May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 302 - Chapter 302, contract 17

Chapter 302: Chapter 302, contract 17

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"You go and film. I'll look for someone to correct the information posted on the Internet." Chu Xia needed to leave. She really couldn't understand this man. In front of everyone, he was a cold and aloof actor. How did he become dirty in front of her?

"You're going to correct the information? Do you actually know my correct information? If you don't know, how are you going to correct it?" Ming Tai reached out to hold Chu Xia's hand.

Chu Xia shook off the man's hand. She didn't want to do what he was implying in broad daylight!

There were people around! Why did he dare to be like this? It wasn't right...

"Ming Tai!" a female voice came from behind the two of them.

Chu Xia didn't need to look to know who it was. It was Yanzi!

No one could imitate Yanzi's delicate voice.

"Go and film! Hurry up!" Chu Xia patted the man's arm.

Ming Tai then let go of Chu Xia. Someone had come. He couldn't tease the little woman anymore...

"Go and do what you need to do. We'll meet at the lakeside tonight," he instructed Chu Xia.

Since she liked him, he would satisfy her.

It seemed that ever since he met this woman, he had been breaking his own worldview, going against his moral judgement and usual self.

It turned out that he would never say these words. His life was just like how everyone saw him. The stereotypical, dull, and aloof actor.

Chu Xia finally disappeared from his vision. Ming Tai turned around and walked past Yanzi. He went straight back to the room to continue filming.

Yanzi stomped her feet. What was so good about that Chu Xia?

Such a dirty woman... She really didn't understand men's taste. Shouldn't all men love her? She was a big star!

The movie hadn't been released yet. If she wanted to hype herself up in advance, she could only spread rumors. However, she couldn't use Gong Mochen anymore... but she could try to use Ming Tai.

The problem was that Ming Tai completely ignored her. Even during the filming, those loving scenes they filmed were just that, scenes. There was nothing real about them.

She originally wanted to take the opportunity to give the man some benefits and make him fall in love with her. In the end, the man's acting was too good. He acted the scenes as if they were real. Director An An was very satisfied.

She wanted to mess up her acting and shoot two more scenes, but she was afraid that the director would laugh at her for her poor acting skills!

Her gaze shifted. Tonight at the lakeside?

The corners of her lips curled up into a sinister smile.


Qin Sheng returned to her bedroom. She'd left in a hurry and her stomach had started to swell and ache again. The feeling was very uncomfortable.

She was holding onto her lower abdomen. It was really strange. Why was it so uncomfortable? Why was her period not here yet?

For the first time, she hoped that her cycle would start soon. At least if it came, she wouldn't feel uncomfortable anymore.

She picked up her phone and called Gong Mochen.

"Are you not feeling well? I heard from Nie Feng that you aren't walking normally."

The man's anxious voice came from the phone.

Qin Sheng's face turned pale in embarrassment. Nie Feng actually noticed that she wasn't walking normally...

"I'm fine. It's just that my stomach is still a little bloated and painful, so I'm walking slowly," she explained.

She placed the hot water bottle on her stomach. She thought that she had caught a cold from jumping into the lake. If she placed a hot water bottle on her stomach, it made it much more comfortable.

"I'll be there soon. Before I get there, if you feel badly, let Nie Feng send you to the hospital," Gong Mochen instructed.

"Okay." Qin Sheng hung up the phone.

It wasn't that serious. Every woman had a cycle, and she didn't need to go to the hospital because of it. However, she was glad that Gong Mochen was coming. She could tell him about Jian Jian.

Qin Sheng couldn't imagine how fast the man drove back.

The resort wasn't close to Gong Mochen's company. If she drove here, it would take an hour. However, the man appeared less than fifteen minutes after their call ended.

"Are you feeling better now?" Gong Mochen walked into the room. His suit was unbuttoned, so it was clear that he'd rushed here.

He reached out to lift the quilt on the little woman and examined her.

"I think I've just caught a cold. I feel better when I hold the hot water bottle." Qin Sheng pushed the man's hand away.

Gong Mochen sat next to Qin Sheng. "It's good that you're okay. I consulted the doctor. The doctor said that it's not good to be cold during a woman's cycle. When you're done, I'll take you to the Chinese medicine doctor to get some medicine that'll take good care of your body."

Qin Sheng lowered her gaze. There were tears in her eyes. She pursed her lips.

"I'm fine. Can you do me a favor? It's about Jian Jian. Sikong Jue suspects Jian Jian's parents. I'm afraid that he'll check Jian Jian's DNA. Is there a way to prevent Sikong Jue from finding out? Or give him a fake result?"

Gong Mochen's eyes narrowed when he heard Qin Sheng's words. "Jian Jian is the son of Sikong Jue and Chu Xia?"

Qin Sheng looked up at the man. He had guessed everything with just one sentence.

"Yes, don't tell Sikong Jue. Chu Xia doesn't want him to know. You also know that Sikong Jue wanted to get rid of Jian Jian."

If it wasn't for Gong Mochen's help, Jian Jian wouldn't have been able to survive.

"I've said it before. I'll give you whatever you want. I'll arrange it so that Sikong Jue doesn't know the result," Gong Mochen said as he got up and walked out of the room.

Nie Feng came over from outside the door. "President, what are your orders?"

"Sikong Jue has a friend who runs a hospital. His name is Qian Chuan. I predict that Sikong Jue will ask Qian Chuan to do a test on Jian Jian's DNA.

"Find someone in Qian Chuan's hospital to check if there is anyone named Sikong Jue among the DNA examiners. Get them to make a replacement sample and fake data," Gong Mochen instructed.

Sikong Jue was the mysterious His Highness Yu. Because of his identity, he didn't have many friends. Some of them were close because of their similar occupations.

If Sikong Jue wanted to check DNA, he would definitely ask his friends. Therefore, Qian Chuan must be his choice.

Nie Feng nodded and accepted the order. "Yes, I will do it right away!"

Nie Fang came over with a bowl of chicken soup. "President, I made chicken soup with red dates and western ginseng for you."

She brought the chicken soup to Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. "You made chicken soup for me?"

"Yes, I saw that you were working hard, so I wanted to make this for you," said Nie Fang, lowering her head shyly.

"So that means you haven't been by Yun Sheng's side to serve her?" Gong Mochen's voice suddenly turned cold.

Nie Fang was shocked. Gong Mochen had never spoken to her in such a voice!

"Ah... I was, err, I was busy making chicken soup for you. Yun Sheng, she's fine," she stammered.

"This is the first time you've made a mistake. I forgive you this time because you're Nie Feng's sister. Your job is to serve Yun Sheng. You have to stay by her side and report everything to me at all times!

"If you make a second mistake and don't stay by her side, you can leave my service!" Gong Mochen said coldly.

Nie Fang was trembling from the man's cold voice. He looked like an asura when he was angry.

"I-I know. I won't leave Yun Sheng's side again. I promise," she quickly said.

"You have to call her Miss Yun!" said Gong Mochen, waving his hand to dismiss Nie Fang.

Nie Fang picked up the chicken soup and turned around to leave. Her tears welled up in her eyes and almost rolled out. She had never been wronged like this in her entire life!


The man's voice came from behind her. She was surprised. Did he regret how he'd spoken to her? Was he going to apologize?