May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 359 - Chapter 359 the most romantic thing 19

Chapter 359: Chapter 359 the most romantic thing 19

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The day turned out to be very quiet, almost too quiet... Gong Mochen had already called home a few times to check on Qin Sheng's condition.

The bodyguard's answer was surprisingly consistent. Qin Sheng didn't make a fuss and was even heard singing in her room.

Gong Mochen was in a daze and couldn't understand what the little woman was thinking. But one thing was for certain, if she was being obedient now, then there was trouble brewing. He knew the obedience wouldn't last.

He could only send more bodyguards to lock down the entire villa.


In the mountain villa, Han Qing was in the living room watering the flowers.

A shadowy figure walked in. "You've been chased back here?"

Han Qing's face was tense, and she threw the watering can to the ground. "He told me he was going to marry that girl!"

Ta Luosi sneered. "I knew it long ago. I knew he would marry her!"

"She's Yun Xi's daughter!" Han Qing shouted hysterically.

If she wasn't Yun Xi's daughter, she would be willing for her son to get married to her. She just couldn't accept Yun XI's daughter!

"So what? No matter whose daughter she is, she's the woman Gong Mochen loves!" Ta Luosi said. "How does it feel to be betrayed by the son you love the most?"

Han Qing's heart stopped. "I know you hate me and feel that I've mistreated you, but now he hates me too!"

She didn't understand why she had failed so badly...

Ta Luosi snorted lightly. "It's all because of Qin Sheng. If it wasn't for her, Gong Mochen wouldn't have fallen in love with her. He would also listen to you obediently. But now I think you're just going to have to accept the marriage. He won't change his mind."

"Are you crazy? You want Mochen to marry that b*tch's daughter?" Han Qing roared angrily.

"If you don't let him marry her, how will you own the Yun family's property? Letting them get married would make things easier for you," Ta Luosi said.

Han Qing was stunned. "So, I should let him marry Qin Sheng? And then what?"

"Then kill her, or make her disappear... I also found out that the Qin family's old man wrote a will for Qin Sheng to inherit everything. As long as you allow Gong Mochen to marry Qin Sheng, everything will be yours!" Ta Luosi explained.

"Qin Ze gave all his assets to Qin Sheng? That's impossible! What about his own son and daughter?" Han Qing was a little surprised. "I thought Mochen found out that Qin Ze's assets were given to Qin Zixian, so that's why he got engaged to her."

"He just wanted to distract you from Qin Sheng, so that you turn your attention to Qin Zixian. In other words, he wants to protect Qin Sheng in this way," Ta Luosi said.

Han Qing clenched a flower and snapped its stem. "I would rather be killed than accept Yun Xi's daughter..."

"Or, kill him! It's been so many years... It's my turn, right?" Ta Luosi said.

"You want to replace him?" Han Qing asked.

"Shouldn't I replace him? You're still biased towards him! No matter what he does against you, you always forgive him!" Ta Luosi snapped.

"Why do you think of me that way? It's just that he's been in this country for many years, and you don't know much about him. If you replace him so suddenly, I'm afraid there will be trouble! The Gong Group is our family's property!" Han Qing said.

"What kind of trouble can there be? I've seen Ye Wei, and she didn't find any flaws in me. She thought I was him..." Ta Luosi said proudly.

Han Qing's lips twitched. "Let me think about it. If we have to change people, we have to make sure that there are no mistakes!"

She trembled. The thought of destroying Gong Mochen with her own hands made her heart ache.

"Think about it. I'm going back to my room to rest," Ta Luosi said.

"I've stewed some soup for you and left it in your room. Remember to drink it," Han Qing instructed.

"Got it," Ta Luosi said as he walked back to his room.

He knew that his plan was about to come true. Now, he just had to wait for it to come true. Then, he would no longer need to wear a mask!

The tonic soup on the table was emitting a fragrant smell. He picked up the soup and thought about his plan while drinking it.

The tonic soup was really nourishing. He felt warmness in his stomach as soon as he drank it. Soon, the warmth flared into a fire and rushed straight to his lower abdomen.

His brow puckered. What was going on?

He looked at the amber-colored soup in astonishment and sniffed it. In an instant, he angrily threw the soup pot on the ground.

"Gong Mochen! Come out!" he roared angrily.

Gong Mochen walked out from behind the curtain. "How is it? The soup you made is pretty good, right? You put in a lot of epimedium!"

Nie Feng interrogated all the people in the kitchen, but no one admitted that they saw who drugged the soup. Nie Feng reported his findings to him, and he knew very well that those people didn't dare to lie!

He asked Nie Feng to check the surveillance footage. Since no one had seen who'd done it, it meant that there must have been a time when there was no one in the kitchen.

As expected, he found out that after two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone in the kitchen returned to their rooms to rest. There was no one in the kitchen for an hour, and he discovered that the surveillance cameras outside the villa had malfunctioned during that hour.

He knew that the surveillance cameras wouldn't malfunction. Someone must have used a signal jammer to interfere with the normal recording of the surveillance footage. Of course, the only person who could achieve such a feat was Ta Luosi!

The corner of Ta Luosi's lips twitched. "So you sent it to me?"

"I've said it before. You can be me, and I can be you. I had to return the soup to its rightful owner. Mother told you that I'm going to marry Qin Sheng, right? I'm going to marry her. If you're not satisfied, you can try to settle the score with me. But if you dare to touch her, I guarantee that you'll end up like this soup pot!"

After saying that, Gong Mochen turned around and walked out of Ta Luosi's room. He walked towards the back door and entered the forest. His car was there.

Ta Luosi's fist pounded on the wall. He was threatened by Gong Mochen just like that. "Gong Mochen, just you wait. We still don't know who will win!"

The fire in his body burned hotter and hotter. He cursed loudly. The problem was, what was he going to do now?

He quickly left the room and got into his car. He had to find a woman to solve his problem.

In the resort, Qin Zixian went to visit Yanzi. She walked into a group of celebrities and listened to their flattering words. After all, she was the miss of the Qin family and had plenty of money to invest in movies for them.

There was no celebrity who didn't want to suck up to her and worship the ground she walked on.

"Yanzi, I don't think that Chu Xia is as good as you. Ming Tai has no taste at all!" she said craftily.

"Ming Tai is nothing. I can't be bothered with such a man! I want to marry into a rich family. Anyway, it's my turn to act. I need to leave," said Yanzi.

Ming Tai's stunt for Chu Xia made him more famous. Not only that, but Chu Xia's fashion show was so crowded that it was hard to get a ticket.

It was a pity that such a good chance to become famous wasn't hers. However, she couldn't let Qin Zixian see that!

Qin Zixian snorted lightly. It was clear that Yanzi didn't want to talk to her. She got up and left the set to look for Ming Tai. No matter what, she wanted to see Ming Tai, the superstar, before she left.

Just as she passed by a tree-lined path, she was dragged into the rockery by a dark shadow...