May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 376 - Chapter 376: Jealous Men can not be flirted with

Chapter 376: Chapter 376: Jealous Men can not be flirted with

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Do you think I will give you time to post it on the internet?" Ta Luosi raised his hand.

The men in black rushed towards Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi as if they didn't know death.

Ha Siqi only had a few bullets in his pistol. He couldn't deal with so many people.

As the men in black aimed their guns at Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi, Qin Sheng felt the aura of death float over her.

"I'm sorry, Ha Siqi. I'm the one who dragged you into this!" She felt guilty towards Ha Siqi. If it wasn't for her, Ha Siqi wouldn't be in such danger!

"What are you talking about? I'm your best friend. Have you forgotten? It's a pity that I'm not capable enough to protect you. It's my fault!

"Qin Sheng, if I die, I hope to get a promotion in the next life. I want to be your boyfriend." Ha Siqi smiled at Qin Sheng and pulled her into his arms.

The man in black pulled the triggers of their pistols...

A series of intense gunshots sounded. Ha Siqi held Qin Sheng tightly in his arms and treated himself as her body armor. However, there was no expected pain. He looked up and saw another group of people rushing over. This group started fighting with the men in black.

Qin Sheng pulled Ha Siqi in surprise. "It's Nie Feng. Let's run!"

Nie Feng came. He must have come to save them. They could use this opportunity to run away. Nie Feng could only retreat if they got away safely.

Ha Siqi's mind was awakened by Qin Sheng. He followed Qin Sheng and ran out of the park under Nie Feng's cover.

As they ran, Ha Siqi brought Qin Sheng to the alley where he parked his car and drove away.

In the car, Qin Sheng put the memory card into her phone and clicked on the video.

She clenched her phone tightly. "It really was Qin Zixian! Our guess was right!"

Ha Siqi said, "Fortunately, the worker was careful enough to send the video to his wife in his hometown. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to find the video."

"What about the family? Are they in danger?" Qin Sheng was worried about the innocent people in that family.

"Don't worry. I gave them a settlement fee and the whole family ran away. Those men in black won't be able to find them. What should we do now? Should we hand the video to the police?" Ha Siqi said.

Qin Sheng shook her head. "No, saving Li Ang is more important. This time, Qin Zixian will crumble! If she doesn't want to go to jail, she has to hand Li Ang over obediently!"

There was still a chance to put Qin Zixian in jail, but Li Ang had to be rescued first. She was afraid that Li Ang would be in danger!

"Well, then let's go to the Qin family's house now!" Ha Siqi stepped on the accelerator and drove straight to the Qin family.

The gunshots in the park had stopped, and everyone had retreated. Two equally tall men stood facing each other. One was cold and domineering, while the other was cold, arrogant, and evil.

Ta Luosi smiled coldly. "Gong Mochen, you actually made a move. Do you know what you're doing?"

"I said you're not allowed to touch Qin Sheng," Gong Mochen's words escaped from his lips.

"But I didn't touch Qin Sheng... I think you're crazy. Do you know why she and Ha Siqi risked their lives to get that video?" Ta Luosi sneered.

"To save Li Ang! Nangong Mochen, this is the last time I'm warning you. Qin Sheng isn't someone you can touch! Don't force me to make a move on you!" Gong Mochen said coldly.

"Nangong Mochen... I haven't heard that name for a long time. I almost forgot it myself! Are you going to make a move on your own brother for that woman?" Nangong Mochen raised his hand and took off his mask He revealed a face that was exactly the same as Gong Mochen's.

Under the yellow streetlights, the two perfect faces looked at each other as if they were looking in a mirror.

Gong Mochen's expression turned bleak. "You forced me to do it."

Nangong Mochen laughed coldly, like a ghost in the middle of the night. "You say it so nicely... I forced you to do it! It was mother who favored you and sent you to the Qin family to be adopted, and sent me to the special forces training camp for training.

"You became the high and mighty President Gong, and I barely escaped death after climbing out of piles of dead people from the numerous battles. What right do I have to suffer like this, and you can live in glory?

"We share the same face because we are twins. For years I've had to be a shadow that can never be seen by others!

"It's been more than thirty years, and you are President Gong, the focus of the world, while I live like a ghost with the name of Ta Luosi. Everything you have now should be mine!"

His voice became more and more agitated. This was something he would never be able to let go of. The two people who were born together had completely different life circumstances!

"That was Mom's choice," Gong Mochen said.

"Don't mention Mom to me! She's just your mom, not mine! Since she favors you, she doesn't have the right to be my mom!" Ta Luosi roared angrily.

Han Qing had given everything to Gong Mochen, and he could only wear a mask and live as Gong Mochen's spare tire...

No one was willing to be someone else's shadow, especially not him.

"Would you believe me if I said that I would rather be you?" Without the responsibility of avenging his father, Gong Mochen wouldn't have to work so many hours a week. Other than sleeping four hours a day, he had to spend all his time in the business world to ensure his company stayed at the top.

He had barely any time to touch or love the girl he loved. He could only suppress his true feelings."If it weren't for my identity, I wouldn't have made Qin Sheng wait so long.

"If I were Ta Luosi, I would hold her hand and take her away from this place, to live a life where there is only the two of us. It would be our world, only us, no Nangong, no Qin family, no company... And especially no Yun family!" Gong Mochen's voice came out from his throat, as deep as the sea.

He couldn't truly love Qin Sheng with what he was carrying. It wasn't until she was pursued by Ha Siqi and Li Ang that he saw his true heart and was willing to give up everything to love her!

"You want to be a lover, but unfortunately, your mother won't accept Yun Xi's daughter. You're destined not to be with her," Nangong Mochen said.

"I just want Qin Sheng. If you want the properties, I can give them to you when I get them.

"You can also use my name and be the CEO of this nation. I'll only take Qin Sheng with me," Gong Mochen said.

This was his bottom line. He could lose the whole world, but he couldn't lose Qin Sheng.

Nangong Mochen's lips curled up coldly. "That's perfect. Even if you give up everything to marry Qin Sheng, do you think she'll accept you? Don't forget, in her heart and in the eyes of the Yun family, you're the murderer of her mother and uncle!"

"I'll explain it to the Yun family. You don't have to worry about that," Gong Mochen explained.

Nangong Mochen's eyes narrowed, revealing a vicious look. "You want me to take on the responsibility of killing the Yun family in your name while you and Qin Sheng live your lives freely? My brother, you're too perfect!"