May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 158 - Chapter 158: Take off the mask

Chapter 158: Chapter 158: Take off the mask

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The man on the sickbed couldn't utter a single word, but Ta Luosi could see the sharp glint in Gong Mochen's eyes. If looks could kill, he thought Gong Mochen would have already exposed him.

"You can't bear to part with that girl? So what if you can't bear to part with her? She isn't yours, after all! Since you don't agree, then just wait for your death!

"I will bury you in secret and live for you. No one will know that Gong Mochen is dead. And your girl will become my girl. I think she can't wait to pounce on me!"

As he said that, he laughed coldly and lifted his hand to take off his mask. He could only take off his mask in front of Gong Mochen and let the man see his face without any cover.

Gong Mochen's body couldn't move and his expression was tense. His well-defined face became even more well-defined. Even the veins on his temples were bulging out.

His gaze was fixed on Ta Luosi's face.

Ta Luosi sneered and said, "Don't be nervous. Being nervous isn't good for your body. It will speed up the poison in your veins!"

The sound of someone's footsteps echoed in the silent corridor. Ta Luosi's eyebrows sank, and he put on his mask and ran out of the ward.

Ye Wei looked at the man in black running out of the room and was stunned.

After a short pause, she finally reacted and shouted loudly, "Someone! Quick, someone attacked the CEO!"

A few bodyguards, who were patrolling outside, rushed over to catch the man.

Ye Wei turned around and ran into the room to check on Gong Mochen's condition. Fortunately, the man was still alive and wasn't hurt.

Nie Feng also rushed over. "Is the president okay?"

"No," Ye Wei said. She knew Gong Mochen wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.

Her voice was filled with sadness. She hated herself for her lowly medical skills and not being able to save Gong Mochen.

Nie Feng walked to the bedside. "President, Ha Siqi said that Miss Qin refused to go home with him. Li Ang said that he wanted to tell Miss Qin what happened, so Miss Qin went back to the Qin family mansion with him."

Gong Mochen's eyes closed. It seemed that Li Ang was going to make a move, but in his current situation, he couldn't protect her.

If they fell in love, they would be together until they were old.

How could he protect her now?

This was what he wanted to do to Qin Sheng. Protect her.

A bodyguard ran in. "Brother Nie, we didn't catch that man in black!"

Nie Feng was furious. "Damn it! There are so many of you, but you still couldn't catch one person? And how did that person get in?"

"Brother Nie, it's not that we're incompetent. That person used some unknown method to make our two guards fall asleep, so he could sneak in," the bodyguard reported.

"Where did he run off to? Did the guards chase after him?" Nie Feng was speechless. How could his subordinates have lost their intelligence?

"It's not that we didn't chase after him. We chased him into an alley nearby, but a bunch of people wearing silver masks came out, so we lost him!"

They really couldn't be blamed for this. They really didn't know who the person wearing the mask was.

"F*ck! Who the hell is this person! Follow me to investigate. I don't believe we can't find this person!"

Nie Feng was furious. He urged his men to continue the investigation into the man in the silver mask.

Ye Wei suddenly had a flash of inspiration. "President, I've thought of a way. It might be risky, but it's the only thing I can think of."

Gong Mochen closed his eyes slightly at Ye Wei. Ye Wei knew that this was his agreement.

She continued, "I want to change your blood. I want to use the hot spring in your villa to raise something. I also want to find a blood leech. This blood leech can suck out a lot of blood. We can use it to suck away your poisonous blood, and then you can regenerate clean blood. This way, we can reduce the concentration of the poison bit by bit."

Gong Mochen's eyes flashed open, indicating that he understood. Obviously, this was the only way to delay his death.

He looked at the phone on the bedside table and closed his eyes.

Ye Wei understood that he had something to say. She took the phone and opened the screen, letting Gong Mochen look at the keyboard.

A moment later, Ye Wei spelled out a sentence in English based on the letters Gong Mochen pointed out with his eyes. He said that they should go back to the villa.

Ye Wei nodded. "If you agree, we'll leave first thing tomorrow morning."


Qin Sheng couldn't get a good sleep. Her tears had made her pillow wet. She had never thought that she and Gong Mochen would break up one day.

When the early morning light shone through the window of the Qin family's mansion, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. Chu Xia was about to leave and she was going to send her off.

When she reached the Tao family's house, Chu Xia's eyes widened. "Qin Sheng, are you crying? Your eyes are swollen."

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "I cried for a while yesterday."

"Liar; how can you be swollen like a peach after crying for a while? Tell me what happened. Have you seen your uncle?" Chu Xia asked.

Yesterday, after she'd helped Qin Sheng with the situation at the clinic, Qin Sheng told her to go home and rest. Because she was very sleepy due to the pregnancy, she fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow.

Only after seeing Qin Sheng today did she have the chance to ask clearly.

Qin Sheng's tears rolled down uncontrollably again. The scenes she saw at the clinic would replay every time she spoke about them. It hurt so much.

She choked and couldn't say a word.

Chu Xia had never seen Qin Sheng so sad. Although Qin Sheng didn't say it out loud, she could guess it.

"Could it be that your uncle is dating Ye Wei?" she asked in a low voice.

Qin Sheng nodded and another stream of tears rolled down.

Chu Xia scratched her hair. "How could it be? Your uncle loves you so much. Is there a misunderstanding? Why don't you go and ask him!"

Qin Sheng sniffled. Chu Xia was right about one thing. Up until now, Gong Mochen hadn't said a word to her. Even if they were going to break up, she wanted him to say it out loud.

"I know. I'll ask around myself later. You'll be leaving in the afternoon. I'll send you off first."

Chu Xia shook her head. "There's no need for you to send me off. I've decided not to leave for the time being. Go and ask around. If your uncle falls in love with someone else, we'll leave together. Otherwise, I'll leave after seeing that you two have reconciled. How can I be at ease when you're like this?"

Qin Sheng hugged Chu Xia. "Thank you, my good friend!"

"It's no big deal. As long as you don't let me stab you in the back. That would hurt too much," Chu Xia teased Qin Sheng, who was still crying.

"That's not funny at all. I'm leaving!" Qin Sheng stood up and wiped her tears. She forced out a smile and showed it to Chu Xia to make her feel at ease.

Chu Xia stuck out her tongue at Qin Sheng. "If you can, say something to make me laugh."

"I'll think of something for when I come back," Qin Sheng said and left.

She had to quickly find Gong Mochen to ask if he really didn't want her anymore!