May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 264 - Chapter 264 missing like the tide 14

Chapter 264: Chapter 264 missing like the tide 14

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The building only had a concrete frame; the rest had not been built yet.

A figure flashed past on the second floor. Li Ang quickly walked over. However, before he reached the place where he'd seen the person, another figure quickly ran past him.

"If you want evidence, follow me!"

That person's voice was very hoarse, as if he was speaking in falsetto.

Li Ang was a little confused. Which person was the one who called him? There seemed to be two people here. Unless he was imagining things? He ran towards where he thought the hoarse voice had come from.

The worker, who was standing on the second floor, looked at Li Ang. The man was running downstairs again... He didn't understand. Why was Li Ang running away when they agreed to meet in the building? He opened his mouth to call him back up.

However, before he could utter a word, a hand pressed on his mouth, making him unable to make a sound.

A fragrance entered the worker's nostrils. He instantly fainted, landing on the ground in a limp pile.

The man behind the worker picked up his phone and looked at the video. Sure enough, he found what he wanted!

Li Ang, who was outside the building, chased after the figure. But he suddenly stopped. Obviously, something was wrong. If this person was here to trade with him, why was he running away?

He ignored the figure in front of him and turned back to look for the person on the second floor.

He carried the box into the building. There was a tall figure standing on the second floor. The man was wearing a mask and sunglasses, his face covered.

Li Ang frowned, his forehead furrowing. This man was very familiar to him!

"Do you have the video from the night before the explosion at the glass banquet hall?" he asked coldly.

The man nodded. "Yes, do you want to see it? I can show you the goods, and then you can pay me!"

"Okay, let me see it!" Li Ang said quickly.

The man's finger swiped the screen and he played the video. "Watch it! This is what you want!"

Li Ang's eyes landed on the screen. It was obviously from the night before Gong Mochen and Qin Zixian got engaged, because through the glass, he could see that the person standing in the banquet hall was Qin Zixian!

Qin Zixian lifted the carpet on the rostrum, lifted the wooden board, and put something inside it.

Although he couldn't see what she was holding, Li Ang wasn't stupid. His lips twitched. They never thought that the person who planted the bomb was Qin Zixian...

How vicious was that woman? She planted the bomb and then blew up her own leg?

He reached out to ask for the man's phone. "Give me the phone. This box of money is all yours!"

"Sure, come here, let's exchange!" the man said.

Li Ang strode toward the man. Suddenly, he fell through the floor, the straw he'd stepped onto disguising a deep pit... Obviously, this was the elevator shaft. He managed to catch the edge of the shaft with his hands before he fell to his death, his legs dangling through the air.

He tightened his grip and hung on. He twisted his waist and used the strength in his arm to jump up.

"Who are you? Why did you want to hurt me?" Li Ang recovered from his fall and approached the man, his fists clenched.

This man clearly didn't want the money, but his life!

The man sneered and said, "Your martial arts aren't bad. After so many years, your martial arts have not deteriorated! I will play with you!"

Sneering again, the man faced Li Ang.

Li Ang pressed forward cautiously, on guard, and the man faced him. His movements seemed to be hindered by his old injury. His arm was a little slow, and Li Ang's fist connected with his face.

Suddenly, a puff of medicinal powder was thrown at Li Ang. He smelled a very fragrant smell. He wanted to turn around to look, but his limbs were all stiff. As his hand slid down, the mask on the man's face was also taken off by him.

More than half of the man's face was exposed. Just half of his face was enough to shock Li Ang, and his eyes were frozen, unable to comprehend what they were seeing.

It was actually him...

A blunt stick hit the back of his head, and Li Ang's body slowly fell to the ground.

As Li Ang's body fell, the person standing behind him almost saw the man's face. But the man managed to put the mask back on before his identity could be revealed to more people.

She didn't see the man's face at all. She was curious though... What exactly did this man's face look like?

Her gaze attracted the man's disgust.

"Qin Zixian, have you seen enough?" the man said in disgust.

"I... I want to ask, what do you plan to do with Li Ang? He is the Grand Duke!" Qin Zixian walked towards Ta Luosi and asked.

She had done everything according to Ta Luosi's plan. They followed Li Ang all the way here and saw that Li Ang had contacted the worker. She deliberately lured Li Ang away to give Ta Luosi time to snatch the video from the worker.

Although Li Ang realized something was amiss and turned back, Ta Luosi had already taken care of the worker. He stood here waiting, making Li Ang think that he was the person who contacted him!

Unfortunately, the deep pit didn't take Li Ang's life, but she rushed back, drugged Li Ang, and then knocked him unconscious with a stick.

"Well, maybe I should end his life? What do you think?" Ta Luosi asked coldly.

"You... You want to kill him?" Qin Zixian was shocked.

It was fine if he killed the worker, but Li Ang was a grand duke. He wouldn't be forgotten if he disappeared. The police would probably investigate with all their resources.

"Kill him, it's too easy for him. Take his money away and put it on a bank card for me. I'll come and get it from you in a few days," Ta Luosi instructed.

Qin Zixian didn't understand what the man wanted to do to Li Ang. She listened to him and went to get the box next to Li Ang. There was a lot of money in the box, so it was difficult for her to pick it up.

Suddenly, her foot got caught. She kicked hard and only then did she realize that Li Ang had grabbed her ankle!

"Ah! He's still awake!" Qin Zixian shouted loudly.

Ta Luosi used a handkerchief to block Li Ang's mouth and nose. "What are you shouting for? Aren't you afraid of attracting people? Hurry up and leave!"

There was medicinal powder in his handkerchief. Even if Li Ang woke up, he would faint.

Qin Zixian quickly picked up the box and ran away. She didn't want to stay here any longer.

Ta Luosi carried Li Ang, who had once again lost consciousness, and left with him.

As Li Ang was carried away, a silver chain fell to the ground from his finger...


Qin Sheng's car drove to a construction site. She was still worried that Li Ang might get himself into trouble, so she had followed him. However, Li Ang's car had driven off too fast and she'd lost him.

While she was driving, she spotted a car parked at the construction site and recognized it as Li Ang's.

She took out her phone to call Li Ang, but no matter how many times she tried his number, she couldn't get through to him. She glanced around the construction site. There was no one on the empty site. A series of footprints on the ground attracted her attention.

The footprints went from Li Ang's car to a building. She followed the footprints into the building.

The afterglow of the afternoon sun shone on the building. Qin Sheng saw something shiny on the ground. She picked it up and examined it. It was an anklet, Qin Zixian's anklet...