May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 412 - Chapter 412 pregnancy, pregnant 12

Chapter 412: Chapter 412 pregnancy, pregnant 12

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Everyone in the room was stunned. No one expected Chu Jian to ask such a question.

Qin Sheng quickly looked out through the glass window of the door. She only felt relieved when she saw the empty corridor.

Fortunately, Sikong Jue had gone somewhere. When she came, she saw him standing in the corridor, as if he had stood there for the whole night.

She couldn't bear to think about that man who was in a desolate state.

Chu Xia racked her brain, but she didn't know how to answer her son. If she told Jian Jian that his father did not want him, how hurt would he be?

"Well, your father went to Mars to investigate. He probably won't be back for a long time."

What else could she say? She wanted him to stop asking questions about his father. The outcome could lead to even more heart ache and stress, and she didn't want to put him through that.

Chu Jian frowned. Mars to investigate? He might've been a child, but he wasn't that gullible.

"Jian Jian, it's time to eat. It's your favorite, chicken! Hurry up and eat it while it's hot," Qin Sheng said.

She decisively changed the topic. Chu Xia definitely couldn't answer this question.

Chu Jian glanced at the rice and chicken and put the matter of his father to the back of his mind. It was clear that his father didn't want him, and he didn't want his father either. Ming Tai wasn't bad, so he was happy for his mommy to be with him.

He picked up his chopsticks and ate the rice in his bowl.

Qin Sheng beckoned Ming Tai and Chu Xia to eat. They looked very haggard. She could tell that the two of them hadn't slept the whole night.

"I'll go and talk to Director An An. I'll move your scenes to tomorrow and give you a day off today. Chu Xia, let Ellen take over your work. You can accompany Jian Jian for the rest of the day," she instructed the two of them.

Chu Xia nodded. "Thank you. I was just about to tell you that I need to rest for the next two days and accompany my son. But Ellen..."

"What's wrong with Ellen?" Qin Sheng asked.

Chu Xia paused for a moment and shook her head. "It's nothing. Just let her take over. She's pretty good."

She used to like Ellen a lot. She was very capable and was her right-hand man. However, ever since she found out that Ellen was with Sikong Jue, she did not like her anymore.

She was very clear about what she liked and hated, and she no longer liked Ellen. No matter what Ellen's reason was, she knew that Sikong Jue was with Shen Tong. Ellen shouldn't have any contact with Sikong Jue anymore.

Was she being a bit too extreme? Her personal feelings shouldn't hinder her work. After all, Ellen was still very outstanding in her job. Furthermore, the only person who could be promoted under her was Ellen!

"Yeah, I also think that her work is very good. With her helping you take care of it for a few days, you can spend more time with Jian Jian," said Qin Sheng.

"Okay, I got it. Ellen can take over for the next few days." Chu Xia nodded.

"I'll tell Ellen to take over the work for you. You don't have to go back to the resort." Qin Sheng took out her phone and sent a message to Ellen.


Qian Chuan was with Sikong Jue.

"Qian Chuan, is the examination report ready yet?" asked Sikong Jue.

Qian Chuan rubbed his temples. "Are you trying to kill me? I haven't even typed out the report yet! The data just came out!"

He had to work overtime in the laboratory with his team of doctors to produce it.

He pressed the mouse with his finger and typed out the report. "Take a look for yourself. It's fresh, and it's still warm!"

Sikong Jue roughly grabbed at the paper that was coming out of the printer. He couldn't bare it any longer! He had to know...

"F*ck! Be careful, you'll break my printer. You'll have to pay for it!" Qian Chuan looked at his printer with a pained expression.

"What the f*ck! What kind of antique printer is this? Other people's printers can print out in seconds! You've earned so much money, can't you get a better one?" Sikong Jue was so anxious that he wanted to pry open the printer and pull out the paper.

He was that nervous he felt like he might pass out. Was Jian Jian really his son?

Yesterday, he stood in the corridor and waited for that kid the whole night. He was afraid that the kid would get sick or something, so he rushed over immediately. He didn't dare to enter the room because he knew that Chu Xia wouldn't want to see him.

After staring at the kid for the whole night, he noticed a resemblance. Jian Jian really looked like him. No wonder he thought that the little boy looked familiar when he first met him.

"When did I earn lots of money? You barely gave me enough to cover the two tests I did for you. I actually lost money! We agreed that it would only be this once. Next time, don't ask me to run tests if you can't pay the full price!" Qian Chuan complained unhappily.

Sikong Jue finally pulled out the paper from the printer. He held the warm paper tightly. His heart was beating wildly, and he was so nervous that sweat was pouring out of him.

He had never been so nervous before. It was worse than dying. He was afraid that he would see a result that would disappoint him!

Finally, his eyes moved to the bottom. 99.9% match. His gaze froze, and his heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump into his throat. He even forgot to breathe. His gaze was fixed on the string of numbers and he never blinked, as if he was afraid that he had seen wrongly, and he was confirming it again and again!

"Are you going to poke a hole in the paper with your eyes? Did you see it clearly? You're not worried that people will latch onto you and want your inheritance, are you? You're the one who asked for it... If you want to keep it a secret, give me another thousand dollars. I promise to destroy all the evidence!" Qian Chuan's eyes shifted. He thought of another chance to earn money.

No matter what, he had to earn back the money he lost!

Sikong Jue's mind was pulled back by Qian Chuan's words. He glared at Qian Chuan. "Get lost! I don't want it to be destroyed! I can't wait for everyone to know that Jian Jian is my son!"

He was elated. So that woman really had given birth to his child! Jian Jian was his son.

That was why they had the same heart disease. That was why Chu Xia found him to treat her son's illness!

"Forget about keeping it a secret... Can you leave now? I need to catch up on my sleep. If you don't leave now, I'll have to charge you by the hour! Give me 500 an hour, and I can accompany you." Qian Chuan yawned.

The corner of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. "The women in the nightclub aren't as ruthless as you! They charge for staying in your room for a while! Not by the hour."

"What are you talking about? Can the women in the nightclub compare to me? I can treat illnesses! Can they treat illnesses?" Qian Chuan retorted.

"They can save your life, or else you'll suffocate!" Sikong Jue took the report and strode out of Qian Chuan's office.

He walked all the way to the ward, his mind filled with Chu Xia. Back then, he was so determined to give her abortion medicine, but she had still given birth to his son. His eyes were misty.

'Jian Jian, Daddy came to see you. Jian Jian, I am your father...' Sikong Jue thought about what he was going to say to the small boy.

He frowned deeply, his forehead covered in lines.