May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 453 - Chapter 453, one night 3, was auctioned

Chapter 453: Chapter 453, one night 3, was auctioned

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"One hundred million!" another man shouted.

"One hundred and twenty million!"

"One hundred and fifty million!"

Qin Sheng nervously looked at the number plates that were rising and falling below the stage. The stage was too bright, and from her point of view, it was pitch black below the stage. She could only see the number plates that were flashing. She couldn't tell who was shouting the price.

Was it Du Can?

Her eyes were filled with nervousness. If it wasn't Du Can, what would she do?

"200 million!"

"250 million!"

Qin Sheng clenched her fists nervously.

At that moment, a maid walked up and helped Qin Sheng stand up. It was obvious that Weale wanted Qin Sheng to show more so that she could stimulate everyone to bid more!

As she stood up, her tall and graceful figure was fully revealed. A breeze blew from the floor under her feet, causing her skirt to sway gently, as if she was a banished immortal from the heavens.

In an instant, the bid soared all the way to 500 million!

Du Can couldn't sit still anymore. He was from a wealthy family, but he wasn't so generous as to spend 500 million on a woman!

"Does this auction cost this much money?" he asked Luo Zhi, who was beside him.

"Normally, tens of millions and a hundred million would be enough! This woman has set a record!" said Luo Zhi.

"Oh my God, spending 500 million in a night is painful!" Du Can ridiculed. Even if he and Luo Zhi split it, each person would have to spend 250 million. This figure was still considerable!

"Are we not going to bid? F*ck, it's already gone up to 600 million." Luo Zhi heard someone bid 600 million.

"Oh my God, you're really rich, spending 600 million to sleep with a woman!" Du Can was extremely jealous.

"Hurry up! Are you going to bid or not?" Luo Zhi urged Du Can.

Hearing all the bids had stimulated their competitive spirit. No matter what, they wanted to get this woman, not just to sleep with her, but to symbolize their victory!

At that moment, the wind blower on the stage blew even harder. The wind came from under Qin Sheng's feet. Her skirt was suddenly blown up like an umbrella!

Qin Sheng hurriedly used her hands to press down the flying skirt, but her beautiful legs were exposed.

Weale really knew how to stir up people's emotions. The woman was panicking, and her beautiful legs were simply captivating.

"Eight hundred million!" Weale shouted himself. His hand was shaking his wine glass. He was definitely going to get this woman!

"Nine hundred million!" Du Can couldn't control his emotions. If he didn't get this woman, what kind of man would he be? He had played with so many women. This was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen!

Weale glanced at Du Can. "Although you are my guest, I will not let you win. 950 million."

He would definitely not let Du Can buy this woman. Otherwise, Du Can would definitely tell Gong Mochen. She was such a good money tree! He wouldn't let her go and would auction her again and again!

He wanted to use her to earn money for a few days before selling her to Gong Mochen!

Weale's words ignited Du Can's anger. "What a coincidence, I will not let you win either! I want this woman! 1 billion!"

As soon as Du Can's voice fell, the hall fell silent. Spending one billion to buy a woman for one night... Many people dropped their auction tags. This price was enough to buy a top female star!

Weale's lips twitched. He knew Du Can's family background and thought that he could intimidate him. He didn't expect Du Can to fight him head-on!

"1.3 billion." He didn't stand on ceremony and reported the number.

Luo Zhi was a little nervous. How much would it cost him?

He grabbed Du Can's wrist. "Brother, forget it. We don't want this woman. The price isn't worth it! We can bid tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!"

He wasn't a fool. He could tell that Weale wanted this woman. Why did they have to go against Weale?

Du Can's wrist moved. Weale had really ignited his anger. He wasn't going to accept this!

However, Luo Zhi's hand was firmly holding him down. He couldn't lift his hand. The price had indeed exceeded his budget by too much.

Du Can broke free and raised his hand. "1.5 billion!"

Luo Zhi almost peed himself. "What are you doing? I'm warning you, I'm quitting. I'm not participating in the auction anymore!"

He was willing to throw away the ten million deposit, but he couldn't continue to go crazy with Du Can.

750 million just to sleep with a woman... No way was he paying that much!

The corner of Weale's lips twitched, and he gritted his teeth and announced a new number. "1.6 billion!"

Luo Zhi suddenly relaxed. Fortunately, Weale had bid again, so they didn't really need to spend all that money.

Du Can drank the red wine in his glass and lowered his voice. "Look at your guts. What are you afraid of? Weale definitely wants her. Why don't we raise the price? Don't forget, he'll likely split the price with General Eagle. In other words, he doesn't need to pay his own half, but General Eagle will spend 800 million. I can't let him take her so cheaply!"

"You're so bad! Why didn't I think of that? Let's raise the price again!" Only then did Luo Zhi understand what Du Can meant.

"But then what if Weale doesn't bid again? What then? The price is so high now... Can we really afford it if we win?" Du Can raised his eyebrows and said.

Du Can hesitated for the first time, having second thoughts.

Luo Zhi nodded. "You're the most decisive one! You decide."

"1.6 billion going once!" the auctioneer shouted.

The Lights in the hall lit up. Qin Sheng could finally see who was bidding for her.

She recognized Weale's leopard mask. Before she went on stage, he had come to see her wearing that mask. She was a little surprised, but it seemed to be within reason. Because Weale had said that he would also participate in the auction!

But she didn't expect that he would be so interested in her, and would buy her for 1.6 billion!

"1.6 billion twice! Is there anyone else who wants to bid?" the auctioneer continued to shout.

Qin Sheng's hand clenched into a fist. She had dodged General Eagle, but was she going to fall into Weale's hands?

It seemed that tonight was her doom, and she couldn't escape no matter what!

Gong Mochen flashed in her mind. Every time, he would come to save her... Would he come this time?

She looked anxiously at the entrance of the hall, hoping that a miracle would happen!

"If there are no more bids, then I will announce, 1.6 billion..."

"2 billion!"

Without waiting for the auctioneer to finish speaking, the man's cold voice penetrated through the door.

The entire hall was in an uproar, and everyone was looking in the direction of the door.

As the thick wooden door opened, a man walked into the hall with a strong posture.

The eagle mask on his face was particularly eye-catching, revealing his extraordinary identity...