May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 304 - Chapter 304, contract 19

Chapter 304: Chapter 304, contract 19

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Ha Siqi's eyes focused on the little woman who was smiling like a fox. He immediately understood what she meant. He opened his mouth and took a big bite. It was very delicious.

"It's really delicious. You feed me, and then I'll feed you!"

He picked up the drumstick from his lunch box and fed it to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng took a bite and smiled sweetly. "Yum! It's delicious. It's much better than the food cooked in our school cafeteria!"

At the mention of the school cafeteria, Ha Siqi's face turned dark. "The food in the cafeteria, could it even be eaten? I really don't know how the school cafeteria passed food quality tests back then... It was nasty!"

When they were in school, the food they were served was rather disgusting. It often made them lose their appetites.

The ingredients used weren't great, and they often thought that they were bought cheaply. All of them, young men and woman from noble families, complained about it.

"Well, compared to eating in school, this is like eating in a top notch restaurant!" Qin Sheng said.

"Hurry up and give me another bite!" When Ha Siqi had been locked up, no one hit him, but no one gave him food either. He was starving.

He took Qin Sheng's hand and nibbled on the drumstick in her hand.

Nie Fang took pictures of the sweet couple outside the room.

She sent them to Gong Mochen, one by one.

Nie Feng walked to Nie Fang's side and found her secret. He took Nie Fang's phone.

"What are you doing?" he asked, staring at the pictures on the phone.

"I'm err... I'm..." Nie Fang paused guiltily, then said in a loud voice, "I'm reporting to President Gong!"

The corner of Nie Feng's lips twitched. He had been wondering why Gong Mochen suddenly called him and asked him to chop Ha Siqi up.

"Were you the one who sent the photos to the CEO just now?" he asked bitterly.

Nie Fang rolled her eyes. "Of course. I can not stand to look at such a woman. The CEO should just torture her!"

Her voice was sharp and harsh.

"How can you say that? I called you here to serve Miss Yun, not to cause trouble for her! How much do you know about their affairs?

"You are not allowed to do such things again! If I hear you complaining about Miss Yun again, I will send you home!" Nie Feng reprimanded his sister.

Nie Fang looked at her brother in surprise. "You want to send me home because of Yun Sheng? Brother, who is your sister? Is it me or her? Why are you speaking about her in such a way? Could it be that you are also smitten by that vixen?"

Other than her brother falling in love with Yun Sheng, she couldn't find any other reason why Nie Feng would protect Yun Sheng!

The corner of Nie Feng's lips twitched. "What did you say? Why would I covet Miss Yun? Miss Yun is President Gong's woman. Don't talk nonsense!"

A hard expression appeared on his serious face, followed by a faint red tinge in his cheeks. He was truly angered to death by his sister.

Nie Fang stared at her brother. "You're still lying? Your face is red! When have you ever blushed because of a girl? And you still deny it?"

She seemed to have caught hold of her brother's little braid and grabbed it tightly without letting go!

"President Gong and Miss Yun are our masters. Do you know what will happen if President Gong hears such words? You better restrain yourself!

"If President Gong hadn't told me that your food is delicious and that you should make soup for Miss Yun every day, I would have sent you away without question !" Nie Feng said.

Nie Fang's heart suddenly turned cold. Gong Mochen praised her for her food, but he actually asked her to make food for Yun Sheng? He didn't want her to make food for him...

Shouldn't she make food for Gong Mochen?

Her hands clenched into fists. "Brother, I don't care what you think about Yun Sheng, but President Gong asked me to keep an eye on her and report her matters to him. I should report to him. It's none of your business!"

She reached out for her phone. Gong Mochen had ordered her to do this, therefore Nie Feng couldn't stop her, even if he wanted to!

"According to President Gong, there are different priorities when reporting to him. Miss Yun and the young master of the Ha family have been friends since they were young. A hug is just a greeting between friends. Don't make a big deal out of it," Nie Feng explained.

His sister seemed to be causing trouble just for the sake of it. She didn't seem to care that a hug between friends could be innocent contact. He just hoped that Nie Fang wouldn't do this again in the future.

He took out his phone and called Gong Mochen to report the current situation.

Obviously, his explanation was too late. Gong Mochen told him to keep an eye on Qin Sheng and wait for him to come back to settle the score with her.

Nie Feng could only accept the order. He hoped that when Gong Mochen came back, Qin Sheng would be obedient and not anger him again.

Nie Fang smiled happily. She vaguely heard the voice on Nie Feng's phone. It looked like he was going to teach Yun Sheng a lesson. She glanced at the people eating in the room. When Yun Sheng was chased away by President Gong, she could serve him!

In the room, Qin Sheng was completely unaware of the commotion outside the door. After eating with Ha Siqi, she got up and went to check on the filming site. Was it ready for the next day?

What she didn't expect to see was He Fen at the resort!

This really surprised her. She hadn't seen He Fen since she came back. Clearly, He Fen had come to find her on purpose!

Because He Fen saw her, she walked towards her.

He Fen's gaze landed on Ha Siqi and she said, "Let's have a private chat."

Qin Sheng smiled. "I don't think we have anything to talk about."

She took Ha Siqi's hand and left. No matter what He Fen said, she wouldn't let the Qin family off. She wouldn't let Qin Zixian off!

He Fen's voice called out from behind her. "If you don't talk to me, I'm afraid you'll regret it. I have something that belongs to your mother. Don't you want to know about your mother and your father?

"I believe that your grandfather will not tell you about these things. Only I can tell you!"

Qin Sheng stopped in her tracks. What did she know about her mother and her father?

Yun Duan didn't tell her about her parents. Yun Duan only said that he didn't know about Yun Xi and Qin Zixuan's relationship.

What her grandfather told her was that the Qin family and Gong Mochen were enemies of their family. The death of her mother and father was due to Gong Mochen!

She turned to look at He Fen. "Come with me."

She let go of Ha Siqi's hand and told him to wait for her at the place where the next scene was being shot. She wanted to talk to He Fen alone.

Ha Siqi said worriedly, "Don't talk to her. Who knows what tricks she's playing. Let's go!"

"It's okay. She can't lie to me. Don't tell me that I can't even beat an old woman? You're underestimating me too much!" Qin Sheng pushed Ha Siqi to make him go.

Even though she knew that He Fen didn't have any good intentions, her desire to know about her parents made her decide to have a private chat with the old woman.

Ha Siqi could only leave obediently, while He Fen walked to Qin Sheng's side.

"Don't worry. You won't regret talking to me. If I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't do it myself!"

Qin Sheng sneered and said, "Is it not necessary for you to do it yourself, or do you not have the ability to do it yourself? There's no one else here. Speak!"