May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 241 - Chapter 241 she's back love is no longer 31

Chapter 241: Chapter 241 she's back love is no longer 31

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"I don't want to go out! Leave me alone!" As Chu Jian was lifted up by the guard, he tried to kick out. It was a pity that he couldn't kick the man who was like an iron tower.

"Li Ang! Jian Jian, he..."

Without waiting for Qin Sheng to finish speaking, Li Ang gestured for the guard to take Jian Jian away.

"Don't worry. That little brat doesn't know his place. Putting him outside and letting him exercise will be good for him," Li Ang said.

Qin Sheng was held back by Li Ang. She couldn't chase after Jian Jian even if she wanted to. As soon as Le Le got up, she was pushed down by a bodyguard.

"Jian Jian had a heart attack! Did you know that? Don't hurt him!" Qin Sheng was anxious, trying to get out of the man's grasp.

Li Ang didn't let go of Qin Sheng. He picked up his phone and made a call, "Watch that little thing carefully! Don't let him die!"

He hung up the phone and turned to look at Qin Sheng. "Don't worry. He'll be safe with the bodyguards. Besides, exercise will be good for his body! Let's eat!"

He picked up his chopsticks and was about to eat when he remembered that there were no more vegetables. He threw his chopsticks away gloomily.

"I'll go make more for you!" Le Le's voice was a little shaky. It was the first time that a kid from the mountains had been in such a situation.

"No need. I don't want to eat anymore," said Qin Sheng, and she handed the sour bamboo shoots to Li Ang.

The little boy had given her all the vegetables. She couldn't eat now.

Li Ang scooped up the chopsticks, picked up the half-eaten bamboo shoots in Qin Sheng's bowl and put them into his mouth. "Well, the bamboo shoots are delicious! I like to eat them!"

He smiled at Qin Sheng, sparks flickering in his eyes.

Qin Sheng's face turned red with embarrassment. Le Le was still in the room... She lowered her foot and kicked the man's leg.

Le Le's little face turned rosy too... She'd noticed the chemistry between the two of them.

She felt so shy right now. It was obvious that she was the third wheel...

"I... I'll go wash the dishes!" Le Le quickly grabbed up some of the dishes and ran to the kitchen.

Qin Sheng looked at Li Ang resentfully. "How many times have I told you not to do that in front of people! I don't want Le Le to see it!"

Li Ang smiled. The little woman looked very beautiful when she was shy.

He reached out and held Qin Sheng's hand. "Can we have a son too? That way, I'll be able to come home to a child I actually like. How sweet would that be?"

A circle of birds flew around Qin Sheng's forehead.

"You'd like a son? What about a daughter?"

Obviously, Li Ang valued sons over daughters...

"A daughter? A daughter is good too. Maybe if we both want children, we should think about getting married! Think about how beautiful the scene would be!" Li Ang said loudly.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes.

"I don't want to! I want to settle the family matters before I think about marriage!"

Thinking of marriage and children, her heart ached. Even if she tried to convince herself that she liked Li Ang, she couldn't help but think that he wasn't a person she could love. She couldn't lie...

"I know, and I promise to support you! After the Yun family matters are settled, I will hold the biggest wedding in Europe, so that the whole world can witness our love!" Li Ang held the woman's small hand tightly.

"You should focus on eating," Qin Sheng said.

She took the man's hand off her own hand.

Li Ang's hand swept over Qin Sheng's clothes, and he paused. "What's in your pocket?"

Qin Sheng's heart tightened, and her face turned pale. "Nothing, just a pack of tissues. I'm tired... I'll go to my room to shower and sleep."

She hurriedly got up and went back to her room, afraid that Li Ang would see through her.

Her hand tightly grasped her pocket, until she walked into the bedroom and closed the door. She then let go and took out the small medicine box from her pocket.

The small medicine box had been grasped by her so hard that it had been crushed.

She opened the box and took out the medicine. A small tablet was sealed inside it very well.

She walked to the table and sat down. She poured herself a glass of water, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open the medicine.

She knew very well what it meant to take the medicine. What would happen... Her hand couldn't help but touch her lower abdomen.

'Gong Mochen, why are you making me suffer so much?' she thought to herself.

Her heart was throbbing with pain. She definitely had to take the medicine... right? She had hated Gong Mochen for preventing her from buying it. But then he'd suddenly decided to give it to her... She couldn't make sense of it.

But now the medicine was in her hands, her heart grew painful. As long as she took the medicine, she would no longer have any ties with Gong Mochen...

Her hands shot into her hair as rows and rows of tombstones flashed through her mind. Her head was throbbing with pain and she didn't dare to think about it anymore.

She retracted her hand and broke the pill. When the small pill was taken out, she, mou ran, heard Le Le shouting outside.

"Jian Jian, Jian Jian, what happened to you? Someone come quickly!"

Qin Sheng put down the medicine and walked out of the room. "What happened to Jian Jian?"

"Sister Yun, quickly come to Jian Jian! He fainted. Did he have another heart attack?" Le Le was so frightened that her face was pale.

A few bodyguards carried Chu Jian into the room, but Chu Jian didn't react at all...

"Send him to the hospital! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and send him!" Qin Sheng was also frightened. Chu Xia would be back tomorrow. If anything happened to Chu Jian, how was she going to explain it?

George didn't move and gestured for Li Ang. It had to be said that this little thing was really difficult to deal with. The adults were actually fooled by him!

He'd followed Li Ang's instructions and had taken Jian Jian for a run. In the end, the little thing had said that he didn't know how to run and insisted that they show him how to run.

The adults had had to run a few laps because Jian Jian said that he couldn't see the speed clearly!

When the boy finally saw the speed and posture clearly, he fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Although George wasn't a doctor, he knew basic first aid knowledge. The moment he checked, he knew that the little thing wasn't sick at all...

Li Ang saw George's hint. He walked over and touched the artery on the little boy's neck.

His lips twitched. Although he could feel that the boy's pulse was beating irregularly, and there was indeed something wrong with his heart, it was clear that he hadn't really fainted.

He deliberately lowered his tone. "Oh dear... it really is a heart attack! It's not right to leave a dead person at home. Just send him straight to the morgue! Put him in the freezer and freeze him into a popsicle!"

Chu Jian's small eyebrows trembled slightly. His small hands were clenched into fists. Damn bad man, he actually wanted to freeze him into a popsicle!

Qin Sheng was stunned for a second before she regained her senses. "What did you say? Jian Jian is dead? That's impossible! How would you know he's dead if you didn't even send him to the hospital? Hurry up and send him to the hospital!"

She rushed over to pick Jian Jian up, but was stopped by Li Ang.

"Sending him to the hospital won't work anymore. I have a first aid method,and I guarantee it will work. As soon as I use it, he will be alive!" Li Ang's eyes were fixated on the little boy.

Let's see how long he could pretend...

"What method? Tell me quickly!" Qin Sheng quickly asked.