May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 215 - Chapter 215 she's back love is no longer 5

Chapter 215: Chapter 215 she's back love is no longer 5

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen was angered by this girl. She refused to call him uncle. But he was surprised to find that she was still the same as before, even if she didn't admit to being who she truly was!

Qin Sheng's mind was spinning. How was she going to get out of this situation? This man kept besting her!

No matter what came out of his mouth, no matter how much he explained his actions, she would not believe him. She was sick to death of his lies and deceit! She owed him nothing as far as she was concerned.

"Gong Mochen! You're a big b*stard!"

She bit the man's shoulder. She wished that she could bite the man to death! That would surely solve a lot of her problems!


When the next day's sunlight flowed into the room, Qin Sheng, who was nestled in a warm embrace, no longer chained by a belt, rubbed her eyes.

When she looked up, she saw the face that had captivated her for eighteen years. Ever since she came back, she had never looked at him so closely.

His appearance hadn't changed much, but he was thinner than before. His facial features were angular, as if carved from marble, and there was a blissful smile on his lips.

At that moment, she gritted her teeth. She hated him so much! The damn man! If there was a knife, she would have plunged it into his heart. She wouldn't hesitate, even if she had to bear the crime of murder!

In a flash, her eyes turned watery. She remembered what Li Ang had told her back then. If she recovered her memories and knew everything about her childhood, she might regret her choices.

A heart-wrenching pain swept through her. Did she regret it? If she hadn't left and regained her memories, would she have ever known those things? However, that was what she had to face now. She was Yun Sheng. Just Yun Sheng.

He was the only person in her world that she couldn't love. She was no longer his girl, and they could only be simple enemies!

She slipped out of bed and tiptoed across the room, not daring to make a sound, afraid that she would wake the man on the bed.

She picked up the dress and put it on, then walked to the door.

When she opened the door, she saw two rows of bodyguards standing on both sides of the corridor, as straight as two rows of pine trees...

Damn it... Gong Mochen still had people guarding the door!

"Miss Qin, you can't leave the room without the CEO Gong," Nie Feng walked up and said respectfully.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "He told me to leave! So, please move aside and don't block my way! Otherwise, your boss won't let you off!"

Gong Mochen was asleep anyway, so Nie Feng wouldn't know that what she said wasn't true... She wanted to scare Nie Feng and make him move aside, so that she could run away.

Suddenly, a man's voice came from behind her, "Baby, I asked you to come here, not to go. You heard the wrong instructions."

Nie Feng made a gesture, indicating for Qin Sheng to go back and close the door.

Qin Sheng stomped her foot hard, and the corner of her lips twitched in pain. Damn it... why did Gong Mochen wake up? She only regretted not knocking Gong Mochen out just now.

Gong Mochen got up and walked towards the little woman. Looking at her tense facial features, he knew what was wrong with her.

"I've sent someone to buy some medicine. Wait for a while. After taking the medicine, we'll leave."

Qin Sheng turned around and saw the man standing behind her. "Gong Mochen, you're doing too much. There's no need for all this fuss! I want to leave..."

Gong Mochen extended his big hand towards the little woman. "Be good. If you're sleepy, sleep for a while more!"

He knew that she had only slept for a few hours, so he wanted her to sleep for a while more.

Qin Sheng's lips formed into a straight line. If something like this had happened four years ago, she wouldn't have hesitated to cling onto this man.

Times had changed, and things had changed. Including her.

"Gong Mochen, you seem to have made a mistake. I am Yun Sheng, not Qin Sheng. We are even after yesterday!"