May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 177 - Chapter 177 snatching back Qin Sheng

Chapter 177: Chapter 177 snatching back Qin Sheng

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen sneered and said, "Do you think I will hand Qin Sheng over to you because of the antidote?"

Li Ang chuckled. "Why? Are you waiting for death? You know, the only antidote that can save your life in this world is in my hands."

Li Ang was full of confidence. No one would sacrifice their own life for anyone, right?

"That's true. I naturally won't wait for death, but I won't exchange my woman for the antidote! Qin Sheng is priceless to me. There is no value that can be equated or surpassed by her, including myself."

Gong Mochen's voice was cold and deep. His low voice seemed to be chanting. Even if he said it calmly, it would still shock people.

Li Ang's surprised gaze landed on Gong Mochen's face. It was difficult for him to describe his current mood. It was also difficult for him to describe the man in front of him.

Gong Mochen was sitting under a cluster of lights. His body was shrouded in a terrifying domineering aura. Stretched by the lights, his shadow hit the wall, casting a silhouette of power.

His grandeur and desolation would undoubtedly make people want to submit to him.

Until many years later, when Li Ang thought of Gong Mochen, he still couldn't forget his appearance that day.

"Then you choose to wait for death?" Li Ang asked.

"Of course not. I will fight for a chance to live. I will only temporarily hand Qin Sheng over to Ha Siqi. When I recover, I will snatch her back," Gong Mochen said.

He didn't seem to be worried about his life or death.

All of his calmness stemmed from the strength in his heart. In fact, even he didn't know if he would live past tomorrow...

Therefore, he chose to let Qin Sheng hate him for awhile, let Ha Siqi take her away, and then he would think of a way to get the antidote for himself. This was the safest way for Qin Sheng.

Li Ang smirked. "Do you think my house is a place where you can come and go as you please? If you have the guts, you can try to get your people to steal the antidote!"

After he said that, he stood up and strode out of Gong Mochen's villa. His plan had been disrupted by Gong Mochen. If Gong Mochen wanted the antidote, he would likely get his men to steal it. He had to go back immediately to make preparations.

It seemed that he could only wait until Gong Mochen died before taking Qin Sheng away...

On the day Gong Mochen died, both the Qin and Gong families would be in chaos. That day would be his best chance to take Qin Sheng away!

As Li Ang walked out of Gong Mochen's villa, Nie Feng walked in.

"President, do you want me to steal the antidote?"

Gong Mochen closed his eyes for a moment. "No need. Li Ang won't let you steal it."

Li Ang's ability was far greater than what it seemed to be on the surface. Nie Feng couldn't deal with him.

And he had deliberately occupied Li Ang just now to hold his attention, because he wanted to meet another person.


In the inpatient department of the hospital, a tall man walked under the dim light.

At the end of the corridor stood Sikong Jue. The two men stood facing each other.

"President Gong, I don't think it's appropriate for us to meet here."

Sikong Jue didn't expect to receive Nie Feng's notice telling him that Gong Mochen wanted to meet him.

His deal with Gong Mochen had been canceled, and Li Ang had saved Shen Tong in the end. There was no need for him to meet Gong Mochen anymore.

"Usually, no one has the right to say that what I think is appropriate is not appropriate," Gong Mochen said coldly.

The corners of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. How domineering was this man? Even if he was going to die, did he have to die so arrogantly?

"You came to me for the antidote? But Li Ang saved Shen Tong. I can't make any more deals with you."

"He didn't just save Shen Tong... He also put something in Shen Tong's body. If you don't listen to him, he can take Shen Tong's life at any time."

"I heard that one of the accessories in Shen Tong's surgery was a pacemaker. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with changing the bone marrow."

Gong Mochen's voice struck Sikong Jue's heart.

He didn't expect that Gong Mochen would be able to find out about Li Ang in such a short space of time.

A pacemaker was a lifesaver for heart disease patients. Just in case the heart stopped beating, the pacemaker could help it beat again and prevent the person from dying.

However, putting something like that into Shen Tong's body meant something else. There was a remote control in Li Ang's hands. If Sikong Jue did something that angered Li Ang, Li Ang could do something to Shen Tong in return. Li Ang would press the remote control to stop Shen Tong's heart...

For example, if he gave Gong Mochen the antidote. For example, if he asked the doctor to forcefully remove Shen Tong's pacemaker...

Li Ang would take Shen Tong's life within a second when he knew. This was far faster than removing the pacemaker!

Sikong Jue frowned. "The remote control is in Li Ang's hands..."

Gong Mochen nodded. "But I can get the remote control for you..."

"It's useless. There will be a spare remote control. I know what Li Ang is like. If you get it, he'll have another. So even if you get it, I can't help you." Sikong Jue's voice was filled with helplessness.

"Then, do you want money? You know I don't lack money," Gong Mochen asked.

Sikong Jue smiled bitterly. "I do love money... But this time, no matter how much money you give me, I can't help you...

"Do you know how long I've been preparing your antidote? It took half a year. It's not a simple medicine, because your poison is a biological poison that has been cultivated and purified many times...

"If you don't understand, I can use a simpler terms. Your poison isn't a simple chemical poison, but a mutated strain.

"Someone infused the poison with a chemical poison, then refined that new poison, and repeated the process again and again to purify it.

"The person who created the poison is very proficient, and I think I'm the only one who can cure it besides him. Because I happen to know this poison.

"But cultivating an antidote is just as complicated as cultivating the poison. I only made one successful antidote, and I made the antidote culture, which was also taken by the Duke...

"Now, if you want me to make it, you'll have to live for half a year. But I don't think your body can withstand half a year of blood loss. You should only have a week to live."

Gong Mochen's brows sank. "So, other than Li Ang, no one else has the antidote?"

"You can say that, but it doesn't rule out that the person who poisoned you also made an antidote...

"I think it's meaningless for you to come to me. The most realistic way is to hand Qin Sheng over to Li Ang and let him give you the antidote!

"In fact, have you ever thought that if you can get the antidote this way, you can always snatch Qin Sheng back?"