hall, Ta Luosi noticed Gong Mochen's reaction. He pressed the remote control in his hand.

Qin Zixian's eyes widened in horror. She didn't even realize what she was doing. Her body was ahead of her mind as she pounced on Gong Mochen.

With a loud explosion, the entire rostrum was blown apart.