May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 424 - Chapter 424 pregnancy, pregnancy 24

Chapter 424: Chapter 424 pregnancy, pregnancy 24

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Why would I be angry? The person Ming Tai loves is Chu Xia, and I think the only person who can match up to Ming Tai is Chu Xia. Chu Xia is amazing. She even won an award for her fashion designs and opened a fashion show. Only such a woman is worthy to stand by Ming Tai's side.

"I'm just a small fan of Ming Tai. I'm happy when I see him happy!

"Brother Jue, I know I'm your fiancé. I won't fall in love with anyone else. When I recover from my illness, we'll get married and have our own children."

She knew very well that love was just love. She admired Ming Tai, but that wasn't love that was possessive.

She knew about Sikong Jue. He was her future husband, and that had been set in stone since she was young. She would only be with this man for the rest of her life, and this man was really good to her. He was so good that there was nothing to be picky about.

Sikong Jue patted the girl's shoulder. Shen Tong could treat herself as a little fan and not covet Ming Tai's love, but he wasn't like that.

Because Chu Xia was his to begin with. Even her son was born to him. He couldn't let go of his feelings for Chu Xia. And this kind of feeling was even more rampant after he found out that Jian Jian was his son!

He raised his head and sighed. What could he do? How could he not hurt Shen Tong and take back Chu Xia?

He thought that he was too greedy...

Ming Tai's car drove towards Chu Xia's home. He didn't let Chu Xia return to work at the resort today. Qin Sheng had already made the arrangements anyway, so wanted to take Chu Xia home to rest.

He held Chu Xia's hand. She still seemed to be in a trance. "Don't worry about Jian Jian. Sikong Jue will treat him well."

Chu Xia bit her lips. "But Sikong Jue doesn't know that Jian Jian is his son. I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry. No matter what, Sikong Jue has professional ethics. He won't be careless," Ming Tai advised Chu Xia.

Sikong Jue really didn't know about Jian Jian, but then why didn't he feel it? The way Sikong Jue looked at Jian Jian was as if he wanted to engrave the boy into his eyes. If Chu Xia didn't say anything, would Sikong Jue ever notice?

After all, they were blood relatives, so there would be feelings. He knew that Sikong Jue wanted to steal Chu Xia from him. Sikong Jue also knew that Chu Xia was pregnant, yet he still wanted to chase her.

"Yes, I know that his pharmaceutical skills are great and he is very professional. I also know that Shen Tong loves Jian Jian very much. I should be at ease!" Chu Xia said.

"It's good that you know that. Now go upstairs and catch up on your sleep. Don't forget, you still have a baby in your belly!" Ming Tai said.

He parked the car under the apartment building and let Chu Xia get out.

Chu Xia nodded and said goodbye to Ming Tai. She walked towards the apartment building. She almost forgot that she still had a baby.

When she thought that this child was hers and Ming Tai's, she only wanted to reject it. She didn't know why she didn't want this child. She quickly shook her head. She shouldn't be having thoughts like this.

'I'm sorry, baby. Mama shouldn't think that way. You are Mama's child. Mama will take you!"

Her heart was cold and bitter and tears rolled down her cheeks. She finally understood something that she had never thought about before.

She never understood why Sikong Jue was so heartless that he didn't want her child. He had even given her abortion medicine himself.

It must have been because he didn't love her!

But she couldn't fall in love with Ming Tai, that was why she rejected the child with him.

She opened the door and closed it. She leaned against the doorframe, feeling that all her strength had been drained away. She slipped to the ground weakly.

So Sikong Jue didn't love her...

Tears flowed out of her eyes. She thought about how gently Sikong Jue treated Shen Tong. It flashed through her mind again and again.


In the Qin family's villa, Li Ang brought Yin Yin back to his room to rest after dinner.

The woman went to the bathroom to take a shower while he sat in his wheelchair and looked at the night view outside the window.

If he wasn't afraid that the maid would bully Yin Yin again, he wouldn't have made Yin Yin stay in the same room with him.

A moment later, Yin Yin walked out of the bathroom. The water droplets on her short hair rolled down, dripping onto her body. The silk pajamas that she was wearing were wet and stuck to her body.

"Why didn't you dry your hair? You'll catch a cold if you don't do that. There's a hairdryer in the bathroom. You can blow dry it yourself," Li Ang said.

A disappointed look flashed across Yin Yin's eyes. She turned around and walked into the bathroom. She picked up the hairdryer and dried her hair.

In the mirror, she looked defeated and resentful. She was so angry that she wanted to smash the hairdryer!

Li Ang was a neat freak. How could she have forgotten that!

She hurriedly dried her hair and walked into the bedroom again. She carefully looked at the man and made herself look humble.

Li Ang pointed at the bed. "You sleep on the bed, and I'll sleep on the sofa. You can go to sleep now."

He pressed the button on the wheelchair and went his desk to deal with some European matters. The temperature seemed to be a little high today. He felt that his throat was a little dry and he wanted to drink some water.

Yin Yin obediently got on the bed.

No one knew what she put in the soup, but she didn't dare to put in too much. She only put in a little, because if she put too much, she could be discovered.

She calculated the time and felt that Li Ang's time should be up!

Li Ang glanced at the documents and glanced at Yin Yin on the bed. He put down the documents and went to the corridor.

Qin Sheng walked up the stairs and saw Li Ang sitting in the corridor. "Why are you sitting here?"

"It's nothing. I just came out to have a look. Have you finished reading all your documents?" Li Ang asked.

There was a board meeting tomorrow, where Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen would be discussing the company, so Qin Sheng spent the whole night familiarizing herself with the situation and documents. Of course, it was only the general situation. She had to wait until she arrived at the company to understand the details.

"I've seen enough. It turns out that the Qin family's business is so big. It's bigger than I imagined," Qin Sheng said.

"Of course, the Qin family is one of the top groups in this nation. If it weren't for Gong Mochen's company, the Qin family's company would be the largest," Li Ang said.

He held Qin Sheng's hand...