May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 106 - Chapter 106'are you kidding me? '

Chapter 106: Chapter 106'are you kidding me? '

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng tried her best, but she couldn't break into Gong Mochen's mouth. The man's mouth was tightly shut, and his eyes were staring at her.

Her eyes stared into the man's eyes, and she felt like she was drowning in them. She just wanted to close her eyes and fall into his arms.

The waiter's words finally let her breathe a sigh of relief. She didn't have to gamble on the man's mouth anymore.

She turned her head to look at the stage. The Sweetheart's Love had already been sold. Her eyes were fixed on the necklace, and she took the opportunity to take another look before it was taken away.

Gong Mochen's beating heart finally calmed down. God knows how much willpower he had used to keep his mouth shut and not let the little woman get her way.

Looking at the faint disappointment in the girl's eyes, the corners of his lips curled into a charming smile.

'I'll wait for a few more days,' he thought to himself.

"Sold it? It's already sold, and you're still auctioning it here? Are you kidding me?" Li Ang roared angrily. They were treating him as a joke!

The CEO of the Auction House walked into the banquet hall. "Duke Li Ang, I'm really sorry. The owner of Sweetheart's Love just called and said that he has sold the necklace. But he's willing to pay for our losses. If you have any requests, feel free to speak."

Li Ang lips formed into a straight line. Did he care about money? He wanted something. Gong Mochen had risked a lot to buy something that Qin Sheng would like. He wanted to give it to Qin Sheng.

"I never lost! Give me the necklace!"

The boss of the auction house was in a difficult position. "Duke, you are a magnanimous person. Please forgive me. Who doesn't know that your house is full of jewelry? Don't worry, the next time there is a good item, I will definitely inform you immediately!"

"Boss, who did you sell Sweetheart's Love to?" Qin Yunting asked curiously.

It was the most dreamy gift for any girl, and everyone wanted to have it.

"Yeah, who bought it? It must be for his sweetheart!"

"A sweetheart? Wow, it's so romantic! I want to meet that man. If someone gave it to me, I'd definitely marry him!"

"I want to know who that sweetheart is! I wonder what she looks like? Is she prettier than me?"

The girls in the banquet hall weren't calm, and their faces were full of envy, jealousy, and hatred.

The boss of the auction house smiled and said, "I don't know about that. I heard that it was a mysterious buyer who offered four billion, but he refused to reveal his name." He glanced at the guards. "Well, hurry up and secure the Sweetheart's Love, and send it back on level one alert."

He ordered his bodyguards. The necklace had been auctioned off at a sky-high price. He could not afford to lose it!

Everyone was shocked. 4 billion... How many office buildings could you buy with that? He'd spent so much money just to make his sweetheart smile.

Qin Sheng didn't look away until the necklace was put into its box.

"Don't you want to know who bought the necklace? Do you think the girl who receives the necklace will be happy?" Gong Mochen asked with a mysterious smile on his lips.

"I don't want to know. It has nothing to do with me. As long as my uncle is by my side, I will be happy!" Qin Sheng leaned into the man's arms.

Just because she like it, it didn't mean that she had to have it. She only wanted what she wanted the most, Gong Mochen.

As the auction ended and the dinner began, everyone left their seats and went to the buffet.

Qin Sheng walked to the dining area and served Gong Mochen dinner.

Qin Yunting and Yan Fei took the few pieces of jewelry that they had just bought and walked towards Qin Sheng. Today was really satisfying. Qin Sheng didn't have a single piece of jewelry!

"Hey, cousin, you really made a name for yourself today. How dare you kiss your own uncle? I don't know how the Qin family can tolerate such incestuous behavior!"

"Yeah, you're so cheap. You're clearly desperate for a man, especially if you want to climb into your own uncle's bed!" Yan Fei immediately added.

"Our Qin family has been made infamous today! I wonder how angry father will be when we get back!" Qin Zixian's tone was laced with bitterness.

Chu Xia pulled Qin Sheng behind her. "They're not related by blood, so why can't she? Didn't Auntie pursue CEO Gong? You're brother and sister!"

Qin Zixian's face immediately flushed red. "Who said I pursued Third Brother?"

"Isn't that right? Does that mean you're only a sister to CEO Gong?" Chu Xia said sarcastically to Qin Zixian.

Did Qin Zixian dare to admit it?

Qin Zixian just didn't dare to admit it. Admitting it was humiliating. What would she do about marrying Gong Mochen?

"You! Do you have the right to speak here? What does it have to do with you, anyway? Who do you think you are?"

"Auntie Qin, you're meant to be an *****, but you're acting like a spoilt child!" Chu Xia's mouth wan't forgiving. She was determined not to let Qin Sheng be bullied.

Qin Sheng held Chu Xia's hand. "Let's go get some food. Why waste time talking to children?"

Qin Zixian's beautiful face was livid with anger. She was about to explode in a rage when Qin Sheng and Chu Xia simply walked past her arrogantly.

She quietly stretched out her leg, right in front of Chu Xia's foot.

Chu Xia tripped and fell forward. "Aaaah!" she screamed, covering her stomach with her hand.

An arm suddenly hugged Chu Xia's waist, preventing her from falling to the ground.

"Thank you," Chu Xia said, still in shock. She looked up and saw Sikong Jue.

She immediately retracted her gratitude and dragged Qin Sheng away.

"Hey, it's Sikong Jue. Don't you want to talk to him? I think he has feelings for you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have saved you," Qin Sheng said.

"What do his feelings have to do with me? Even if I was to bring my child to beg for food, I wouldn't be able to reach his level!" Chu Xia said angrily.

Qin Sheng sighed helplessly. Chu Xia's temper was so sharp that she wouldn't tolerate any crap.

"He's still the baby's father. Why don't you think about it?"

"Think about what? There are so many beautiful men, why should I hang myself from a tree? The man you introduced me to wasn't so bad." Chu Xia pointed to another man in the crowd. "Hey, look at that guy, he's so handsome, I like his nose."

"I also like the size of his feet... Did you know that the bigger the man's feet, the bigger his you know... If we can't see that thing, we can tell his size by looking at the feet!" Chu Xia started to teach Qin Sheng again.

How could the feet be related to that? Qin Sheng's forehead creased. She looked around the banquet hall, and instantly felt that the entire hall was filled with men's feet.

Her little face was red with embarrassment. "Chu Xia, you dare to taint me with your perverted thoughts again?"

"Tsk, really! If you don't believe me, look at your uncle's feet. This is science. Qin Sheng, remember my innocent eyes. If I taint you in the future, you must tell others that I was once innocent too!"

Qin Sheng cringed. She didn't even dare to look at a man's face, or his feet!


Ye Wei quietly walked towards the wine area. Her gaze was fixed on Li Ang, who was picking up a glass of wine.

Li Ang picked up a glass of red wine and a glass for Sikong Jue. His arm was suddenly touched by someone behind him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice you there! I didn't spill it on you, did I?" Ye Wei said awkwardly.

Li Ang smiled like a gentleman. "It's okay, I spilled it all on the floor."

Ye Wei seemed to be very embarrassed. She quickly took the empty glass from Li Ang's hand, took another glass from the table and handed it to him.

"Sorry, have another glass."

"Thank you." Li Ang nodded and returned to his seat with the wine.

Ye Wei's eyes were fixed on Li Ang's back. She didn't look away until she saw him pass the glass of wine to Sikong Jue.

When she had been holding the glass of wine, she'd taken the opportunity to put the medicine into it...