May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 323 - Chapter 323 punishment for being jealous

Chapter 323: Chapter 323 punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia lifted her leg to kick Sikong Jue away, but the man grabbed her ankle.

She hated him more than ever. She didn't mind that he loved another woman. He didn't love her, and he shouldn't be provoking her again.

She bit his shoulder.

Sikong Jue had been bitten by the woman. His brows were knitted together. She clearly hated him so much, reviled him even. He had no place in her heart...

He pulled the woman to the sofa.

"What are you doing?" Chu Xia questioned.

"Don't move!" Sikong Jue pulled the woman's arm and looked at the wound on her hand.

Though he didn't want to make her even sadder, he couldn't bear to let her go with such bruises on her arms.

He opened the medicine bottle and applied the medicine to Chu Xia's bruise. He rubbed it on her wound gently.

Chu Xia didn't cry out in pain like last time. She turned her head to the side and stopped looking at the man's face. She couldn't break free. She just wanted to push him out of the door as soon as possible!

However, it seemed like too much time had passed. "Are you done yet? How much longer do you need?"

She questioned unhappily. She never had a good temper, especially when it came to Sikong Jue, who made her want to scream at the top of her voice.

Sikong Jue held Chu Xia's hand. "Can't you forgive me? I know that you still have me in your heart, no matter if you hate me or you love me! Chu Xia, can you be with me?"

He couldn't help but ask. He knew that his life was in a mess. On one hand, he had Sheng Tong, and on the other hand, he was in love. He wanted to care for Sheng Tong, but he didn't want to lose Chu Xia.

Chu Xia's heart turned cold. "You want to be with me? What about Shen Tong? All the men in the world are just awful!"

"I still have to be responsible for Shen Tong. I know that it's very unfair to ask you like this, but I'll think of a way to make it up to you, including giving you the child you want. We could have a child!" Sikong Jue didn't know where he'd mustered the courage from to say such words.

However, he realized now that this was what he had always wanted. As long as he kept it a secret, he could still maintain a relationship with Chu Xia.

Perhaps a few years time, Shen Tong would have a man to love and would dump him. Then, he and Chu Xia could be together properly.

Chu Xia found it funny. "Sikong Jue, do you think that I should run to your side and wait for you just because you said so?

"I'm sorry, I'm not the Chu Xia I used to be!"

"I know I'm being selfish, but believe me, I won't do anything to let you down again!" Sikong Jue said

Suddenly, the door of the apartment opened and Ming Tai walked in.

"Chu Xia, I heard you were injured!"

Ming Tai suddenly stopped talking when he saw the person on the sofa.

Chu Xia kicked Sikong Jue away and ran to Ming Tai, crying.

Ming Tai's cold eyes landed on Sikong Jue. "Sikong Jue, how are you going to explain what happened just now? Chu Xia is my girlfriend, don't you know that?"

His voice was filled with his anger.

"She used to be my woman! I want to pursue her. No matter what her relationship is with you, as long as you're not married, she has the right to be pursued!" said Sikong Jue.

"She can be pursued, but you can't force her! If I see you harassing her again, don't blame me for what I'll do!" Ming Tai said angrily.

Sikong Jue placed the ointment on the coffee table. "This is the ointment for treating bruises. You should apply it twice a day. I'll be leaving now. Chu Xia, I'll carry on pursuing you and hope you'll return to my side one day."

As he said this, he strode towards the door.

"Sikong Jue, stop right there!"

The woman's voice suddenly came from behind him. Sikong Jue turned around happily. "Chu Xia, you called for me?"

Did Chu Xia change her mind and agree to his suggestion?

Chu Xia's watery eyes glared at Sikong Jue.

"Watch carefully! This is my answer to you..."

She stood on her tiptoes, raised her head and kissed Ming Tai's lips

Ming Tai was stunned and confused by Chu Xia's actions...

Sikong Jue's heart was in pain.

He never thought that this was the answer Chu Xia would give him. The man she loved was Ming Tai, not him!

He turned around and left silently, holding all the sadness in his heart.

Tears rolled down Chu Xia's face.

Ming Tai held her tearful face with both hands, knowing that she didn't want Sikong Jue. She just wanted to show Sikong Jue how little he meant to her.

"Don't be sad. No matter what happens, I will always be by your side!"

Chu Xia's voice was choked with sobs. "Thank you, Ming Tai."

She was truly grateful to Ming Tai. What right did she have to make such a good man fall in love with her?

Ming Tai patted Chu Xia's back. "It's okay. The next time he dares to harass you, give me a call!"

Luckily, he found out from Le Le that Qin Sheng and Chu Xia were in trouble. He stopped filming and rushed back to Chu Xia's place.

Chu Xia nodded, and her lips trembled. "He won't come back..."

Tears rolled down her cheeks again. She used the most decisive method to force Sikong Jue away.

Sikong Jue now knew that she and Ming Tai were serious and would hopefully never pursue her again. She thought that this was the best outcome.

She just couldn't be with Sikong Jue, not after all that he had put her through. There was too much pain between them. And then there was also Sheng Tong.

She had already decided to hide Jian Jian's identity from Sikong Jue. Since he had chosen to abort Jian Jian back then, she would treat it as if that child never existed.


Ye Wei knocked on Gong Mochen's door. "President, I've brought you some tonic soup."

The Gong Mochen that she saw on the bed when she opened the door was someone she had never seen before. There were a bunch of empty wine bottles on his bedside table.

She walked over carefully and put down the soup. Her gaze was fixed on the drunk man...