May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 340 - Chapter 340 punishment for being jealous

Chapter 340: Chapter 340 punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Ye Wei smiled and said, "Naturally, we talked about the two of us. As for what he didn't tell you, it's something you can't know..."

She had never felt superior before. This was a secret between her and Gong Mochen, and it only belonged to the two of them.

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. She couldn't know about Gong Mochen?

Hearing the footsteps of the man behind her, she knew Gong Mochen had returned, "Uncle, Ye Wei said that I can't know about you."

The man frowned. He didn't hear what they had said before he'd come in and his gaze landed on Ye Wei.

Ye Wei awkwardly looked at the ground, unable to raise her gaze. "Yes, Qin Sheng asked me about the forest. I didn't say anything. I didn't know if I could tell her."

She only told the man the truth. She wasn't afraid that the man would be angry.

Gong Mochen frowned. "Are you tired after running all day? I'll bring you back to your room to rest."

He reached out and touched the girl's forehead lovingly.

After Qin Sheng waved the man away, her eyes locked onto his face. "Can't I know? If Ye Wei won't tell me, then you tell me!"

Gong Mochen lips formed into a straight line and he said, "Be good. I'll take you back to your room to rest."

He changed the topic once again.

Qin Sheng shook off the man's hand and said, "Is it something that Ye Wei can know but I can't know? Who exactly is your girlfriend?"

Gong Mochen's brows were deeply furrowed. No matter how the little woman resisted, his big hand grabbed her arm, carried her on his shoulder, and walked towards the stairs.

"Let go of me! You b*stard! I don't want to go to the room!" Qin Sheng shouted.

She really couldn't go into the room with Gong Mochen. She was sure that he would punish her for what happened at the resort.

Gong Mochen's big hand patted the little woman's buttocks. "Behave yourself!"

He held her waist with one hand and opened the door of the room with the other. He carried her in and threw her on the bed.

Qin Sheng got up from the bed. "If you don't tell me about the year you went to the forest, we'll break up!"

She clenched her hands into fists, getting ready to punch the man. She felt ******* in her fingers. "You have to tell me! I want to know!"

She wanted him to know that she was no longer the little girl that he had to protect. Regardless of whether they would be able to love each other in the future, she had to figure out what was between them!

Gong Mochen's eyebrows crowded together. "I used to be a soldier. What happened in the forest are military secrets, so I can't tell you."

Qin Sheng's mind was in a mess. "What did you say?"

"I was a soldier, but not many people know about it. Why do you think my Gong Group is so powerful in this country?

"Ye Wei and I were on a mission, so I can't tell you about it. That's all I can tell you."

Gong Mochen continued in a deep voice, "I was working with Ye Wei on a mission, something that I can't talk about. You must understand that! These are secrets that cannot be revealed. There's really nothing between me and Ye Wei."

Qin Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and she grabbed the man's arm. "What about my uncle? Was he also a soldier?"

It seemed that she was getting closer and closer to the answer.

"I'm not supposed to tell you about your uncle. I'm sorry about that, but that's the way it has to be! Now we should go downstairs to eat and put this all behind us." Gong Mochen's lips twitched.

Gong Mochen hoped Qin Sheng would realize that he couldn't say anymore. But she was incessant, head strong, and she would probably be stubborn about it. She would probably demand he told her...

It made him want to spank her butt!

Qin Sheng looked at the man, narrowing her eyes on his face. She was about to ask something when the man reached out his hand.

"Let's go and eat!"

She rolled on the ground, determined not to be controlled by Gong Mochen. She was her own woman!

Gong Mochen looked at the little woman who rolled away faster than a rabbit and felt depressed. In order to prevent her from asking further, what did he have to do?

When Qin Sheng walked to the dining room, she saw Ye Wei who was laying out the dishes. Ye Wei looked at Qin Sheng's expression and suddenly felt uncertain. She didn't know if Gong Mochen would tell Qin Sheng...

Qin Sheng walked over, the corners of her lips curved up. She deliberately walked in front of Ye Wei, lowered her voice and said, "Gong Mochen was a soldier, and you were also a soldier, right?"

Ye Wei's heart twitched and she said, "What else did he tell you?"

She asked that question in surprise. She didn't expect Gong Mochen to tell Qin Sheng this!

"What do you think he should hide from me? He is my man! Ye Wei, restrain your thoughts! Gong Mochen is taken, and you can't have him!" Qin Sheng said.

"You two can't be together at all!" Ye Wei couldn't help but blurt out.

If she'd not blurted out that, she wouldn't have been unable to hold back Gong Mochen's secrets!

"Whether we can be together or not, it's between the two of us. What right do you have to say that? Did you learn how to seduce men in the army?" Qin Sheng hated the fact that Ye Wei looked like she wanted to possess Gong Mochen.

"He was a soldier, but I wasn't! If you want him to be fine, then leave him!" Ye Wei lowered her voice and roared.

Gong Mochen stepped into the dining room, "Ye Wei, you're overstepping your boundaries! When can you participate in and comment on the matter between Qin Sheng and me?"

Ye Wei bit her lips hard and lowered her head awkwardly. She couldn't find any words to reply with.

"What's wrong with Ye Wei? She almost sacrificed her life to save you, and you're treating her like this?" Han Qing walked in.

"Ye Wei, come here. Auntie knows that you've been wronged! Don't be sad. Auntie has seen how good you are to Mochen. Come, let's eat. Ignore him!"

Han Qing pulled Ye Wei to sit down and personally served her the dishes.

Qin Sheng's eyes narrowed. Han Qing was right. Ye Wei had saved Gong Mochen's life before. Based on that and Han Qing's love for Ye Wei, Gong Mochen wouldn't chase Ye Wei away.

She didn't say another word. Since she couldn't chase someone away, there was no need for her to waste her breath. She already knew a lot from the lesson she had taught Ye Wei and the things she wanted to know!

If she kept Ye Wei at the villa, she could slowly trick Ye Wei into talking!

Gong Mochen served Qin Sheng the dishes. However, he soon realized that the little woman's appetite was off.

After dinner, Ye Wei saw Qin Sheng return to her own bedroom and sent Gong Mochen another message. This time, she had to have a good talk with Gong Mochen...

She didn't invite him to her bedroom. The man had said that he wouldn't come to her bedroom again. She could only invite him to the hot spring room. There was usually no one in there.

Gong Mochen walked in amid the steam of the hot spring.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Wei went up to him. "Why did you tell Qin Sheng? You can't tell her those things! Have you forgotten what you promised the president?"

"I didn't tell Qin Sheng. I just told her that I was a soldier," Gong Mochen said.

"Well, fortunately I didn't fall for her trap and let the cat out of the bag! She was lying to me! I almost told her about Yun Yang in the forest. Yun Yang deserved to die. Who asked him to..." Ye Wei said, but was cut off by Gong Mochen.

"Who's there?" Gong Mochen's sharp eyes caught sight of a figure. He interrupted Ye Wei's words and chased after the person...