May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 114 - Chapter 114 avoided her question

Chapter 114: Chapter 114 avoided her question

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Li Ang let out a low laugh. "Gong Mochen, are you sick? In order to save your little lover, you came to me, thinking I was the murderer? I did not poison your sister, and I did not harm your little lover."

"Ye Wei is not my little lover!" Gong Mochen retorted.

"She's not your little lover, but a doctor. If she goes to jail, at worst, you can find another doctor to treat you. Why are you so nervous? Or is there some reason you can't say?" Li Ang's eyes narrowed into slits.

Gong Mochen felt that Li Ang deserved a beating!

He had been relying on Ye Wei to support him. If Ye Wei went to prison, of course, he wouldn't have anyone to treat him!

The poison in his body could not be cured by anyone. Other than His Highness Yu, only Ye Wei could maintain him.

His girl had not entered university yet, and he had not arranged everything for her. He couldn't die now, and Ye Wei naturally couldn't go to prison!

"Who she is to me has nothing to do with you. If you don't hand over the person who did this, I guarantee that you won't be able to leave this room!" His voice carried his viciousness.

"What big words..." Li Ang's expression changed. "Gong Mochen, I don't even want to leave this room because I want to sleep. But you, I guarantee that you will run out of this room very soon."

Gong Mochen was stunned. He saw Li Ang's finger pointing behind him. He turned around and saw Qin Sheng's angry little face.

"Qin Sheng, I've helped you find out the truth. Ye Wei is his lover! He admitted it himself. Who is she to him!" said Li Ang, as if he wanted the world to be in chaos.

Qin Sheng's little face fell. She glared at Gong Mochen and turned to run away.

"Qin Sheng!" Gong Mochen chased after her.

Li Ang, dared to trick him! 'Li Ang, just you wait...' he thought as he ran after Qin Sheng.

"If you have the guts, I'll see you soon! Duke Li Ang is lonely!" Li Ang shouted.

He walked to the door and saw Gong Mochen chasing Qin Sheng into Qin Sheng's room. He smiled coldly and closed the door.

His cell phone rang and he answered the call.

"Gong Mochen didn't give you any trouble, did he?"

Sikong Jue's voice came out of the phone.

"He didn't have any techniques to cause trouble for me. He's probably kneeling for forgiveness right now!" Li Ang said.

He saw Qin Sheng coming over and purposely made it sound like Ye Wei was Gong Mochen's lover. With Gong Mochen's nervousness towards Ye Wei, how could Qin Sheng not be suspicious?

And Gong Mochen definitely couldn't explain why he wanted to think of a way to get Ye Wei out. How would he dare let Qin Sheng know that he was poisoned?

"It's a pity that I can't see Gong mochen kneeling with my own eyes. Ye Wei is courting death. How dare she put aconitum in my wine!" Sikong Jue said.

He had really underestimated His Highness Yu's title!

He was a pharmacist. When he was three years old, he could concoct medicine to easily paralyze people. When he was five years old, he could detoxify many poisons.

That was because his master had placed poison in his body. If he hadn't detoxified it, he would've died. Other children's toys were game consoles, they played games. His games were to save all kinds of small animals that had been poisoned by his master.

His master's inhuman training and his innate sensitivity to medicine had earned him the title of His Highness Yu. He could tell the subtle differences between other people's colorless and tasteless medicines.

Aconite in red wine would affect the fragrance of the red wine, and it would weaken the sour taste of the wine because the acid and alkali had neutralized it.

Therefore, he didn't touch the wine at all. He gave it to Qin Yunting when she walked over. It was considered bad luck for him to take revenge for Chu Xia.

"Ye Wei is in big trouble this time. Gong Mochen won't live long without her. We can go back to China as soon as possible," said Li Ang.

"It seems that the Duke is looking forward to bringing Qin Sheng back to China and being forced to marry her by his mother!" said Sikong Jue.

Li Ang's eyes flashed with a wicked light as he stroked his chin. "That's right. I've been training hard just to torture the little thing to death."

Thinking of the little vixen who wanted nothing to do with him, made him want to hurt her.

In his mind, he imagined Qin Sheng begging him to stop. That little face...

He couldn't stay calm anymore.

"Yes, yes. When we return to China, I'll hold a party in your castle to celebrate!" Sikong Jue teased.

"Get lost! It's my castle. You can't just hold parties there!" Li Ang said.

Sikong Jue's forehead darkened. "Men can go crazy if they hold it in for too long. Be careful of your kidney deficiency! I'll go and make some medicine for you."

"Bah! You're the one with a kidney deficiency! My kidneys are good, my legs are good, my body is good! Think about your Chu Xia if you have nothing to do!" Li Ang retorted.

Thinking of Chu Xia, Sikong Jue fell into a bad mood. "Keep your mouth shut about Chu Xia! Wait for me to make a medicine for you! I'll make you eat it and you'll become a cripple!"

He hung up the phone angrily. Would Chu Xia be with Tao Bin? He sighed.

In the blink of an eye, he shook his head. What did she have to do with him?

Li Ang turned off his phone and chuckled. Why was he so touchy around the subject of Chu Xia?


In Qin Sheng's room, Gong Mochen sat by the bed and was trying to coax the little woman out of the duvet she was wrapped in.

"Still angry? I've already told ten jokes." Gong Mochen's hand patted the girl.

Qin Sheng, who was under the blanket, had a severe frown on her face. Was there anything colder than Gong Mochen telling jokes?

If you heard one, you would know what a cold joke was.

Though he was telling jokes, he was still avoiding her question!

The man's voice came from outside the blanket again.

"If you don't come out, I'll lift the blanket!" Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng frowned. If he didn't explain clearly, he wouldn't be able to touch her!

She kicked the man. "Get lost! You're not allowed to come in!"

Gong Mochen's voice sank. "Then I'm leaving."

Qin Sheng was shocked and immediately lifted the blanket. "If you don't explain clearly what your relationship is with Ye Wei, don't even think about leaving!"

He wanted to leave without explaining clearly? No Way! She wouldn't let him.

Gong Mochen curled his lips and pulled the girl into his arms. If he didn't force her, why would she talk to him?

"Don't listen to Li Ang. Ye Wei is only my doctor."

Qin Sheng struggled in the man's arms. "If she's only your doctor, don't bother about her!"

"She might just only be a doctor, but we can't leave her to die. Moreover, it's Li Ang who harmed her this time," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's arm hooked around the man's neck. "She won't die. At most, she'll be imprisoned for a few years. I won't let you save her!"

She coquettishly rubbed herself against the man's body. She wasn't afraid that her aunt would snatch Gong Mochen away from her. However, this Ye Wei made her inexplicably afraid. That was because Ye Wei knew a lot of things about Gong Mochen that she didn't know.

Gong Mochen's expression tensed up. If he didn't save Ye Wei, he would surely die... He might die early... However, this was an order from this little woman...