May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 338 - Chapter 338 punishment for being jealous

Chapter 338: Chapter 338 punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen chased after the little woman. When he saw the little woman enter the bathroom, he heard the sound of the door being locked.

He stood there gloomily. Did she think that she could lock him away like this?

He chuckled. He didn't believe that she wouldn't come out eventually. He turned around and walked back, but he was suddenly hit by someone.

Something warm spilled on his body.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry, CEO Gong! I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't expect you to turn around!" Yanzi said carefully in fear.

Any man would be moved by her frightened expression.

Gong Mochen frowned and said from the corner of his mouth, "It's okay."

"President Gong, don't go! If you walk out like this, people will laugh at you. Let me wipe it for you!" Yanzi took out the handkerchief that she had prepared beforehand.

The man's big hand waved her hand away.

"No need." Gong Mochen's voice wasn't only cold, but also carried a hint of anger.

Yanzi's pulse was suddenly raised.

"President Gong, don't be angry. You need to wipe off this coffee stain, and I'll compensate you! There's an empty room here. We can wait for the clothes in there. I'll get Wang Qing to buy them right away!"

Before Gong Mochen could say anything, the bathroom door opened and Qin Sheng strode out.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked deliberately.

She really wanted to kick the man away. She was just talking to Ha Siqi, and he crushed her phone screen. She didn't know what settings he had set, so she couldn't add Ha Siqi as a friend anymore.

What were he and Yanzi doing?

The corners of Yanzi's lips twitched. She didn't expect Qin Sheng to come out so soon. If they had followed her plan, they would have entered the lounge by now, and no one would know where they were!

"Boss Yun, you misunderstood! I accidentally spilled coffee all over President Gong. If you don't believe me, look!" she said loudly.

She spilled coffee. No one could say anything about that!

Qin Sheng chuckled and looked at her surroundings. "Spilling coffee by the bathroom door? Yanzi, are you going to drink coffee in the bathroom?

"I have to say, your hobby is really strange!"

Her words exposed Yanzi's intentions!

Yanzi was almost disgusted by Qin Sheng!

"No, no! I just happened to pass by!" she quickly said.

It was very difficult for her to find an opportunity to be alone with Gong Mochen in the same space, and this place led to the lounge.

The lounge was where she intended on going with Gong Mochen... Not the bathroom to drink her coffee.

"Pass by? Where are you going?" Qin Sheng asked.

"Boss Yun, you're thinking too much. I just want to go to the lounge and have a rest. If you don't believe me, take a look. Is there a lounge at the end of the corridor?"

Yanzi finally found a valid reason. She didn't believe that this reason could be refuted.

Qin Sheng raised his eyebrows. "Lounge? If I remember correctly, the next shot will be of you. You came all the way to the lounge with a cup of coffee when you'll need to rush back in five minutes?"

Qin Shen wasn't stupid. She knew Yanzi was up to something...

Yanzi's heart was stifled by the question.

Of course, she knew her shot was next. If she didn't appear, everyone would come looking for her. She had already instructed Wang Qing to bring people to the lounge to look for her. That way, the matter between her and Gong Mochen would be discovered...

However, Gong Mochen had ruined all of her plans!

"I... I forgot that it's my turn to shoot the next scene! Thank you for your reminder, Boss Yun! I'll go now!" She turned around and was about to run away.

Qin Sheng took a step forward and stopped Yanzi from running away. "You want to leave just like that?"

Yanzi's path was blocked, so she put on an innocent face. "Boss Yun, you really misunderstood me! I forgot the time! I'm really tired. I just wanted to go to the lounge to rest! Can't I do this?"

The woman spoke as if she had been wronged. She wanted to cry. Her pitiful look was as if she had been misunderstood!

Qin Sheng really wanted to applaud Yanzi's acting!

"Yanzi, are you insulting my intelligence? You are indeed a good actress. If it weren't for your acting skills, I wouldn't have appointed you as the female lead!

"I don't mind using this show to promote you to a global superstar, but if you dare to stir up trouble for me again, trying to stir up scandals and hype yourself up, I will be forced to take action!

"A scandal can make a celebrity popular, but it can also destroy them. What do you think will happen to your public opinion if I mobilize the news to report on you from a different perspective?"

Qin Sheng spoke her words in a huff. To put it bluntly, she could make Yanzi popular, but she could also destroy her!

This woman was causing trouble everywhere she went. Last time with Ming Tai, and this time with Gong Mochen!

If she didn't teach Yanzi a good lesson, she would be a fool.

Yanzi's face was pale. She couldn't even say a word after being taught a lesson by Qin Sheng!

She didn't dare to look directly at Qin Sheng and instead looked at her from the corner of her eyes. This girl should be two years younger than her. Usually, Qin Sheng looked quite innocent. She really didn't expect Qin Sheng to have such a trick up her sleeves!

"I... I won't dare to do anything else to upset Boss Yun!" she stammered.

After being exposed, if she continued to pretend to be innocent, it would be pretentious. If she pretended to be pretentious, she would die and her reputation would be in tatters. She might as well admit it.

"I hope you'll remember your words and act well. If you want to be a superstar, you can still achieve that without creating scandals!" Qin Sheng said.

Yanzi nodded a few times. "Thank you for teaching me a lesson, Boss Yun. I'll go back to filming."

She lowered her head and walked past Qin Sheng.

Gong Mochen looked at the escaping Yanzi and then fixed his gaze on his little woman's face. The corners of his lips curled into an appreciative smile.

His little woman had really grown up. Not only could she protect him, but she could also fight back!

"Baby, you looked so handsome when you were teaching that actress a lesson! But after teaching her a lesson, you should be concerned about my injuries, right?" He held the little woman's hand...