May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 452 - Chapter 452, the night of the auction 2

Chapter 452: Chapter 452, the night of the auction 2

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Even if I kill you, you won't say anything? Guards, lock her up. I want to see how long she can last here!" Weale instructed.

A few bodyguards walked in and said, "Yes!"

"Remember, no one is allowed to see her!" Weale said, and he brought Qin Sheng out of the cell.

Yan Fei was like a mad beast. Seeing that Qin Sheng was about to leave, she pounced on her, waving her hands to grab her.

"Qin Sheng! I won't let you go! I won't let you go!"

The bodyguards kicked Yan Fei to the ground and beat her up.

Qin Sheng looked back at Yan Fei. She recalled the time when they first entered school. At that time, who would have thought that their ending would be like this?

"There's no need to pity such a vicious woman!" Weale said to Qin Sheng, who was looking back at Yan Fei.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "I'm not pitying her. I'm just thinking, is it really worth it to spend a lifetime to take revenge on someone?"

The conflict between her and Yan Fei started with Qin Yunting. She dragged Yan Fei along with her, causing so much trouble.

This path had gone too far...

"Yeah, but now I think you should be thinking about taking a shower and getting ready to serve General Feiying. There's also the auction tonight," Weale said.

Qin Sheng's face twitched. She had forgotten that with Yan Fei's guilt exposed, matters would return to as they were before, and the auction would go ahead...

"If General Feiying doesn't come back in time, do we have to wait for him?" She suddenly thought of this because she hadn't heard the news of General Feiying's return.

"No, I will not make you wait for him. Our rule is that the auction will not change. If he doesn't come back, the auction will still be held," Weale replied.

Qin Sheng frowned and followed Weale back to her room.

Her hands were clenched into fists. She could only hope that General Feiying wouldn't come back, and that Du Can would make the winning bid.

Weale returned to his office and announced to everyone that the real murderer had been found. It was Yan Fei. He also told them about how he had caught Yan Fei.

No one had expected this outcome. The woman who was going to be auctioned had been cleared.

This news instantly made all the rich people more interested in Qin Sheng.

Conquering was a man's nature. Buying such a woman and conquering her in bed, watching her beg for mercy when she couldn't take it, only then could they show their grandeur.

Those who wanted their deposits returned no longer wanted a refund. There were quite a few people who wanted to participate in the auction.

Weale raised his eyebrows and looked at the number of people who wanted to participate. The record had been broken. He smiled very brightly. This woman would definitely make him a huge profit!

In the room, maids had filled up the huge bathtub.

"I don't need you to wash me. I can wash myself!" Qin Sheng grabbed her skirt and refused to let the maids take it off her.

She didn't like to be looked at by men, let alone be looked at by so many women.

She had only ever washed in front of Gong Mochen.

"You can wash yourself? Miss Yun, I'm afraid you can't wash yourself. We have to scrub you from head to toe and apply tender oil. We also have to remove all your body hair. Are you sure you can do it yourself?" a maid asked.

Qin Sheng sucked in a breath of cold air. "Why are you doing this? It's not like I'm sleeping with an ancient emperor."

"The rich man spent so much money to buy you. Naturally, we have to give him the best goods! We have to make the rich man feel that it's worth it!"

"I advise Miss Yun to cooperate with us. We're all girls anyway. It doesn't matter if we look. If you don't cooperate, we'll have to do it by force. Weale will send a few bodyguards in. When the time comes, you'll be the one who looks ugly," the maid said.

Qin Sheng almost spat out a mouthful of blood. She naturally couldn't let the bodyguards in, and she wouldn't doubt that Weale would do such a thing.

She could only take off her dress and take a bath as the maids instructed.

She had never known the feeling of being waited on from head to toe. From her hair to her nails, the group of women surrounded her and fixed her up.

Five hours had passed by the time these women were done.

She was wearing a long white dress with slanted shoulders. One of her shoulders was exposed, half revealing her seductive parts. A belt was tied around her waist, which was also white. The belt buckle was made of white gold and had diamonds embedded in it. The belt made her waist even more slender.

Her skin was faintly illuminated by the crystal lamp, shining, glimmering.

Makeup had been applied to her face. Her lips were ruby red, and her nails were covered with diamonds. Tiny diamonds were stuck on the edge of her nails, giving off a colorful glow as she raised her hands.

Qin Sheng stood in front of a wall-sized mirror and looked at herself. She never thought that she could be so beautiful.

The maids were also stunned. This was the most beautiful girl they had ever served.

"Miss Yun, drink this bowl of ginseng soup. This is to refresh you. There are also dishes here." The maid brought the dishes to the table.

Qin Sheng looked at the dishes on the table. They were very rich dishes. There was no meat or oil at all, and they were served with flowers.

"Miss Yun, these dishes will refresh you, but also make you breathe easy and smell like orchids. The effect is even better than wearing perfume. Perfume can smell too artificial," the maid explained.

Qin Sheng ate with her silver chopsticks. These rich people were willing to spend a lot of money at the auction, because the women here were exquisite and different from the rest!

"What time is it?" She suddenly thought of this question.

"It's six o'clock. You will be auctioned off at seven o'clock in the evening! Miss Yun, you'd better eat quickly!" the maid urged.

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. General Feiying actually didn't come!

Maybe he had been caught in a storm? Maybe he had died! Whatever the reason, Qin Sheng was glad.

Du Can... She silently chanted Du Can's name, hoping that he would win the auction.


All the rich people in the hall had put on their masks according to the rules. Everyone held the number plates of the auction in their hands, ready to bid for that woman.

All the lights were dim, and there was a beam of light shining in the middle of the stage. A beautiful couch descended from the ceiling, and the woman was lying peacefully on it. She wore a white cat mask on her face, and her long black hair hung loosely.

Two small feet were exposed from the bottom of her dress, like a pair of jade sculptures. The men could no longer sit still. As the couch landed on the stage, the auction began.

"Eighty million!" a man shouted out impatiently.