May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 258 - Chapter 258: Yearning like the tide

Chapter 258: Chapter 258: Yearning like the tide

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia's expression changed. Did Sikong Jue hear what she said to Jian Jian just now?

In an instant, her brain was about to explode!

Qin Sheng saw Chu Xia's expression change. She followed Chu Xia's gaze and turned her head to look. She took a deep breath.

"Sikong Jue, you can't be serious. I brought Jian Jian out to meet a friend, and you're going to chase him out?"

Sikong Jue's gaze was deep. No one could see the emotions in his eyes. "Qin Sheng, I told you before. If you want me to treat this boy, you can only see him once a year.

"Do you think my words are nonsense? If you don't want him to be treated, hurry up and take him away. I don't want any trouble with you if you're going to cause it!"

Did he hear what they said just now? Qin Sheng's mind was spinning. It seemed that Sikong Jue didn't hear Chu Xia asking about the child!

"I just brought Jian Jian to visit a friend. You're too harsh! You promised to treat him, so you can't retract that offer now!" Qin Sheng said as she looked at Sikong Jue's expression. Did this guy hear what she said?

"That's right. If you don't treat Jian Jian properly, I won't talk to you anymore!" Shen Tong's voice came from behind.

"Tong Tong, this is my Xia Xia. She's my dearest!" Chu Jian didn't care about the complicated thoughts in the adults' minds. He introduced Chu Xia to Shen Tong.

"Chu Xia, I'm so happy to see you again. It's been a long time! You know Jian Jian too!" Shen Tong finally saw her long-lost friend. She smiled happily.

Chu Xia's face stiffened. "Yes, Shen Tong, it's been a long time. Have you recovered?"

"I recovered a long time ago! Brother Jue gives me all kinds of supplements every day. I can't die even if I wanted to!" Sikong Jue suddenly tapped Shen Tong's head, stopping her from speaking. "Brother Jue, why did you hit my head!" She rubbed her head and glared at the man beside her resentfully.

"What do you mean by dying! I told you not to use such words!" Sikong Jue's brows were lowered. It had been so difficult to save this girl. How could he dare to let anything happen to her again? If anything did happen, how would he answer to his master?

Shen Tong stuck out her tongue at Sikong Jue and held the back of the man's hand. She said coquettishly, "I know! It's been five years. I'm still fine! Completely fine!"

Chu Xia's face turned pale. The scene of the lovey-dovey couple in front of her was so beautiful.

Her heart was in pain. Even though she knew that the person Sikong Jue loved was Shen Tong and that he never had any feelings for her, she still felt as if she was being tortured.

She didn't understand what was wrong with her. It had been five years. Had she not tortured herself enough?

Only now did she understand that she had been lying to herself for the past five years... She had already let go of this man.

Qin Sheng felt as if she was about to have an awkward breakdown. What the f*ck was going on... They had to get away, just incase Sikong Jue figured out the truth.

She pulled Chu Xia's hand. "Chu Xia, we still have things to do. Let's go!"

She could see that Chu Xia's expression wasn't right, and knew that they needed to leave as soon as possible. She could only find an excuse to pull Chu Xia away.

"Ah? You guys are leaving? Don't go! Chu Xia, we've only just met again after so any years. Don't go!" Shen Tong let go of Sikong Jue's arm and held Chu Xia's hand.

Chu Xia's face was pale. "I... I have things to do. I really do need to leave!"

She pulled her hand back and wanted to leave with Qin Sheng.

Jian Jian's small hand grabbed Chu Xia. "Xia Xia, I don't want you to leave. Stay and eat. Tong Tong's food is very delicious!"

"Yes, yes! Chu Xia, Qin Sheng, you guys can stay! It's rare for our house to be so lively. I was bored to death in the mountains! It's nice to finally have some company!

"And Chu Xia, I still have to thank you! You were really good at helping me choose a gift," Shen Tong said.

Chu Xia was confused. What did she choose? She couldn't remember. It was so long ago...

"What are you talking about?"

"The belt! You don't know how much Brother Jue likes that belt. He always wears it! He wears it every day and never changes it!" Shen Tong explained.

She had never seen Sikong Jue like something so much. On his birthday every year, she would give Sikong Jue a belt, but he never wore a different one. For the past five years, he only wore the emerald belt!

Chu Xia's heart trembled. Sikong Jue liked the belt that much? She was shocked to hear that he never changed it.

His fiancé gave the belt to him, and he'd worn it for five years?

She had to admit that this man was very sentimental. He was indeed a good man to his fiancé, but it was a pity that he wasn't the right person for her!

Her heart was as cold as ice.

Sikong Jue's face turned pale. He didn't expect Shen Tong to say such a thing. He glanced at Chu Xia out of the corner of his eye. If she had known that the belt was for him, would she still have chosen it for him?

Chu Jian's small hand held onto Chu Xia tightly. "I don't care. I want to have dinner with Xia Xia. Xia Xia, if you're not obedient, I won't love you anymore. I'll run away with Tong Tong."

Chu Xia's forehead turned dark. How old was this brat? And he already wanted to run away with a woman?

And to top it off, the person that he wanted to run away with was Shen Tong!

A circle of little birds flew around her head. Did Sikong Jue know that his son was going to snatch his unmarried partner away?

"Yes, if you don't accompany me, I won't bother with you anymore! I'm bored to death. Let's talk in the pharmacy!" Shen Tong held Chu Xia's hand and dragged her into the pharmacy.

Qin Sheng had a headache. She didn't know what kind of situation they would face when their secret was exposed...

She only hoped that the secret of Jian Jian's background could be kept secret forever. Her gaze narrowed on the man in front of her. Did he really not hear Chu Xia calling Jian Jian her son?

Shen Tong was as happy as a Lark. She kept pouring tea for Chu Xia and Qin Sheng.

Jian Jian, on the other hand, was glued to Chu Xia.

Sikong Jue looked at the little boy leaning against Chu Xia's chest. The little boy was holding Chu Xia tightly. He frowned and felt uncomfortable. He reached out to grab the little boy.

"Get up, don't cling to a woman! Your horse stance is not finished yet! Go to the courtyard and do the horse stance!" He carried the little boy and walked towards the courtyard.

Jian Jian was lifted into the air by Sikong Jue and he kicked out. "Stupid old man, let go of me! If you have the ability, let's fight one-on-one!"

"One-on-one? You have ambition, but can you manage it? I'm waiting for you to fight one-on-one!" Sikong Jue released his grip and threw Jian Jian onto the ground. He picked up the cane and hit Jian Jian's leg.

Sikong Jue had to beat this kid to make him practice his martial arts obediently. With this little boy's nature, he was sure that he would play tricks and not practice hard!

However, if he didn't complete the training, there was no way to cure his ailment. How was he going to live past the age of eighteen?

Chu Xia watched as the vine hit Jian Jian's leg. She was about to rush over when Qin Sheng held her hand.

Qin Sheng held onto Chu Xia tightly, preventing her from going over. She was afraid that if Chu Xia ran over and spoke on Jian Jian's behalf, Sikong Jue would work out Jian Jian's identity!

However, how could Chu Xia tolerate her son being hit? She broke free from Qin Sheng's hand and rushed over.

"Sikong Jue! Have you got a f*cking heart..."