May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 205 - Chapter 205 is so dirty

Chapter 205: Chapter 205 is so dirty

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Who did he look like?

Sikong Jue was lost in his thoughts for a moment, The boy looked really familiar. However, when he thought of all the people he knew, none of them were like the little boy.

Qin Sheng was shocked. The father and son were really alike, especially when they were together. They were clearly cut from the same cloth!

"Of course he looks familiar. Li Ang's and my child is like us!" she said quickly.

Sikong Jue's eyes were locked on the little boy's face. Why could he not see it?

Before he could figure it out, the little boy slid down from Gong Mochen's arms and hugged Shen Tong's leg. "Auntie, you're so pretty. You're just a little bit prettier than my mummy!"

His small hands stroked the woman's smooth legs, his big eyes gazing up at her cutely.

Shen Tong had always lacked friends. When she saw the little boy, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth. She picked up the Chu Jian and said, "What's your name? You're so cute!"

The little boy was really beautiful. He had black hair, a fair little face, and big eyes that twinkled as he spoke.

"My name is Jian Jian. Auntie, you are so beautiful! You're like a graceful spirit," Chu Jian said.

"Jian Jian, you really know how to make a girl feel happy! Thank you." Shen Tong seemed to have discovered a new toy. She was so happy that she hugged Jian Jian tightly.

"Auntie, can I kiss you? You're lovely, just like my favorite cotton candy." Chu Jian gazed at her with his big, glossy eyes, batting his cute eyelashes.

"Sure." Shen Tong laughed so hard that the flower in her ear trembled.

Chu Jian stamped a seal on the woman's face, and his small hand touched the woman's cheek.

"Auntie, you're so soft and comfortable. Can I go to sleep in your arms?"

"Can I throw you away?" Sikong Jue grabbed the child from Shen Tong's arms and lifted him up like a little chick.

"Brother Jue, what are you doing? Put Jian Jian down!" Shen Tong quickly reached out to take the child.

"What am I doing? Do you know what he is doing? You don't even know when someone is taking advantage of you!" Sikong Jue's extreme jealousy bubbled to the surface.

"Little pervert! You're dirty at such a young age. Get out of my sight!" Sikong Jue threw the little thing to Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen caught the child. "You have to help him, no matter how you feel. He is just a little boy. You need to control your jealousy!"

The corner of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. Gong Mochen had caught him off guard, just like that.

"Wait here. I'll make some medicine for him." He gave Shen Tong a look and she followed him.

Shen Tong followed behind the man. "He's so young. Why would he take advantage of me? You're thinking too much."

She didn't believe that the little boy had taken advantage of her on purpose! Sikong Jue was being too jealous.

"I'm thinking too much? That kid is dirty. He doesn't even know who his parents are. What kind of genes are these?" Sikong Jue complained.

"Ah? Aren't his parents Qin Sheng and Li Ang?" Shen Tong asked.

Sikong Jue covered Shen Tong's mouth. "Don't speak so loudly. We don't know what's going on here."

Gong Mochen and Li Ang weren't people he could mess with. He could only wait and see.

He took Shen Tong's hand and brought her to the room to prepare the medicine. When the medicine was almost ready, he asked Shen Tong to call Qin Sheng in.

Qin Sheng walked into the room and immediately saw Sikong Jue preparing the medicine.

"Is the medicine ready?" She reached out to take the medicine.

Sikong Jue raised his hand to stop Qin Sheng's hand. "If you want the medicine, you can have it. But didn't you just say that you would tell me about Chu Xia? Is she okay?"

After Chu Xia had left with the Tao family, he didn't hear any news about her.

"She has been abroad and changed her name to Sunshine. She is now the chief designer of our company and is currently attending a fashion show in Paris. Why are you asking about her, anyway?" she asked.

To be honest, when she'd threatened Sikong Jue just now, she was just trying her luck because she really couldn't think of anything that could threaten him.

Moreover, she felt that there was no need to hide the truth about Chu Xia. After all, as Chu Xia had returned to work in the country, people would know that the big designer, Sunshine, was Chu Xia sooner or later.

She didn't expect that Chu Xia's name would be so useful.

Sunshine literally meant sunshine, and Chu Xia was currently living a very sunny life. She believed that no matter what Sikong Jue thought, it would not affect Chu Xia's life.

Sikong Jue's eyes were serious. It seemed as though Chu Xia was no longer the little girl who'd begged him to marry her...

He handed the medicine to Qin Sheng. "The boy needs to take it once a day. If you run out of medicine, you can come back to get more."

"Can you cure Jian Jian? I don't want him to die before he reaches *****hood," Qin Sheng asked.

"That's the nature of congenital heart disease. I can only ask why you still wanted to give birth even though you knew the child was sick? A child like this shouldn't even be born...

"I don't have the ability to guarantee that he will live to *****hood. I can only guarantee that he will live until he is 18 years old," Sikong Jue said.

"Think of a way. You can ask for as much money as you want!" Qin Sheng said.

"Money can give you a good life, but it can't cure his illness! No matter how much money you give, you can't cure him, do you understand?" said Sikong Jue.

Qin Sheng's heart tightened. She trembled when she thought about how such a cute child could only live to be 18 years old...

She walked out of the room in disappointment.

Sikong Jue didn't know why, but his heart felt uncomfortable, as if something was pulling on his nerves.

Looking at the woman's back, he hesitated for a moment. "A heart attack happens when his heart isn't healthy and strong enough. Only by training his heart to be strong enough can his life be sustained!"

Qin Sheng turned around and looked at Sikong Jue. "You must know of a way to train his heart, right?"

Sikong Jue nodded. "Yes. However, it would be a difficult process, and has the potential to cause complications..."

"But he can live, right?" Qin Sheng walked towards Sikong Jue quickly.

"I can only say that I will try my best. If he can't hold on, he might not even live to be 18 years old. Besides, he would have to be raised by me. Are you willing to hand him over to me?" Sikong Jue asked.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. This wasn't something she could decide. She had to ask Chu Xia first.

"Let me think about it. I'll give you an answer in a few days!" she said.

"Sure. Who is paying for the medicine and the treatment, you or Gong Mochen?" Sikong Jue asked.

"Me. This child has nothing to do with him." Qin Sheng took out a card and handed it to Sikong Jue. Naturally, she wouldn't let Gong Mochen spend money on this child.

Sikong Jue took the card and looked at it. "What's going on between you and Gong Mochen? You haven't seen each other for four years, and you've already gotten into a fight?"

He still didn't know what was going on between Qin Sheng, Li Ang, and Gong Mochen. It was a mystery to him.

"We've not been fighting... When did you see me fighting with him?"

"I can tell, just from the chemistry between you both. Qin Sheng, although I don't know what happened between the two of you, I can tell you that he had a hard time these past four years. Back then, he was poisoned, so he couldn't save you. That explosion..."