May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 178 - Chapter 178 brings you back

Chapter 178: Chapter 178 brings you back

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen's eyes were cold and stern. He naturally knew that handing Qin Sheng over to Li Ang was the best way to exchange for the antidote. However, he also knew that snatching Qin Sheng back was far more difficult than snatching the antidote.

This was because once Li Ang obtained Qin Sheng, he wouldn't give anyone the chance to snatch her away. And Qin Sheng's fate would change from then on.

That was the outcome that he didn't want to see the most. All his life, he only wanted to protect Qin Sheng. He only wanted her to live a simple and happy life. He didn't want her to get involved in such grudges.

"If you get the cultivation medium, how long will it take you?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Maybe one week? But I don't think the Duke will have kept the cultivation medium," Sikong Jue said.

"Okay, I got it." After saying that, Gong Mochen turned around and walked out of the hospital.


On the highway, Li Ang's red sports car and the cars that were accompanying him were surrounded by a group of black cars.

The entire highway became a race track. The roar of cars and the sound of tires rubbing against the ground resounded through the silent night.

In this country, no matter how many people Li Ang had, he would never have more people than Gong Mochen.

He stepped on the break, stopped the car, and jumped out.

He leaned against the car door and looked at the people who had surrounded him. A cold and gloomy voice escaped from the corner of his lips.

"Nie Feng, are you going to kill me? Come over if you have the guts!"

Nie Feng walked out of the car. "Of course I won't kill the Duke. If I kill you, I'll have to answer to the European royal family. That would be too troublesome. I'm not used to the etiquette of the palace!"

He walked towards Li Ang, with a group of his men behind him.

Li Ang's men surrounded him, forming a wall of protection.

"Then why are you here?" he asked.

"Please cooperate with us, Sir. We need to search your car." As soon as Nie Feng's words left his mouth, his men surrounded Li Ang and his group, as if they were worried that they'd be stopped from searching.

"How dare you! Who gave you the right to search my car?" Li Ang roared angrily.

"Duke, we're just searching. We won't do you any harm. You're wise. You should know that if this stalemate continues, it won't be of any benefit to us. We'll all be wasting our time here.

"Moreover, if you resist, you will also hurt your men. I believe that no matter how good you are at fighting, we will be able to search your car eventually.

"Since the result is clear, why would you choose the most time-consuming and manpower-consuming method?" Nie Feng said brightly.

The corner of Li Ang's lips twitched. "What kind of IQ does Gong Mochen have? Don't tell me that he thinks I brought the antidote with me in the car?

"I will let you search. Get lost after you're done searching. Don't delay my return home!"

He knew very well what Gong Mochen was here for. Just now, Gong Mochen had said that he wouldn't wait for death. If he wouldn't wait for death, he would naturally snatch the antidote...

"The Duke is wise. Men, go and search!" Nie Feng ordered his men.

Li Ang was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Nie Feng clearly didn't give him a chance to choose, yet he still dared to say that he was wise?

There was no way Nie Feng would make fun of people like this!

He stepped to the side and waited for Nie Feng's men to search his car. He ended up waiting for more than an hour. The car wasn't big, and Nie Feng looked like he wanted to tear the entire car apart!

The result was predictable. Nie Feng's men didn't find anything!

The cell phone on Nie Feng's waist Rang. He didn't look at it, but turned around and walked towards Li Ang. "Sorry to disturb. The Duke can go home now."

"Go back and get your CEO to eat more to replenish his brain. I think his IQ has been poisoned too!" Li Ang jumped into his car and stepped on the accelerator, leaving everyone behind him.

Nie Feng watched Li Ang drive away with his men, and the corners of his lips curved into a smile. Mission accomplished... They could also pack up and go home!

He dared to mock Gong Mochen's IQ... Nie Feng thought that Li Ang would soon know who had the lowest IQ!

When Li Ang drove back to his family's villa, he was surprised to see the place in disarray.

He jumped out of the car. "What happened?"

George ran over. "Duke, you're finally back! Gong Mochen's men attacked our villa just now and took Miss Qin Sheng away!"

Li Ang grabbed George's collar. "What did you say? Qin Sheng was taken away by Gong Mochen's men?"

"Yes, and they even rummaged through our villa," George continued.

"Why didn't you report to me? Are you f*cking stupid?" Li Ang roared.

"Duke, we tried to report to you, but the signal in the villa was blocked. We couldn't make a phone call, and Gong Mochen's men surrounded us. None of us could escape, so..."

Without waiting for George to finish, Li Ang pushed him away.

Only now did he realize that Gong Mochen had asked Nie Feng to stop him not for the antidote, but to stall him and seize the opportunity to take Qin Sheng away!

'B*stard Gong Mochen, do you think I can't find Qin Sheng just because you've taken her away?' he thought to himself, seething with rage.

"Men, go and find out where Gong Mochen is hiding Qin Sheng!"


Li Ang's men accepted the order to find Qin Sheng's whereabouts.

However, they didn't anticipate how difficult it would be to find Qin Sheng, because even Qin Sheng didn't know where she was.

Qin Sheng was dragged into a long corridor. Her arms were grasped by two people, so she couldn't struggle.

"Let go of me! Who told you to kidnap me?"

"Miss Qin, don't move. We can't hurt you. We're almost there! Hold on," a bodyguard said.

As the door opened, Qin Sheng was dragged into a spacious room.

Where was she? She only knew that she was in a basement, but she didn't know anything else.

The man sitting on the sofa in the room instantly ignited a fire in her eyes. As her arms were let go, she rushed towards the man.

"Gong Mochen! Enough! You don't want me, and you won't allow Li Ang to have me? Why did you kidnap me?"

Gong Mochen raised his hand towards the girl, "I never allowed you to be with Li Ang. Now I'm just bringing you back. Come here."

Qin Sheng raised her hand and waved the man away. She felt that everything had become ridiculous. She thought that she and Li Ang had escaped from his control. It turned out that everything was just her imagination. From the beginning, he had controlled everything. Even if she and Li Ang left, he would still have control...

And now she had been brought back.

"You don't allow it? Who do you think you are? Gong Mochen, if you don't let me go, I will die right in front of your eyes! Didn't you raise me for eighteen years? I have given my life to you, haven't I?"

She was too angry. She felt like she was a plaything into the hands of Gong Mochen. This feeling of being played with made her so angry that she wanted to argue with him. She rushed towards the wall...