May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 271 - Chapter 271: Yearning like the tide 21

Chapter 271: Chapter 271: Yearning like the tide 21

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Just as that person was about to walk into Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen, a woman's figure walked towards her.

"If want to die, I won't stop you!"

The woman who wanted to walk towards Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng stopped in her tracks. "Why am I the one who's going to die? Shouldn't their affair be exposed?"

"So you're happy to expose while at the same time exposing the truth about your leg? How do you think CEO Gong will punish you?" the woman asked.

"Ye Wei, I won't let you off even if Gong Mochen punishes me! If you want to die, we'll all die together!" Qin Zixian said.

"I only gave you the medicine for a heart attack once. Who gave you the medicine to paralyze your legs and lower limbs? Was it His Highness Yu?" Ye Wei asked.

The person who could make such a medicine was far more skilled than her. Other than His Highness Yu, she couldn't think of anyone else!

Qin Zixian snorted coldly. "Who's this His Highness Yu? I don't know!"

"You don't know? Then who gave you the medicine?" Ye Wei asked back.

"Why should I tell you? If you want to know, go find out yourself!" Qin Zixian said arrogantly. She was sure that no one could find out about Ta Luosi.

She pulled the brim of her windbreaker to cover her head. The wide sunglasses she wore almost took up half of her face. No one could recognize her in this outfit!

Everyone thought that she was paralyzed on the hospital bed!

If she hadn't seen the news on her phone, Gong Mochen running away with Qin Sheng on his back, she wouldn't have been so angry that she ran out to expose them!

Only now did she know what Qin Sheng meant to do, and what Qin Sheng wanted to take away!

She was such a ruthless woman! She had to admit that Qin Sheng's methods were getting better and better. She actually wanted to take away Gong Mochen!

How could she let Qin Sheng take away the man she had been guarding for so many years?

However, Ye Wei's words reminded her that if she exposed Gong Mochen now, it would be the same as exposing herself. She wisely chose to lie low.

Her hands clenched into fists. 'Qin Sheng, do you think you can force me to tell you where Li Ang is?

'Just you wait I'll make you regret fighting with me!' she thought to herself.

She turned around and walked towards the hospital, no longer caring about the people who were hugging behind her.

Ye Wei took a deep look at the two people who were hugging each other. Her eyes flashed with sadness as she followed Qin Zixian back to the hospital.

After a long time, Qin Sheng finally regained some of her senses.

She opened her eyes and saw the man looking deeply into her eyes.

She raised her hand and pushed the man away. Her face was as red as an apple. So many people were watching them kiss!

Gong Mochen pulled Qin Sheng into his arms. His lips curled into a blissful smile as he walked out of the crowd with the little woman.

Nie Feng's car was already waiting by the roadside. As Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng got into the car, he started the engine.

"Send me home," Qin Sheng said.

"Come home with me. I don't want you to live alone," Gong Mochen said.

"I've lived alone for so many years. I can take care of myself without you," Qin Sheng said.

This man was like a poison that she couldn't get rid of. Just a kiss could make her fall in love with him. How could she dare to live with him.

Gong Mochen's heart flinched. "Okay, I'll send you home."

As the car stopped at Qin Sheng's house, Qin Sheng walked up to the apartment building. Gong Mochen looked at the lights on in Qin Sheng's window and ordered his men to secretly protect his little woman. And then Nie Feng drove away.

Qin Sheng took a shower and walked out of the room. She heard her cell phone ring. The screen was flashing with Old Man Yun's name.

Her hand swiped the screen and she picked up the video call.

"Grandpa, are you feeling better?"

Seeing her grandpa's weak body lying on the bed, her heart tightened. The deep self-blame swept through her heart. Just a moment ago, she was being intimate with that man.

"Yun Sheng, grandfather's body can't hold on much longer. I just want to see you and Li Ang get married before I close my eyes. If I see the Qin family, they will pay for your mother and uncle's lives! And the murderer who killed your mother..." The old man broke into a coughing fit.

Yun Duan started coughing violently before he could finish speaking.

Qin Sheng's heart felt as if it was being scratched by a sharp pin. "Grandfather, don't say anymore. I will avenge my uncle and mother! And our Yun family's estate will also reoccupy this country. The murderer who killed my mother..."

She paused for a moment, her eyes watery. "I will bury him with Mother!"

Yun Duan nodded. "Okay, I knew it. Although my son died, my granddaughter is still capable! Yun Sheng, the Yun family will depend on you.

"I sent people to find this. Many years ago, the surveillance video of your mother's house was found. I really didn't expect it to be found. It was actually picked up by a person who went to the ruins to pick up trash. Later, his son found that the surveillance tape was still usable, so, he played it...

"He didn't expect that it was a murder video. Later, they heard that I was offering a reward to find evidence from that year. They thought of that building, which was the building where the video tape was found. That was how they found me and returned the video tape to me!

"I asked someone to covert the contents of the video into an electronic video and sent it to you. Take a look and see if there's anything that was left out from that year."

A video file was sent to Qin Sheng's phone. Her lips trembled. "Okay, I'll look at it now. Grandfather, don't worry. I will avenge my mother's death!"

That was her responsibility as a daughter.

"I know, you're a good child. Grandpa trusts you, and the Yun family depends on you!" Yun Duan said, and then he coughed again.

"Grandpa, you should rest. I'll look at the video now!" Qin Sheng hung up the phone after saying that.

Her hands trembled as she opened the video. No matter how much she didn't want to face that cruel scene, she wanted to see what other important information there was.

The surveillance camera was facing their front door. The yellowing scene told of the passage of time.

In the video, a group of people rushed into her house, and the bodyguards in her house seemed to have been possessed. They fell to the ground without fighting back, allowing these people to kill...

Blood flowed like a river. At that moment, a young man broke into her house. Even if that face turned into ashes, she would still recognize it to be Gong Mochen!

Her hand couldn't help but turn off the video. She didn't have the courage to continue watching.

The pain of losing a loved one made her mind abnormally clear. She had to think of a way to speed up her progress and become Gong Mochen's fiancé and enter the Qin family!

She bit her lips and thought of a way to get the man to break off the engagement with Qin Zixian and get engaged to her...


The morning sun shone into the luxurious suite at the Moonlight Club. Chu Xia rubbed her eyes.

Her body so sore that it was hard for her to even move... She struggled to get up, and as the blanket fell, she saw that her body was covered in hickeys...

F*ck... Who exactly did she sleep with last night?