May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 504 - Chapter 504, I want you to be 24

Chapter 504: Chapter 504, I want you to be 24

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Dai Yuyan pursed her lips into a straight line. Xi Si had simply pushed her into the center of the storm. No matter which woman she chose, the other women would hate her to the bone.

Her gaze swept across the four women seated, and the corners of her lips curved. "The four beauties each have their own characteristics. King Xi Si, how do you want me to choose? No matter who I choose, it will be a pity for you, and you will not be able to enjoy the good of the other three beauties.

"How about this, one beauty for one night, and four beauties for four nights. "I wonder what everyone's opinion is? "

Hehe, I didn't screw with her brain to make her offend someone!

Xi Si's face twitched. It was clear how much Dai Yuyan didn't want to sleep with him. If there were a hundred women, she would probably be able to FILL HIS QUEUE!

The few women seemed to be very satisfied with this method. "Concubine Dai's method is good. Let's each take one day. So who is the first day and who is the last day? "

Immediately, some beautiful women began to bicker over this question. Everyone wanted the first day.

Dai Yuyan's gaze shifted slightly. She took out her own cigar from her handbag, took four, and broke off a section of each cigar. Now, each cigar was different in length.

She held four cigars in her hand. "All the beautiful women are so outstanding. It's really hard for me. Why don't we all smoke cigars? The one who gets the highest will serve the bed today, and the one who gets the shortest will serve the bed on the last day. Does everyone think this is fair? "

The few beautiful women hesitated for a moment, then nodded. It seemed that this was also considered fair. It all depended on their luck.

They immediately started smoking. A beauty called Xinxin got the longest cigar.

"Hahaha, my luck is the best! My luck is the longest! " She said proudly.

The other three beauties could not hold back their anger and glared at her. However, they could not help but feel that their luck was not as good as Xinxin's.

Dai Yuyan secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she did not hate her.

She stood up and wanted to get off the man's leg. However, the man's arm was still wrapped around her waist, preventing her from moving!

Xi Si's lips moved slightly, and his words escaped, "so smart. I like to compete with smart people. Do you think I'll let you stay out of this? "

Dai Yuyan's heart suddenly jumped. What did XI SI mean?

"If you like to play, then let's continue playing. I have plenty of time and play for my whole life. " Xi Si's voice was cold.

This woman was different from all the ordinary people. She was arrogant and smart, and could definitely arouse his desire to conquer her.

He let go of his arm, "can't bear to part with me? Still sitting on me? I'm going to bring Xinxin back to her room. "

Dai Yuyan sucked in a breath of cold air. She wanted to, but she couldn't get down!

She immediately jumped up from the man's body. She couldn't wait to get as far away from him as possible, okay?

"How would I dare to waste Wang Ding's time? I'm thinking of going to the restaurant to give Wang Ding some tonic soup. Please, Wang Ding! " On her cold little face, a rare smile was like a flower on a hairpin. However, she was sending her man and another woman to share a room together.

Xi Si's face was tense and cold. He had seen too clearly how much this woman wanted to kick him to another woman.

He strode in front and Xinxin followed closely behind the man.

Dai Yuyan walked straight to the restaurant. If he dared to insult her, she would not let him insult her.

If he wanted to play with women, she would give him tonic soup. It was not her ability to tire him to death!

She walked to the restaurant and ordered a large tonic soup for Xi Si. It had to be said that the things here were really well prepared. This kind of soup that could nourish a man's body was stewed in the pot for a long time and could be ordered at any time.

She took the soup and returned to the third floor. Only then did she remember that she still did not know which room XI SI was sleeping in.

She had no choice but to carry the soup back to her room. She was prepared to call a bodyguard to send it to Xi SI.

However, just as she opened the door and entered the room, she heard the voices of men and women coming from the bedroom. The woman's voice was very loud, as if she was afraid that no one knew what was going on in the room.

Dai Yuyan's face was as cold as ICE. The tray in her hand was placed on the coffee table. She sneered in her heart. She actually thought that Xi Si would bring a woman to another room.

She was decisive. She still did not understand his ruthlessness. How could he let go of every opportunity to torture her?

This was the only room she had. If she did not bring it, she could only sit somewhere else. Was He trying to force her to leave?

She took a cigar and slowly smoked it. She would not let him see her defeat.

The LCD TV in front of her had been replaced with a new one. She pressed the button, and the screen was still playing the scene of the riesland preparing for the little prince's birthday.

The riesland television station had produced a documentary. From the birth of the little prince until now, the photos of the various periods were played in chronological order.

It had to be said that the little prince was really cute. He was as bright as the stars. Her eyes were filled with water and she could not help but think about her child.

Her hands were clenched into fists. That child had been killed by her biological father just like that.

Perhaps it was the sound of the television that had disturbed the people in the bedroom. The door to the bedroom opened and King Xi SI walked out.

His gaze was focused on the screen. The pictures of his son had been shown from the moment the baby was born until now. The child was very much like him, almost exactly like him. The only difference was that his chin was very similar to his mother's. The sharp beauty shell made his son even more handsome.

His eyes were fixed on Dai Yuyan's beauty shell. After a moment, he looked away.

"where's the tonic soup for me? " He asked coldly.

Dai Yuyan's thoughts were captured by the man. "It's here. "

She reached out to open the Soup Cup and handed it to Xi Si. "The soup is here. There are all kinds of whips. I guarantee that you'll be full of energy after drinking it! "

It would be best if you died of exhaustion!

Damn it, if she could kill him like this, she wouldn't mind!

Xi Si's eyes were locked on the coldness in the woman's eyes. He picked up the Soup Cup and drank it all.

A woman's voice came from the bedroom, "King Xi SI, come quickly! I don't want it! "

The woman's coquettish voice was like water. If a man heard it, he would want to beat her up!

Dai Yuyan turned around and left. The mission was completed and she could go back to sleep.

Xi Si grabbed the woman's arm, "my concubine Dai is so considerate. How do you think I should reward you? "

"There's no need for the reward, as long as the king has fun! " Dai Yuyan suddenly felt a dangerous aura and said quickly.

"I'm enjoying myself, how can I not have Concubine Dai? Come here, the three of us together! " Xi Si dragged Dai Yuyan into the room and threw her onto the bed!

Dai Yuyan's face was Pale. "King, you guys enjoy yourselves, I WON'T DISTURB YOU ANYMORE! "

Her heart was beating fiercely. Letting her be with his woman, she hated him so much that she wanted to kill him!

Xinxin also gritted her teeth in hatred. Just now, she had been massaging the man for half a day and hadn't done anything official, yet Dai Yuyan actually came to disrupt the situation!

"King, Xinxin will serve you! " She quickly got out from under the blanket. She had just taken the chance to take off her clothes when the man went out, and now she could seduce him.

Dai Yuyan really wanted to thank Xinxin. She got up from the bed and wanted to escape, but XI SI grabbed her arm and threw her back onto the bed.

"You should at least teach the newcomer a lesson. Teach her how to serve me! "

He said as he approached her... ...