May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 224 - Chapter 224 she was back love was no longer 14

Chapter 224: Chapter 224 she was back love was no longer 14

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Going to the pharmacy? Sister Yun, are you not feeling well? Do you want to go to the hospital for a check-up?" Le Le asked.

Qin Sheng waved her hand. "No need. It's just the pharmacy. I just want to buy some vitamins."

She almost lost her tongue. It was really difficult to say the truth, that she was actually going to buy contraceptives...

"Oh, then I'll go buy them for you!" Le Le said quickly.

She only hoped that she could do more for Qin Sheng and repay her!

"No need! I... I ate too much. I'll go for a walk to digest my food." Qin Sheng was anxious and sweating.

There was no way she would let Le Le buy it for her. She wanted to buy it herself. No one could do it but her!

"Alright then. You go for a walk. I'll take care of Jian Jian," said Le Le.

Qin Sheng hurriedly ran out of the apartment and finally fooled Le Le.

She quickly walked to the pharmacy outside the residential area.

In a glass window of the apartment building, the man's arm was propped on the window frame as he looked at the little woman who was walking downstairs.

His eyebrows sank. Where was she going?

The only thing he was sure of was that the place she was going to wasn't far. Otherwise, she would have driven there.

He picked up his phone and made a call. "Find out where Qin Sheng is going and what she's doing..."

"Yes," replied Nie Feng.


Qin Sheng walked into the pharmacy, and a few of the salesgirls politely smiled at her.

A salesgirl came up to her and said, "Hello, Miss. What do you need?"

Qin Sheng's tongue was tied in a Chinese knot. She recalled the time when she bought a pregnancy test kit for Chu Xia and was ridiculed.

This time, she was buying something even more explicit than that. Her face alternated between red and white. Buying the after-action medicine was basically telling the world that she had just had sex with a man!

"I... I need... need the morning-after pill." Her voice became softer as she spoke. Who knew if she would be laughed at by these cashier girls.

The girl, on the other hand, had a normal look on her face. She reached out her hand and made a welcoming gesture. "Please come to this counter."

Qin Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. This situation was completely different to before. This shop was big, and the salesgirl's demeanour was much more professional.

"How much is a box?" She took out some money from her pocket.

"We have many kinds in our shop. Which one would you like?" the girl asked.

Qin Sheng's face was red with embarrassment. "Err, just a morning after pill..."

"Which one do you want? One for 24 hours after, or 72 hours?" the girl asked.

Qin Sheng was so embarrassed that she wanted to crawl into herself and hide. She didn't expect it to be so detailed. The question was, which one did she want to buy?

She calculated the time in her head. What time did she and Gong Mochen do it the first time?

She hadn't looked at the time and wasn't sure if it had been more than 24 hours...

Seeing Qin Sheng's hesitation, the cashier said, "If it hasn't been more than 24 hours, you can take the 24 hour contraceptive pill. This kind of pill doesn't have many side effects.

"The side effects of 72 hour pill are bigger. It may not cause infertility in the future, but it may not succeed in stopping the pregnancy, and the child may have abnormal development.

"Because any contraceptive pill is not 100% effective, there is a chance of failure. In that case, it will be harmful to both the child and the *****. So, it's best to confirm the time in order to minimize the harm to the body."

Qin Sheng looked at the cashier gratefully, but she really wasn't sure if it had been more than 24 hours!

"Err, well, give me the 72 hour one," she finally said. Better to be safe than sorry...

"Okay." The cashier took out a box of pills and placed it on the counter. "28 yuan. Do you want mineral water?"

Qin Sheng paused for a moment. She understood how considerate the cashier was. She couldn't exactly take this at home! She might get found out.

Thinking of home and the man she locked in the room, she felt suffocated.

"Yes, please could I have a bottle?"

"Okay, it's 30 yuan in total." The cashier went to the other counter to get Qin Sheng the mineral water.

Qin Sheng's eyes landed on the medicine box on the counter. The pink medicine box looked very light, but when she picked it up, she felt like it was heavy, as if a stone was pressing on her heart.

Could she really be pregnant? She couldn't stop the thought from flashing through her mind.

"Miss, here's your mineral water."

She didn't come back to her senses until the cashier put the water in front of her.

"Oh, thank you." Qin Sheng reached into her pocket to get the money and was ready to pay.

A phone rang. The cashier picked up the phone and stared at the woman opposite her.

"Miss, is your surname Yun?"

Qin Sheng nodded. "Yes. What's the matter?"

She had to use her name to buy the medicine? Seriously?

The cashier seemed to be frightened. Her face was pale as she snatched the medicine from Qin Sheng's hand.

"Sorry, we're not selling it anymore!" she said, her voice trembling.

Qin Sheng was stunned. "Why aren't you selling it?"

The cashier's lips twitched. "We just received a call to tell us that we can't sell contraceptives to Miss Yun for a month. Miss Yun, don't make things difficult for us. It's the boss who won't let us sell them."

"Ah? Your boss has a grudge against me?" Qin Sheng was speechless. She waved her hand. "It's okay, I'll go to another pharmacy to buy them."

There was no need to make things difficult for the cashier. There were so many pharmacies in this country. She turned around and walked to the door.

The cashier pursed her lips and called out hesitantly, "Miss Yun, I wouldn't bother going to a different pharmacy. Our boss just received a call from the FDA. All pharmacies in this nation can't sell medicine to Miss Yun for a month. To buy this kind of medicine, you have to buy it with your ID card."

Qin Sheng listened in astonishment. A wave of anger rushed over her. Gong bl*ody Mochen!

Other than Gong Mochen, no one else could order the FDA to inform all pharmacies in the country to not sell her contraceptives!

She ran out of the pharmacy and saw Nie Feng standing respectfully outside the door.

"Miss Yun, where are you going? I'll take you!"

Qin Sheng pushed Nie Feng away. There was no need for her to ask anything. It must be Gong Mochen!

Where else could she go now? She could only go back and settle the score with Gong Mochen!

She held her breath and ran back to the apartment building.

Le Le opened the door. "Sister Yun, why are you running? Why are you sweating?"

Qin Sheng ignored Le Le and rushed straight to her room. However, when she entered she was stunned.

"Where is he?"

Le Le followed her. "A man walked out of your room just now and scared me to death. He said he's... He's your man."

Qin Sheng was so angry. "He is my enemy!"

She turned around and ran out of the apartment. Without any hesitation, she approached Nie Feng. "Take me to see Gong Mochen!"

Nie Feng opened the car door and let Qin Sheng get into the car.

Qin Sheng sat in the car. If she wanted to buy birth control pills, she had to buy them from a pharmacy. If she wanted to buy them, she had to find Gong Mochen!

When the car stopped, Qin Sheng's eyes darkened. They'd arrived at Gong Mochen's villa. It was the place where she had lived since she was young.

Scenes of the past flashed in front of her eyes like smoke. In her mind, the tall man was covered in a layer of golden light. He carried her on his shoulders and ran in the yard with her.

"Sweetheart, you're the most precious thing in my life. If you'd be my princess, I will make sure you are the happiest girl in the world! Are you willing to be my princess?"

"Uncle, I don't just want to be your princess, I want to be your woman!"

"Okay, my little woman!"

"Miss Qin, we're here," said Nie Feng, pulling the motionless girl out of her reverie.