May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 243 - Chapter 243 she was back Love was no longer 33

Chapter 243: Chapter 243 she was back Love was no longer 33

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng found the pills under the table. She had just been about to turn the entire room upside down because she couldn't find her medicine!

What exactly was going on?

She didn't dare to ask Li Ang about it in case he would end up finding out what kind the medicine was.

She had panicked at first, hunting high and low for the pills that she couldn't find, but now her heart felt more at ease.

She smiled bitterly to herself. It turned out that what she had actually wanted was an excuse to not take the pill...

"If we have a baby, it will be a gift from the heavens!" The man's words appeared in her mind.

She stood there in a daze for a long time.

Chu Xia would be back tomorrow, and according to Gong Mochen's promise, Yanzi would be released. Her company's several key projects were about to be launched. She had to brace herself to deal with tomorrow's matter.

At that moment, Chu Jian was depressed. He originally wanted to stay with Le Le, but in the end, he was caught out by Li Ang and thrown into this small bedroom!

Chu Jian's heart was broken...

He was so angry that he stomped his feet on the ground. No matter what he said, he would take revenge!

He seemed to have forgotten something. He ran to the sofa, picked up his small dungarees, and took out a cute pink object from his pocket.

What kind of candy was this?

He'd been quick enough to steal it from Mommy's table and put it into his pocket.

His little hand held the small object and he licked it with the tip of his tongue.


He almost spewed up his dinner. What kind of candy was this? It was so bitter! He decisively threw the thing into the toilet.

Jian Jian, who hadn't eaten the object, suddenly thought of a problem.

This apartment had three rooms. He had one, Le Le had one, and Mommy had one. Where was that bad man going to stay?

He immediately ran out of his bedroom... ...


In Qin Sheng's room, Li Ang was lying on the bed, watching the little woman walk out of the bathroom.

Her hair was wrapped in a pink shower cap.

"Darling, come quickly. The quilt is warm. No need to thank me," Li Ang said.

Qin Sheng snorted. "Why are you here? Didn't we agree to wait until we get married before..."

"Darling, if you don't let me stay here, I won't have anywhere to go!" Li Ang looked at Qin Sheng pitifully.

"Why don't you have a room? Le Le and Jian Jian are staying together," Qin Sheng said.

"How can we let le Le and Jian Jian sleep together? That kid has got a dirty mind!" Li Ang said.

Qin Sheng didn't care. "You're thinking too much. Jian Jian is only five years old!"

"No matter how young he is, he's still a boy! And a boy is a boy..."

Li Ang said, trying to find a reason to stay in Qin Sheng's room.

Qin Sheng's forehead darkened. Li Ang was being so unreasonable... Jian Jian was only five! Why was it an issue?

"Get lost!"

"Don't you want it?" Li Ang said stubbornly.

"Mommy!" a weak voice rushed in.

Jian Jian immediately saw Li Ang.

He stomped his feet and rushed to the big bed, immediately occupying half of the territory.

"Mommy, why can the bad man be in the same room with you? And Jian Jian can't? You're biased!" he protested seriously.

Li Ang glared at the little boy who had messed up the situation. He was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. The little rascal had caused trouble for him again!

He grabbed the little boy and wanted to throw him outside.

Jian Jian's big eyes were wide open. He was being pulled so aggrievedly that he cried loudly.

Qin Sheng looked at the two males, one big and one small. "You both want to be in this room?"

"Yes!" the two males said in unison.

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips curved. "Alright then, I'll satisfy your unreasonable request. You two can stay here!"

After she said that, she strode to the door.

"Qin Sheng, where are you going?"

"Mommy, where are you going?"

Qin Sheng didn't even turn her head. "You guys stay here. I'm going to the guest room!"

She closed the door casually, and she didn't forget to lock it from the outside. Let the two of them make a scene! She still had a lot of things to do tomorrow. She needed to find a quiet place.

The two boys in the master bedroom stared at each other, one big and one small.

Jian Jian didn't like being stared at by this devilish man... If the door wasn't locked, he would have run away long ago.

Li Ang's big finger pointed at the little boy. "You, go to the sofa!"

"I am a child. If you ask me to go to the sofa, you're abusing a child!" Chu Jian immediately shouted.

"You little bean... If you make an ***** sleep on the sofa, that would be very disrespectful to your elders!" Li Ang reached out his hand to grab the little boy.

Chu Jian quickly dodged. "I'm a child and I can't open the door of the room. You can't open the door of the room either? What a man! What a waste!"

He deliberately ridiculed Li Ang.

Li Ang was so angry that he almost vomited blood. "What waste? That door can't stop me, but I'm not going to go out. You want me to open the door and let you out, don't you? Well, that's not going to happen!

"I want to keep an eye on you so that you don't harass my woman!"

The corner of Chu Jian's lips twitched. He grabbed the quilt with his little hand and rolled himself into it.

He wanted him to go to the sofa? Well, let's see who'll have to go to the sofa!

"F*ck!" Li Ang really wanted to scream. The little thing not only occupied more than half of the bed, but also wrapped the quilt around himself! The child was a lot cleverer than he first thought.

D*mn it! He still couldn't beat a child!

"Let go of me!" Jian Jian shouted angrily.

"Get lost!" Li Ang loosened his hand and threw Jian Jian on the sofa.

He turned around to look for the spare quilt in Qin Sheng's closet. However, there was no more quilts to be found. He only found one of Qin Sheng's jackets, so he could only use that as a quilt.

Chu Jian poked his head out of the quilt and blinked at the man who was covered by the jacket on the bed.