May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 305 - Chapter 305, contract 20

Chapter 305: Chapter 305, contract 20

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

He Fen looked around to see that there was no one around before she took out an envelope from her purse. However, she held the envelope tightly and didn't give it to Qin Sheng.

"This is a handwritten letter that your mother wrote to your father back then. It's absolutely authentic."

Qin Sheng reached out her hand to take it, but He Fen dodged her.

"Didn't you want to give it to me?" she asked coldly.

"You don't think that I'm giving this letter to you for free, do you?" He Fen snorted.

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. "Tell me your conditions."

"My conditions are very simple. You withdraw the lawsuit against Qin Zixian. If you withdraw the lawsuit, I'll give you the letter!" He Fen said her conditions.

"How can I withdraw the lawsuit without seeing some part of the letter? What if it's not authentic, or real? How can I trust you?" Qin Sheng asked.

It wouldn't so easy to get her to withdraw the lawsuit against Qin Zixian. It was her leverage against Qin Zixian. Even if Qin Zixian pretended to be sick to avoid the trial again, she would trap Qin Zixian in a room and force her to tell her what she wanted to know!

He Fen pouted. "Alright, I'll show you some! If you want to make a deal with me, drop the lawsuit. I'll give you the letter if you do!"

She took out the letter from the envelope and handed it to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng had to admit that He Fen was very cunning to think of such a method. The key was that she had already prepared for it!

She reached out to take the letter and looked at the words on it.

The words on the paper were elegant and had a certain edge. From the handwriting, she thought that her mother's character would be gentle but steel-like.

And the content of the words made her heart tighten.

The beginning of the letter was her mother telling her father to believe her words and to not listen to the rumors that were being spread. Those were not true.

But what exactly was the matter her mother was discussing? The letter was cut short...

She frowned. "Give me the rest of the letter!"

"Okay, the rest of the letter is in my hands. If you want it, drop the lawsuit! Drop the charges against Qin Zixian and you can find out one of your parents' secrets. You've earned it!" He Fen said.

Qin Sheng frowned. Let Qin Zixian go just like that?

He Fen saw Qin Sheng's hesitation and continued, "It doesn't matter. If you don't want to make a deal, I won't force you. I'm leaving. Do you believe me? I'll destroy it right now. I promise that there won't even be ashes left!"

As she turned around to leave, she took out a lighter.

"Wait a minute! I'll drop the lawsuit!" Qin Sheng said.

This was the first time she read one of her mother's letters and also the first time she came into contact with the secrets of the past. She wanted to know more about the past! Qin Zixian didn't matter to her as much as that.

As long as Qin Zixian was alive, she could find an opportunity to teach Qin Zixian a lesson at some point.

He Fen turned her head in satisfaction. "Then why aren't you withdrawing the lawsuit?"

Qin Sheng picked up her phone and called her lawyer, asking him to withdraw the lawsuit now.

Because of the power of the Qin family and the Yun family, the lawsuit was withdrawn very quickly. In just a few minutes, the news of the lawsuit being withdrawn was sent to He Fen's phone.

He Fen nodded in satisfaction and handed the envelope to Qin Sheng. "Very good. This is for you. I'm leaving now. Take your time to read it!"

Her lips curled into a evil smile. If she didn't need to rush home, she would've loved to see Qin Sheng's expression after reading the letter.

Qin Sheng took the letter and read it carefully. The yellowed letter showed how old the letter was. There were also tears and smudges on the paper. It was clear that her mother had been crying when she wrote it.

Her brows furrowed tighter and tighter. She had never thought that the contents of the letter would be like this!

It was rumored on the news that her mother had an affair with another man. That was why her mother had written a letter to explain to her father.

Her mother had even asked her father why he hadn't answered her calls. She could only use this method to contact to him. In the letter, they had agreed on a time to meet.

Her mother said that she would wait until he came.

Qin Sheng's eyes focused on the letter. She saw that the date and time her mother and father were meant to meet was actually the anniversary of her father's death...

It was also her birthday!

Her heart sank to the bottom of the abyss. Her father had misunderstood her mother, thinking that she was having an affair with someone else. Moreover, it was obvious that the two of them didn't live together.

But did her father go to see her mother?

That was the day she was born. Her mother had been rushed to the hospital to give birth to her, and her father must've gone to meet her mother at the rendezvous point, but her father died just like that...

It seemed like there was too much information to digest. Her father had died on the way to meet her mother, but he didn't know that she had been born that day, so her mother couldn't go to meet him!

Her hand clenched the letter tightly. How could it be such a coincidence that her father had died?

She sensed that her father's death was definitely not an accident or a coincidence...

"Sister Yun, the filming site has been set up for tomorrow. You should go and take a look!" Le Le ran over.

Qin Sheng's mind was brought back to the here and now by Le Le, and she folded up the precious letter.

"Okay, let's go to the scene!" She restrained all her emotions and followed Le Le to the filming location.

A thought was particularly clear in her mind. She wanted to go back to the Qin family and find out the cause of her father's death!

In the evening, when the actors were still working overtime on the film, Gong Mochen rushed into the room and grabbed Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng didn't dare to struggle, afraid that it would affect the filming and she would be dragged out by the man.

"What do you dare to do? Let go of me!" She held the man's hand.

Gong Mochen grabbed the little woman and walked back to their room. He picked her up and threw her onto the bed.

He took off his blazer and threw it onto the sofa. He lifted his hand and unbuttoned his shirt.

His gaze narrowed on the little woman on the bed. "The chicken drumsticks are delicious, aren't they?"

Thinking of the photos and videos that Nie Fang had sent him, he was so angry that he wanted to push the little woman under his body until she knew who he was.

Qin Sheng got up from the bed. She thought that he would be angry. Seeing him angry, made her feel really good!

"Who told you to spy on me? Can't I even hug my friend? And you want to chop Ha Siqi up! Even if you're unreasonable, there must be a limit!"

She had seen unreasonable people before, but she had never seen such an unreasonable person as him. She wanted to teach him a good lesson and see how he dared to let others spy on her!

"What's wrong with spying on you? Is it illegal for me to spy on my own fiancé?" Gong Mochen questioned.

"Of course it's illegal! Can you not understand that what you did wasn't legal? Don't you know that spying on others is illegal?" Qin Sheng retorted.

Gong mochen frowned and said, "I know the law and I'm breaking it. What can you do to me? Go and sue me for all I care!"

Qin Sheng almost spat out a mouthful of blood. The d*mn man was so f*cking unreasonable!

If she could sue Gong Mochen, this country wouldn't be his world anymore!

"Fine, I'll satisfy you if you want to see me. I'll let you see me and Ha Siqi flaunt our love every day!"

"You dare to flirt with another man? I'll kill you if you flirt with another man. I'll kill the pair of you!" Gong mochen roared angrily!

He reached out his hand and grabbed Qin Sheng's dress, and the dress was torn by him, revealing the little woman's snow-white body...