May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 107 - Chapter 107, honor

Chapter 107: Chapter 107, honor

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Would it kill you to stop flirting with girls?" Li Ang handed the wine to Sikong Jue.

Sikong Jue was flirting with girls, so Li Ang had to bring him wine. He was a Duke and HE was serving him!

Sikong Jue took the red wine and smiled like a little cutie. "Duke, can't you see that I'm busy? How could I let down so many girls?"

Li Ang's lips twitched and he kicked Sikong Jue's leg. "Don't make me sour. I'll hurt you even more than I already have!"

"I really don't have the ability to appreciate your kindness. Don't you know that acting cute is popular now?" Sikong jue shook his red wine, looking at the red marks on the glass' rim, and smelled the fragrance of the vintage.

"F*ck! You called that acting cute? That's called being horny!" Li Ang retorted. Girls acting cute was called cute, but men acting cute was disgusting!

"Qin Sheng spread rumours about us. Now people think we're in a couple. I sacrificed my sex appeal to clear the Duke's name!" Sikong Jue shouted at Li Ang.

"F*ck! Don't tell me that you slept with a girl for me?" Li Ang's mind was filled with frustration. This guy was right to flirt with girls!

Sikong Jue didn't continue to shout at Li Ang. He focused on the red wine and his forehead gradually darkened.

In a flash, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and his gaze landed on Qin Zixian who was walking past. He casually took Li Ang's wine glass from his hand and stood up with two glasses of red wine.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Qin. May I have the honor to toast you with a glass of wine?"

Qin Zixian was a little surprised when she saw the wine glass in front of her. Sikong Jue had always been the most mysterious figure in the Duke's circle of aristocrats. His family assets were hundreds of billions, but no one knew what business he was in.

She took the wine glass and said, "Mr. Sikong, you are too kind. It is my honor to be acquainted with you."

Although she was not interested in Sikong Jue, she didn't dare to disobey Sikong Jue on account of Duke Li Ang.

The two wine glasses clinked lightly and then they drank the wine.

"Thank you, Miss Qin!" Sikong jue returned to Li Ang's side with a smile.

Li Ang was confused. "Since when did you fall in love with a mature woman?"

"I can't say that I like her. I can only say that she's unlucky." Sikong Jue smiled.

The image of Chu Xia almost falling to the ground appeared in his mind. At the time, Qin Zixian's legs twitched. Although her movements were very fast, he saw her and what she had done.

Qin Zixian was unlucky? Unlucky how? Li Ang was dumbfounded. He even forgot to settle the score with Sikong Jue for stealing his wine.


After Qin Sheng and Chu Xia finished their meal, Chu Xia was invited by a boy to his seat. Chu Xia generously agreed.

After looking at Chu Xia, who was being pursued by so many boys, Qin Sheng glanced back at Sikong Jue and cursed in her heart. How could Sikong Jue, who didn't know what was good for him, not be angry when he saw Chu Xia being pursued? Could it be that Sikong Jue didn't have any intention of supporting Chu Xia?

She just couldn't make sense of it; couldn't figure it out. She sighed. Maybe it was time for her to find her uncle, so that they could analyze the situation together. As the saying went, two heads were always better than one.

She carried her plate back to Gong Mochen's seat and saw Ye Wei whispering in his ear, her head lowered. Gong Mochen was also whispering something to Ye Wei.

She didn't know what he said, but Ye Wei's eyes were red and she looked like she was about to cry.

What the hell... Weren't they a bit too close? They were near enough biting each other's ears!

Qin Sheng's little universe exploded. "U-uncle, I've brought you a t-bone steak, smoked salmon, vegetable salad, and red wine."

She walked over and placed the plate on the table.

Ye Wei heard Qin Sheng's voice and immediately distanced herself from Gong Mochen.

"I like the look of this plate. They're all my favorites." Gong Mochen praised Qin Sheng. He reached out for a knife and fork to cut the steak, but was stopped by Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng sat down and smiled innocently. "I'll cut it for you."

She picked up her knife and fork to help the man cut the steak. She brought the beef to the man's lips with her fork.

Gong Mochen frowned. He didn't dare to use Qin Sheng's cutlery. He was afraid that it would be stained with his saliva. "I'll eat it myself."

"No, I want to feed you!" Qin Sheng leaned into the man's arms and stubbornly wanted to feed him.

Gong Mochen couldn't eat anymore. He tried to move away from Qin Sheng's fork.

Qin Sheng wanted to personally feed him all the food. Gong Mochen wasn't used to it. He had always been the one taking care of her. The little girl rarely took the initiative to feed him. Also, the little girl's voice was getting more and more coquettish, making him feel goosebumps all over.

"Uncle, are you going to be obedient?" Qin Sheng said, looking at Ye Wei provocatively.

Ye Wei pursed her lips. She was getting more and more uncomfortable. Qin Sheng was clearly doing all this for her to see.

She picked up her plate and said that she was going to get food, but it was more like she was running away.

Gong Mochen didn't care what Ye Wei did. His big hand touched the girl who was rubbing against his arms. His eyes were dark. "What's wrong? Are you in heat?"

Qin Sheng almost spat out a mouthful saliva. She pushed the man away and threw the fork onto the man's plate. "Who's in heat? Eat it yourself! See if I care!"

She picked up the fork again and ate the grilled lobster meat on her plate.

Her flirtatious disposition made Gong Mochen uncomfortable, and the sudden change in her expression made him even more so.

"What's all this about?" he asked. The little girl was turning hostile faster than flipping through a book.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes and pointed her fork at the man. "What did you say to Ye Wei just now?"

Why did Gong Mochen have so much to say to his private doctor?

Unless they were talking about illness? But then Gong Mochen had barely had a cold this past year.

Looking at the girl's angry little face, Gong Mochen couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that he had accidentally opened up a small jar of jealousy.

"You're jealous again... Ye Wei and I were talking about business."

"What business do the two of you have?" Qin Sheng asked. In a flash, she grabbed Gong Mochen's arm. "A-are you sick?"

"No, I'm not sick. We're talking about investing in a hospital. I want to invest in a hospital and let Ye Wei work in it," Gong Mochen said.

Although that was a lie, they really had been talking about business.

Ye Wei told him that she'd drugged Sikong Jue and saw him drink the red wine with the drug in it.

He was cross that Ye Wei didn't ask for his permission in advance. But then she'd said that she hadn't because she knew he wouldn't agree to it.

Sikong jue looked like a delicate and handsome young man, but Gong Mochen was certain that Sikong Jue wasn't as simple as he looked.

Sikong Jue had been able to hide his identity for so long, so it was clear that he was very shrewd. If Sikong Jue found out that he was poisoned, how could he not suspect the person who gave him the red wine?

Of course, with Sikong Jue's relationship with Li Ang, he wouldn't suspect Li Ang. He would only suspect Ye Wei, who had handed the wine to Li Ang.

Gong Mochen didn't think that Ye Wei was helping him by doing things this way. As doing so could alert Sikong Jue and make him more vigilant. The worse outcome would be that Ye Wei would be found out, and her involvement in the poisoning would cause a scandal.

And all of this wasn't something Gong Mochen could tell Qin Sheng.

"Oh my God! Uncle, look!" Qin Sheng looked at the other side of the banquet hall in shock.