May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 464 - Chapter 464, the night of the auction

Chapter 464: Chapter 464, the night of the auction

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Li Ang was stunned. "What did you say? ''

"Miss Qin said she wants to see President Gong. She asked me to come out and tell her. " The young nurse had never seen such a situation before. Her voice was trembling as she explained.

Gong Mochen curled his lips slightly and looked at Li Ang proudly. "Ask your men to move aside. My woman wants to see me! "

Li Ang pursed his lips into a straight line. No matter how unwilling he was, he could only ask his men to move aside and let Gong Mochen in.

Gong Mochen strode into the ward and immediately saw the pale-faced woman lying on the hospital bed.

He walked over hurriedly. "where are you feeling unwell? I'll take you to another hospital for treatment! Come with me! "

He reached out and hugged the woman on the bed.

Qin Sheng's hand pushed Gong Mochen's heart. "Gong Mochen, did I say that I want to go with you? PUT ME DOWN! "

Her appetite tightened and she wanted to throw up again. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"You want to throw up again? How do they treat patients? " Gong Mochen did not dare to touch the woman again. He took the medical record card on the bedside and looked at it.

Cold sweat almost rolled down Qin Sheng's forehead as she nervously looked at the man's face.

"Gastritis? Disorder? How bad can gastritis be? No, change the hospital for me, " Gong Mochen said.

Gastritis Disorder Qin Sheng's worried heart was finally relieved. So that was what the medical record was about.

"Gastritis isn't so easy to treat. I just received an infusion, how can it be so fast? " She said.

Fortunately, the medical record was fake.

"I'll find the best doctor for you. Qian Chuan's hospital isn't top-notch, " Gong Mochen said.

Not a world-famous doctor, how could he be qualified to treat his woman?

"Qian Chuan's Hospital is also a famous hospital in the country. Can't he even treat my little illness? I'll let Li Ang handle my matters. You don't have to worry about it, " Qin Sheng said.

"Li Ang? You let Li Ang handle it? " Gong Mochen frowned.

"He's my boyfriend. Is there a problem with him handling my matters? " Qin Sheng looked at the man's face indifferently.

Her deepest eyes rolled with thousands of tears that flowed backward.

Just a moment ago, their child almost died.

"Qin Sheng! I'll give you another chance. Repeat it for me! " Gong mochen roared angrily.

The woman's words successfully angered the nerve that he couldn't touch!

"Why do you want to repeat it? We have a feud, don't you know? Your father killed my father, you killed my mother, and you still want to play with me every night. Are The people of the Yun family that cheap? " Qin Sheng said coldly.

She grabbed the quilt and turned it into a chrysanthemum.

Gong Mochen was choked to the point that he couldn't say a word. "You haven't investigated your father's matter clearly yet, so why did you come to such a conclusion? And your mother. If it weren't for my father's death, your mother would also be safe. "

At the end of the day, his father was also dead, okay?

Why didn't she think about it for him?

Qin Sheng curled the corners of her lips stiffly. "So, look, why do we have to be together? Go Away! Whether it's your family who owes my family or my family who owes your family, when I recover from my illness, I'll settle everything with you! "

Gong MOCHEN's hands clenched into fists. "Do you have to do this? "

"Yes, I have to do this, or you can kill me. I'm the only one left in the Yun family anyway. If you kill me, no one will be able to settle the score with you anymore! " Qin Sheng said coldly.

The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open. Nie Feng Walked in and whispered a few words to Gong Mochen. Gong Mochen's eyes narrowed.

"You go first. I'll be right behind you, " he instructed Nie Feng.

He turned to look at Qin Sheng. "treat your illness well. When I'm done, I'll deal with you! "

He strode out of the ward. All his excuses had been refuted by Nangong Mochen's evidence. The evidence of him leaking military information was conclusive. He would face consequences that he could not deal with.

Qin Sheng looked at the man's disappearing figure and heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had left. Otherwise, her tears would not have been able to hold on.

Tears rolled down her face. Her hand touched her lower abdomen.

Li Ang walked into the door. "He didn't make things difficult for you, did he? "

"No, I told him that you're my boyfriend. You're responsible for my matters. I'm sorry, I didn't ask you, " Qin Sheng stammered.

She didn't ask Li Ang whether he was willing to be her boyfriend or not.

Li Ang held Qin Sheng's hand. "Why are you sorry? I'm your boyfriend. I should be responsible for you. "

"But, but" but she was pregnant, right The child was not his.

Qin Sheng stuttered.

"there is no but. I am your boyfriend. As long as you don't break up, I will be by your side. I will always be with you and protect you, " Li Ang said.

Qin Sheng's heart skipped a beat. There was an apologetic feeling. Even the words 'sorry' would make you unable to say it.

Her lips trembled, but she didn't say a word.

Li Ang's phone rang. He took out his phone and took a look. He saw Qin Zirui's message, informing him that their plan could continue.

He pressed his finger and asked his people to send out the fake news. The news instantly appeared on the front page of the financial page. The entire H nation was shocked.

The Qin Group actually failed to invest. The Qin family's stock suddenly fell as if it had burst a dam. It could not stop the downward trend at all.

When Qin Sheng saw the news, it was already afternoon. She got up from her bed.

"What's going on? " She turned to ask Li Ang.

Li Ang smiled wickedly. "Hurry up and congratulate me. Our matter is almost settled. Are you afraid? "

"I'm not afraid. Why hasn't anyone from the company called me? " Qin Sheng said.

Wasn't this very strange The company had such a big incident, but no one had informed her!

"That's because I told Le Le Not to disturb you. come and drink the tonic soup. " Li Ang took a spoon and fed Qin Sheng.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly! " Qin Sheng couldn't wait to know.

"drink the soup first, and I'll tell you later, " Li Ang said.

He didn't want to tell the little woman now, so he had to let her drink the tonic soup properly.

Qin Sheng looked at the man with resentment. It was really depressing!

It was clearly such a big incident, but the man acted as if nothing had happened.

She brought the soup bowl over. She didn't need the man to feed her anymore. She drank it in big gulps.

Li Ang looked at the little woman with satisfaction. "Look at the news again. "

Qin Sheng refreshed the news again. The headline on the front page of the news changed to refute the rumor and correct it. It said that her mine was a rich mine with an amazing reserve. The Qin Group's stock soared.

She felt confused. What on Earth was going on?

The sound of fighting and cursing outside interrupted her train of thought.

"Li Ang! Come Out! Tell me clearly! You Bastard, how dare you lie to me! "

Qin Sheng immediately recognized Qin Zirui's voice. "What's going on? Let him in. "

Li Ang asked his men to open the door and let Qin Zirui and Qin Yunbo in. His lips curled into a proud smile.

Qin Zirui rushed into the room and was about to grab Li Ang. "Tell me! Why were our shares bought by others? "

"Your shares were bought by others? Tsk, Tsk, then you must be slow! " Li Ang said with a smile.