May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 429 - Chapter 429 pregnancy, pregnancy 29

Chapter 429: Chapter 429 pregnancy, pregnancy 29

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

When the morning sun shone into Qin Sheng's room, Qin Sheng had already woken up.

The little woman woke up on her own, surprising Gong Mochen. She had always been unable to wake up. His gaze was fixed on her small face. These few years, she had really grown up and matured.

He reached out and hugged the little woman. "Good Morning, my baby!"

He lowered his head and kissed her lips...

"Gong Mochen! When did you crawl onto my bed again?" Qin Sheng pushed the man away.

"I wanted to wake you up, but you woke up on your own," Gong Mochen said innocently.

Qin Sheng was speechless. Wake her up? Why was he lying beside her?

"Let go! I'm going to wash up." She pushed the man beside her away.

Gong Mochen didn't hug the little woman anymore. After all, he couldn't be late for the meeting.

Qin Sheng washed up, put on some clothes, and walked out of the room.

She saw Yin Yin walking with her hand on her waist. Many maids walked past her and pointed at her.

Yin Yin slept in Li Ang's room last night. The maids were gossiping about what could have happened during the night.

Yin Yin looked at Qin Sheng and lowered her head shyly. She didn't seem to be bothered about the maids who were talking about her.

If she wasn't bothered, was that confirmation that something had happened?

"It looks like the Duke has a new lover. Do you think they were rolling around all night?" said Gong Mochen as he came out of the room behind Qin Sheng.

The man's scolding voice entered Qin Sheng's ears.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. She didn't expect that Li Ang would really be able to be in tune with Yin Yin.

She knew that Li Ang was very good with Yin Yin, but could he really accept her as his woman?

She just wasn't sure.

A sharp light flashed across Yin Yin's eyes. When she saw Qin Sheng in a daze, she was especially happy. She was happy because she had finally tortured Qin Sheng!

"Gong Mochen, Watch your mouth. Who has a new lover?" Li Ang's voice rushed over.

He was speechless. He was a little late, and he was already slandered!

Gong Mochen chuckled and completely ignored what Li Ang said. He grabbed Qin Sheng's hand and left.

Li Ang pushed the wheelchair's button and rushed over. "Gong Mochen! Stop right there. What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Don't you understand? You're in a good mood. Last night, you spent the first half of the night at the Half-human World, and the second half was full of harmony," Gong Mochen said loudly.

Li Ang's face was pale. "I only went to the Half-human World to drink a glass of wine. Who said that I played with women there?"

"You went to the Half-human World just to drink wine? Your wine is so expensive! I heard that it costs 10,000 yuan per person to enter the Half-human World. If you just want to drink wine, do you have to spend so much money?" Gong Mochen ridiculed.

The entrance fee to the Half-human World was known for being high, but it was still full at night, because the people who went there didn't care about the entrance fee. They only wanted the beautiful women!

Of course, the beautiful women inside were good, but the price of the wine was expensive.

Gong Mochen doubted that he just went to that place to drink wine! He probably played with woman while he was there.

"So what if I burn money? Are you jealous?" Li Ang said.

"Why would I be jealous? I have Qin Sheng. I don't need a nightclub to gain satisfaction. And you still came back here to find a woman!" Gong Mochen's eyes were full of mockery and sarcasm.

Li Ang was about to explode from anger. "Yin Yin and I didn't do anything! She fell to the ground during the night and hurt her waist."

"Oh, Yin Yin sleeps on the bed?" Gong Mochen's words were meaningful.

Li Ang was about to self-destruct. The more he explained, the more he couldn't explain clearly. "Of course she slept on the bed. I wouldn't make a woman sleep on the sofa! Qin Sheng, don't misunderstand. I was the one who slept on the sofa!"

He grabbed Qin Sheng's hand nervously.

Gong Mochen grabbed Qin Sheng's hand. "It's a miracle that Yin Yin even fell out of the bed when you consider how big the beds are here! Qin Sheng, let's go!"

He pulled Qin Sheng and left, not giving Li Ang a chance to explain further.

Qin Sheng wanted to turn around and say something, but Gong Mochen pulled her so hard that she didn't even have a chance to speak. The man was whispering in her ear, "Hurry up, or we'll be late for the meeting!"

She could only follow the man out of the villa.

Li Ang pounded his fist on the wall. He hated Gong Mochen so much that he wanted to kill Gong Mochen! He and Yin Yin didn't do anything, but Gong Mochen made it sound like they had done everything.

Qin Zirui walked over leisurely, lowered her voice and said, "Don't be angry. As long as our plan succeeds, everything will be yours! You'll be able to do whatever you want!"

Li Ang nodde. "Yes, I know. I'll get revenge for the humiliation I suffered today!"

Qin Zirui smiled and walked quickly past Li Ang. He couldn't be late for the meeting.

Yin Yin looked at the two men who were whispering and didn't know what they said.

Although Li Ang had tried to explain to Qin Sheng, it was just like what Gong Mochen said. Who would believe that she fell off the bed?

It had to be said that the fall was really painful, but it was worth it because it made Li Ang and Qin Sheng suspicious of each other!

She walked to Li Ang's side and squatted down. She looked at Li Ang pitifully, as if she had suffered a great grievance. She grabbed his hand and hit her body.

Li Ang hurriedly withdrew his hand. "Yin Yin, what are you doing? This is not your fault! It's their fault that they misunderstood! Don't worry, I will get justice for you!"

Yin Yin nodded and threw herself into Li Ang's arms. The corners of her lips curled into a smile...


In the huge conference room of the Qin Corporation, Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen signed the documents to do the handover. From then on, Qin Sheng was the president of the Qin Corporation.

Qin Zirui's eyes flashed with a sinister light. As long as his and Li Ang's plan succeeded, the company would be his!

Qin Sheng sat on the boss's chair in the huge conference room. Her left hand man was Gong Mochen, and her right hand was Qin Zirui.

The other executives lined up one after another. Her eyes swept across the executives' faces.

She had lost her innocence, and her ability was revealed from the inside out.

"From now on, I am the president of the Qin Group. I think I should have a deeper understanding of the company's situation. Yesterday, I looked at the various reports from companies in this country, but there were no overseas company reports. Second Uncle, please give me the accounts of the overseas company," Qin Sheng said to Qin Zirui.

Qin Zirui's face was stiff. He didn't expect Qin Sheng to ask for the accounts from him!

"I've been managing the overseas company. I've never handed in the accounts!"

"Well times and rules have changed! Now I want to check the accounts of your overseas company!" Qin Sheng said.

Qin Zirui clenched her fists. How could he dare to show Qin Sheng his rotten accounts...

"I'm your second uncle. What right do you have to order me?"

"I use the identity of president to order you! Or is there something in your accounts that you don't dare to let me see?" Qin Sheng asked lightly.