May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 218 - Chapter 218 she's back love is no longer 8

Chapter 218: Chapter 218 she's back love is no longer 8

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Zixian's hand pressed the button on the wheelchair. Without Ye Wei pushing, she drove over to Qin Sheng.

Her eyes were bloodshot. She hadn't ruined Qin Sheng, like she had planned. She saw the news about Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen's dalliance… The photos of them were extremely popular.

The man's shirt was stripped off, and Qin Sheng's legs were hooked around his waist, and this was only in the corridor!

The next photo made people's pulses quicken. The man's pants had been thrown on the floor of the corridor. One could imagine what kind of exercise they were doing behind the closed door!

She was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. Qin Sheng had been gone for four years. In those four years, she only had an empty name and was still unmarried, and Qin Sheng had sex with the man as soon as she came back.

She rushed to Qin Sheng and slapped her face!

"B*tch! You seduced someone else's fiancé. You're shameless!"

Qin Sheng grabbed Qin Zixian's wrist. "How am I shameless? Gong Mochen was seduced by me, which only means that he wanted me to seduce him! If a woman can't control her own man, she must be incompetent!"

Qin Zixian tried hard to pull her hand back. "You're so cheap. You seduced someone else's man, and you still say such shameless words!"

Qin Zixian lowered her voice and added, "You're a b*tch, just like your mother! A b*tch who deserves to be ****ed by a man!"

Qin Sheng slapped Qin Zixian's face and lowered her voice as well. "My mother is not a prostitute! So, you'd better watch your mouth!"

Her mother wasn't a prostitute or a woman of the hotel. Her mother's identity was so noble that she couldn't be compared to the Qin family at all!

However, she couldn't let others find out the truth about her. Qin Sheng was still wanted, and she couldn't admit that she was Qin Sheng.

Qin Zixian covered her face and cried, "Yun Sheng, I beg you, give Gong Mochen back to me! My legs are crippled because of him. He's all I have left! Can I kneel down and beg you?"

Qin Zixian supported herself with her arms and got up from the wheelchair. She fell to the ground and crawled to Qin Sheng's feet.

Qin Sheng looked at Qin Zixian in shock. This was never Qin Zixian's style. The Qin Zixian she knew would never kneel down and beg her to give Gong Mochen back!

Because of Qin Zixian's actions, the people that surrounded them stared at the pitiful Qin Zixian on the ground!

Everyone was clearly desperate to see what Qin Sheng would do. In this world, no one could tolerate a mistress... No woman liked to share their man, no matter what they said, or how they acted.

Qin Sheng instantly understood Qin Zixian's intention. Qin Zixian was deliberately making her out to be a bad woman!

"How can there be such an arrogant mistress? She stole her fiancé and even scolded her!"

"Yeah, she's shameless. I've never seen such a vicious woman. She stole someone's man!"

"If only the man could see her true colours! She's too detestable!"

"Such a woman should be thrown onto the streets!"

All the curses rushed into Qin Sheng's ears. They were only one step away from helping Qin Zixian beat her up!

Qin Zixian raised her head and looked at Qin Sheng. The corners of her lips curled into a sinister smile.

"Miss Yun Sheng, I beg you, I beg you! Our relationship has always been good. Don't destroy us!"

"Qin Zixian, you're too despicable!" Qin Sheng scolded in a low voice.

"So what if I'm despicable? What everyone is seeing now is that you stole my fiancé, and you're a spurned mistress! I'm the woman who deserves sympathy here!" Qin Zixian said proudly in a voice that could only be heard by two people.

Qin Sheng didn't expect that after so many years, her b*tch of an aunt's acting skills had improved to a whole new level. She could show weakness and retreat in order to advance!

At that moment, she was drowned in curses.

"She is such a vicious person. She didn't even offer to help that lady up when she was kneeling!"

"Such a vicious woman! She should have been killed by a car!"

The curses kept coming at Qin Sheng, thick and fast. Everyone in the room had turned on her.

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Qin Zixian. "Miss Qin, why did you come to me? I think you should go and beg Gong Mochen to stop harassing me. If you can persuade him to stop, I will have to thank you!"

She suddenly thought of a way out of this. She was worried that she wouldn't be able to get rid of Gong Mochen! But this might be the solution...

Qin Zixian was stunned. This wasn't how she thought it would pan out. Shouldn't Qin Sheng be angry and argue with her now?

Only then could she make everyone sympathize with her. Then hopefully the news would expose Qin Sheng, and make her unable to stay in this country!

"What did you say?"

"I said, go and beg Gong Mochen to stop harassing me! Haven't you always been on good terms with him? I believe that he will definitely listen to you! When the time comes, I will definitely thank you!" Qin Sheng smiled innocently.

Qin Zixian's face stiffened. She couldn't say that she could not beg Gong Mochen. That would only mean that her relationship with Gong Mochen wasn't good!

"You were the one who pestered him! Why should I ask Third Brother?"

Qin Sheng smiled. "I can guarantee that I won't go to see Gong Mochen again, but if he wants to see me by force, I can't stop him. Who dares to go against President Gong? Isn't that right?"

She said that for the benefit of the onlookers.

The crowd was silent, as if they were considering Qin Sheng's words. Obviously, this girl had been forced to be with Gong Mochen.

"Miss Qin, why don't you have a good talk with President Gong? If President Gong wants to see me by force, there's nothing I can do."

"Yeah, didn't Miss Yun Promise not to take the initiative to see Gong Mochen? Why don't you just tell your fiancé not to see her!"

The people in the dining room were discussing the matter, throwing out suggestions to Qin Zixian.

Qin Zixian's face darkened and the corners of her lips twitched. "Don't listen to her. She pestered Gong Mochen and refused to let him go! She deliberately misled you!"

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. "What evidence do you have to say that I pestered President Gong? Who was it that broke my door and broke into my room?

"Miss Qin, you keep saying that your relationship is so good. Why don't you even dare to talk to him... Or have you been lying just now?"

Qin Zixian's heart almost stopped when she heard that question. "You're talking nonsense. We grew up together. We're childhood sweethearts. Who can have a deeper relationship than us?"

"Then do you know the password on his phone screen?" Qin Sheng asked.

Qin Zixian's mouth opened and closed, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Why would Gong Mochen tell her his password?

"We respect each other. I'm not the kind of person that would force a man to give me his password!"

Qin Sheng chuckled. "Miss Qin is indeed virtuous. Then, I'll have to trouble you to call Gong Mochen over. We'll make it clear in front of everyone and make him promise that he'll never see me again. How about it? Do you dare to make a phone call?"

Qin Zixian's hands were clenched into fists. How could she dare to make a phone call?

At that moment, she clearly heard that many people were questioning her relationship with Gong Mochen.

What should she do?

A man suddenly walked through the restaurant's door...