May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 315 - Chapter 315, contract 30

Chapter 315: Chapter 315, contract 30

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Shen Tong turned her head to look at the man. The man had brown hair and a thin figure. She didn't know why, but she wanted to hide when she looked at him. He didn't have a good aura...

She wanted to hide, but the man noticed her movements and took a step in front of her.

"Miss, I'm speaking up for you. Aren't you going to thank me?" the man said.

"Thank you," Shen Tong stammered.

The taxi driver walked over with a smile. "I'm blind... I didn't know she was Brother Biao's girl. I don't want the taxi fare. I'll leave immediately!"

Yan Biao looked at the taxi driver and raised his hand threateningly. "That's it! Get lost before I do something I might regret!"

The taxi driver was shocked. He didn't care about the fare anymore. "Yes, I'll get lost right now! Please don't hurt me..."

The taxi driver covered his head with his hands and cowered on the ground.

Shen Tong looked at the person on the ground and her heart twitched. It could be seen that this man had some power. Otherwise, why would the taxi driver be so scared?

"There's no need for this. I owe him money. It's not his fault," she said quickly.

She couldn't bear looking at the cowering taxi driver.

"Didn't you hear what my girl said? Get up and disappear immediately!" Yan Biao ordered.

The taxi driver immediately got up, got into his car, and drove away.

"Phone number! You haven't given me your phone number yet!" Shen Tong suddenly thought of this. Without a phone number, how could she contact the taxi driver to give him money?

Yan Biao laughed softly. "What money? If he doesn't give YOU money, you're letting him off easy! As I've helped you, do you want to be my woman?"

Shen Tong hid behind the man beside her. "I'm not going to be your woman. You're mistaken!"

"How am I mistaken? If I say so, then so be it! Men, take this girl away for me!" Yan Biao said.

Following the man's words, a few people rushed over and went to grab Shen Tong.

"Who are you guys? Don't hurt me! Help!" Shen Tong shouted.

However, the people around her acted as if they didn't see anything and quickly dispersed. No one dared to interfere with Yan Biao's matters...

Shen Tong was dragged away by the two men, crying out in despair. She shouted, "Help, help!"

"Stop! We won't let you do this! I'm going to call the police!"

Chu Xia shouted, and with Qin Sheng by her side, ran over to Sheng Tong. The two woman rushed in front of Yan Biao.

Shen Tong looked up and saw the two women running over. "Chu Xia! Yun Sheng! Please save me!"

"Don't worry. With me here, I'll see who dares to take you away!" Chu Xia said loudly.

"Look at this, here are two more beautiful women! Am I lucky in love? Why didn't you ask around? Whose territory is this? Take them away!" Yan Biao shouted angrily.

The bodyguards let go of Shen Tong and pounced on Chu Xia and Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng and Chu Xia dodged left and right to avoid the men who were trying to grab them. Qin Sheng took out some pepper spray from her bag and spayed it on the men's faces.

The men didn't know what it was. They touched their eyes, rubbing the spray into them, and instantly screamed.

Chu Xia took this opportunity to pull Shen Tong away. Qin Sheng also ran away.

Yan Biao was so angry that blue veins popped up in his temple. "You men are rubbish! You can't even catch a few women?"

He kicked the men angrily.

"Brother Biao, it's not that we couldn't catch them. It's just that the pepper spray they use was too powerful. Our eyes hurt so much that we can't even open them!" one of his subordinates said.

When the pepper spray entered one's eyes, the pain was intense and nothing could be done about it. Only those who had been sprayed with it knew what it felt like.

The corner of Yan Biao's lips twitched. He took out his phone and called his men. "All of you, come over here and find three women. Give me the one in the white dress. I will reward the remaining two to our brothers!"

"Brother Biao, I think that the one with wine-red hair is more flavorful. How sexy was she dressed? Leopard print tight skirt and black stockings!" said one of his subordinates, rubbing his eyes as he moved closer to Yan Biao.

"What do you know? That one in the white dress is obviously a virgin. I want to find a clean woman to play with!" Yan Biao said.

"Brother Biao is so free and at ease. He just wants to take care of himself?" one of the subordinates said.

Yan Biao's hit the head of the subordinates. "All of you are f*cking useless! Are your eyes clear yet? Hurry up and catch them for me!"

The bodyguards endured the pain in their eyes and searched for the three women who ran away.


"I can't run anymore. I can't run anymore! Let's rest for a while!" Shen Tong was gasping for breath. She didn't want to suffocate to death.

"I can't either. Qin Sheng, stop running. My feet are hurting from running!" Chu Xia looked at her ten-centimeter high heels gloomily. She couldn't believe that she had actually run for so long in these shoes.

Qin Sheng massaged her waist. Her lower abdomen felt uncomfortable after running for so long. She looked at her surroundings. "I don't think they chased us. Let's find a place to rest."

"I agree. Let's find a place to rest. I need to thank you for what you did for me today!" Shen Tong paused. "It's just that I didn't bring any money with me... I'll pay you back later! I'm sorry for the trouble I caused..."

"It's nothing. No big deal. What happened to you just now? We saw you and were about to come over. Who knew that you'd be captured before we even reached you!" Chu Xia asked.

"I came out for some space, but forgot to bring my wallet. I didn't have any money to pay for the taxi. The taxi driver was trying to force me to settle the debt. I don't know where that Brother Biao came from. He wanted me to be his woman!" Shen Tong said gloomily. She hadn't been prepared for what happened. She'd just been hoping to clear her head, but trouble had found her...

"Who is that Brother Biao? How dare he assault people on the street!" Chu Xia was speechless.

"Who knows who he is. Fortunately, the two of you saved me. Qin Sheng, what did you use just now? Why did those men cry in pain when you sprayed them?" Shen Tong looked at Qin Sheng like a curious baby.

"I used pepper spray on them. Chu Xia gave it to me many years ago for my protection. I didn't expect I'd be using it today. There's more in there. It's yours!" Qin Sheng handed the pepper spray to Shen Tong.

Shen Tong smiled. "Thank you very much!"

"Shen Tong, do you know anything about medicine? If you get cold, can your period get delayed? I'm meant to be on my period, but it hasn't come yet. I jumped into a freezing lake for my movie," Qin Sheng asked.

"Ah! You jumped into a cold lake? I'm guessing that the temperature was almost at freezing point? Jumping into freezing water has the potential to cause amenorrhea, which is another word for a delayed period," Shen Tong said.

"Qin Sheng, your period is delayed?" Chu Xia asked.

"Yes, I'm two days late. I don't know when it'll come again," Qin Sheng said with a little guilt in her voice.

"It's very likely to be late. Wait a few more days, and if it doesn't come, I'll prescribe some medicine for you," Shen Tong said.

Chu Xia suddenly thought of something. "Come to think of it, my period hasn't come either!"

Her insides were trembling. Last time, she had been pregnant with Jian Jian... She couldn't be pregnant again, could she?

"Chu Xia, you're not on your period either? Did you catch a cold too?" Shen Tong asked.