May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 356 - Chapter 356: the most romantic thing 16

Chapter 356: Chapter 356: the most romantic thing 16

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Okay, I'll take you there now," Nie Feng quickly said.

Was he imagining things, or did Qin Sheng not hear Nie Fang's words just now? Why didn't Qin Sheng have any reaction at all?

According to Qin Sheng's temper, she would definitely rush over to settle the score with Ye Wei!

However, it was best if she didn't react. He only hoped that Gong Mochen would come out of the surgery soon and explain things clearly to Qin Sheng. He didn't want Qin Sheng to misunderstand.

Qin Sheng wiped the corner of her lips with a napkin, then stood up and walked out.

Nie Feng immediately brought Qin Sheng to the hospital. He didn't wait for Nie Fang to pick up the clothes, instead he sent one of his men to bring her back to the hospital.

In the operating room of the hospital, the doctor said to Ye Wei, "Someone has donated skin for a skin graft. We will operate on you immediately. We will give you a local anaesthetic."

Ye Wei was stunned. "Who? Who donated the skin to me?"

"It was President Gong himself. You are so lucky. President Gong is so good to you!" the doctor said. He had to do his best to treat Ye Wei's wounds. It could be seen that this woman had a special place in Gong Mochen's heart.

Ye Wei's tears rolled down her cheeks. Everyone thought that Gong Mochen cared about her, because he gave her a skin graft. Only she knew the truth of the matter...

Gong Mochen gave her a skin graft for the sake of Qin Sheng.

Because of Qin Sheng, she fell down the stairs. Qin Sheng owed her, so he did this for Qin Sheng's sake. From then on, he didn't owe her anything, and Qin Sheng didn't owe her anything either.

Anyone could have given her the skin. He didn't need to give it to her personally!

She choked on her sobs. The skin graft on her back didn't hurt. It was her heart that hurt so much, and she felt helpless because of it. He was someone she couldn't get close to no matter what method she used!

Outside the operating room, Han Qing saw her son walking out. She went up to him.

"Mochen, how are you? Are you alright? I asked Nie Fang to go home to get you a new set of clothes. You'll be in the hospital for a few days, so you can accompany Ye Wei," she said.

"I'm fine. They just took some skin. It's not a big deal to me. Mom, I have something to talk to you about. Let's go into the room," Gong Mochen said as he walked into an empty room.

The human body had the ability to self-heal. Within a reasonable range, the skin could be peeled off. The skin would grow back and repair itself without even leaving a scar.

Han Qing followed him in. "What's the matter?"

Gong Mochen looked at his mother. "I'll give you the Yun family and Qin family's businesses that you want, but I want to marry Qin Sheng."

Han Qing felt as if she had been struck by lightning!

Her hands clenched into fists, and her teeth seemed to be about to break. "Do you know what you're saying?"

The words escaped from between her teeth, anger radiating off her.

"I know, and I know very well that this will anger you, but Qin Sheng is innocent. She still doesn't know what happened! Those past grudges have nothing to do with her!

"Even if you want to take revenge for my father, it's not Qin Sheng's fault!" Gong Mochen said.

Han Qing's hand was clutching her heart. "It's not her fault, but it's her mother's fault! It's her mother who stole your father! And she even caused your father's corpse to disappear without a trace! Her mother caused me to lose my husband. Why can't I let her lose the man she loves now?

"Her mother caused me great heartache and pain. Why can't I take revenge on her?"

She shouted out the last sentence hysterically. It was something that she had kept in her heart for more than twenty years!

Gong Mochen's brows were deeply furrowed. "But I love her. Her mother is dead, and her uncle is dead. I'll marry her, and the Yun family's property will belong to our family. What else are you not satisfied with?"

"Of course I'm not satisfied! Did she suffer the pain that I suffered in the past? Did she shed the tears that I shed in the past? She didn't! No that b* tch Yun Xi ruined everything for me, and I want to ruin everything for her! And because she is dead, I'll make her daughter pay the debt!" Han Qing said fiercely.

"I understand that you lost my father back then. But, if you want the debt paid like this, then you'll lose your son too. I won't let you touch Qin Sheng," Gong Mochen said coldly.

"Don't forget that she was the one who pushed Ye Wei down the stairs!" Han Qing shouted angrily.

"She wouldn't push someone for no reason. No matter what she wants, she won't use this method. I'll find out what happened. If she has been wronged, I hope Mother will agree to my request and let me marry her," Gong Mochen said, and he strode out of the room.

His gaze landed on Qin Sheng. She was walking towards him.

Qin Sheng walked towards Gong Mochen calmly. "Gong Mochen, let's break up. However, I want to see Ye Wei first. It wasn't me who pushed her. I want to make things clear with her."

She wouldn't be with such a man, and she wasn't going to let any one frame her for what happened to Ye Wei. She never pushed her, and she would fight to prove that.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. "You're not allowed to break up with me. I will investigate the matter clearly."

"I said I want to break up. There's no need for you to agree. I want to see Ye Wei now," Qin Sheng said.

If she didn't agree, no one could force her, but she had to see Ye Wei!

Gong Mochen pursed his lips and said, "Nie Feng, take Qin Sheng back. Let her go back to her room to reflect!"

How hard would it be for him to go against his mother's wishes and propose to marry her? If she dared to break up with him now, how would this work out?

Nie Feng walked to Qin Sheng and said, "Miss Qin, I'll take you home."

He broke out in cold sweat. Qin Sheng didn't make a fuss, but she broke up with Gong Mochen. F*ck, he was afraid that his boss was going to kill someone!

He ordered a few of his men to surround Qin Sheng. He wanted to take her back to the villa to avoid any unnecessary fighting.

Qin Sheng's gaze stabbed fiercely at the men surrounding her. She was very clear about her current situation. She couldn't fight against so many people alone...

"Gong Mochen, if I want to break up, it means that we're breaking up! We ARE breaking up! Don't you understand? You deserve to be drugged by Ye Wei!" she roared, and she turned around and walked out of the hospital under the escort of the bodyguards.

She only wanted to see Ye Wei briefly, and he asked Nie Feng to send her away. How much did he care about Ye Wei? Her heart felt as if it was being stabbed by a sharp knife.

He wanted to lock her up. She would let him know that she wasn't someone he could lock up!

Gong Mochen was conflicted as he watched the little woman leave. What was she talking about when she said he deserved to be drugged by Ye Wei?

No matter what happened, he had to investigate the matter before forcing his mother to agree to their marriage.

As for the little woman, he decided to punish her by making her reflect on her actions. When she realized what she had done wrong, he would go and coax her.

The red light outside the operating theater went out, and Ye Wei was pushed out by the nurse.

"President Gong," Ye Wei called out softly. He was the same man, but she felt a different kind of estrangement.

"Send her back to the ward," Gong Mochen instructed.

The nurse immediately sent Ye Wei to the ward, and Gong Mochen walked in as well.

He gestured for the nurse to leave and walked to Ye Wei's bed. "Did Qin Sheng push you downstairs?"

His words were as cold as ice.