May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 373 - Chapter 373. You can't flirt with a jealous man

Chapter 373: Chapter 373. You can't flirt with a jealous man

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"I'm Chu Xia's boyfriend. I want to hug her!" Ming Tai said as if he was declaring his sovereignty.

"Chu Xia is my woman, so I have the right to hug her! What's the use of having a boyfriend? Has she ever had sex with you? She can't even take off her clothes in front of you. There's no such taboo between us!" Sikong Jue said arrogantly.

He'd known Chu Xia for longer than Ming Tai. He knew more about her than him.

Chu Xia slapped her forehead. Ming Tai probably wasn't afraid of Sikong Jue finding out about what happened between them in the Moonlight Club. It was just too embarrassing!

Ming Tai was immediately choked by Sikong Jue. He had never slept with Chu Xia before... That hit a sore spot.

Just as he was trying to figure out what to say, Qin Sheng walked into the ward.

"Chu Xia, are you feeling better?" Qin Sheng asked.

Chu Xia seemed to have seen her savior. She reached out to grab Qin Sheng. "Bathroom, bathroom!"

She spoke with difficulty. She was about to cry. She really couldn't hold it in anymore!

Qin Sheng immediately understood. "You need to go to the bathroom? I'll help you."

She pushed Ming Tai away and helped Chu Xia up from the bed. Before she could put on Chu Xia's shoes, Chu Xia ran into the bathroom.

"Chu Xia, you're not wearing your shoes!"

Qin Sheng carried the shoes and went to the bathroom to give them to Chu Xia. Her friend had looked incredibly anxious just now.

"What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" If she remembered correctly, Chu Xia didn't hurt her leg.

Chu Xia finally felt like she had come back to life. She was so angry that she wanted to cry. "They didn't let me go to the toilet. They were fighting to hug me!"

She finally felt relief. It was also nice to have a bit of peace and quiet. Those two men were doing her head in!

"Ah?" Qin Sheng was speechless. Was it all because of love?

"I'll let ask them to leave later, okay?" she said.

Chu Xia nodded. "Alright."

She couldn't wait for the two men to be thrown out.

"Alright, just you wait!" Qin Sheng said as she walked out of the bathroom.

She looked up at the two men standing in the room. One of them had a cold and strong aura, while the other was gloomy with a mysterious aura.

In fact, both men weren't bad. That was her sincere assessment.

"I want to give Chu Xia a bath. It's not convenient for you to be here. Please leave!" she said.

Sikong Jue looked at Ming Tai proudly. "You leave! Chu Xia is my woman. I can stay!"

Ming Tai's face twitched. "If Chu Xia liked you, she wouldn't have agreed to be my girlfriend! The past doesn't mean the present!"

"Don't you two understand human language? I'm asking you both to get out! Ming Tai, you're a boyfriend, but you're not a husband!

"Sikong Jue, you're an ex. She was your woman back then, but that doesn't mean she'll be your woman forever. You don't have any rights to her!

"If you understand, get out now. Unless, you want to lower your rating in Chu Xia's heart!" Qin Sheng said rudely.

The two men didn't dare to say anything more. They wouldn't lower their score just to compete with each other...

Qin Sheng looked at the two men who walked out and heaved a sigh of relief. She turned around and called Chu Xia.

Chu Xia walked out of the bathroom. Her legs went weak and she fell onto the bed. It felt so good to not have two flies by her side!

Qin Sheng walked over. "I have something to tell you. Will you cover for me? I need to go somewhere."

Chu Xia got up from the bed and looked at Qin Sheng. "Where are you going?"

"Ha Siqi sent me a message. I'm going to look for him, but I can't let Gong Mochen know. He told Nie Feng to wait for me outside the door!" Qin Sheng said.

Fortunately, Gong Mochen had something to do at his multinational company. He escorted her to the door of the ward and was in a hurry to go back to deal with it. Without Gong Mochen, she would have the chance to run away!

"Okay, but be careful on your own," Chu Xia instructed Qin Sheng.

Suddenly, she remembered the matter of the man in the silver mask. She pulled Qin Sheng back. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Qin Sheng asked.

"It's that man in the silver mask..." Just as Chu Xia was speaking, the door of the ward opened and a nurse walked in.

"Chu Xia, there's a blood test report for you. You're pregnant. There are many medicines that can't be given to you! We have to change the original medicine. I'm so glad that you just woke up and I didn't give it to you!" the nurse said.

She had never seen a patient who didn't cooperate. Chu Xia didn't even mention that she was pregnant. Fortunately, the test report came back. Otherwise, if she had taken the medicine that couldn't be taken during pregnancy, they would have to bear the responsibility.

Chu Xia was so shocked that two eggs could be squeezed into her mouth. "Y-you... What did you say?''

"I said that you're pregnant! You're pregnant, didn't you know?" the nurse repeated.

Qin Sheng finally came back to her senses. "Chu Xia, you're pregnant! Oh my God, it's really fortunate that you didn't take the medicine that you can't take."

Chu Xia only felt that her head was about to explode. Was that lucky?

She didn't want to be pregnant!

She couldn't believe what she had just heard... Pregnant? Seriously? But how! This wasn't something she could easily digest. Her heart started to pound and sweat developed on her palms. She shook her head.

"Are you guys mistaken? That test can't be right..." she said unwillingly.

The nurse pouted. "Do you think that we would make a serious mistake like that when we see patients every day? The test results show that you are pregnant. If you are worried, you can go for another test."

Chu Xia waved her hand. "No need, no need."

It seemed that the test wasn't wrong. She tried to steady her breathing.

"You should rest. If your stomach hurts or you feel uncomfortable, press the emergency bell and call us." After the nurse finished speaking, she turned around and walked out of the ward.

Qin Sheng held Chu Xia's hand. "No matter what, I still have to congratulate you. You're going to be a mum again. Is the child Ming Tai's?"

Chu Xia nodded. "It's Ming Tai's. It must've happened in the Moonlight Club when we were drinking."

She slapped her forehead. What was she like! She was drunk twice, she fell on a man twice, and she ended up pregnant twice.

"It's a good thing that you're boyfriend and girlfriend, and you're getting ready to get married." Qin Sheng paused for a moment. "Have you ever let go of Sikong Jue? This time, he's really devoted to you."

Chu Xia bit her lips. She was touched when she thought about how the man had protected her in his arms, used his body to block bullets for her, and even got shot.

"But he has a fiancé, Shen Tong. I can't bear to hurt her."

Qin Sheng sighed softly. She thought about that kind girl who waited for Sikong Jue. Who could bear to tell her that her fiancé and her good friend had a child and had feelings for each other?

Besides, would Sikong Jue still accept Chu Xia if he knew that Chu Xia was pregnant with Ming Tai's child?

"Then secure things with Ming Tai! Tell him that you're pregnant. And we'll see when you two will announce your marriage."

Chu Xia pursed her lips. "Let me think about it. Even if we're going to get married, I don't want it to happen too soon. At the very least, we have to wait for the movie to be released so that it won't affect his box office earnings."

Sighing, Chu Xia continued, "Qin Sheng, can you help me keep this a secret? I don't want to tell Ming Tai that I'm pregnant yet..."

When she thought about her and Ming Tai getting married, she resisted all sorts of things. Even though she knew that this was a result that she couldn't resist, she still instinctively rejected it. Her hand touched her lower abdomen, but she was thinking about Sikong Jue.

Qin Sheng nodded. "I'll keep it a secret for you. Take care of your body. I'll go look for Ha Siqi."

She said goodbye to Chu Xia and jumped out of the window. She had to admit that being on the first floor was really convenient.