May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 815 - Chapter 815: Chasing her back

Chapter 815: Chapter 815: Chasing her back

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"No, you must have hurt Xin Ba! Otherwise, he wouldn't have stopped barking and biting! " Lian Lian looked at the motionless Xin Ba. This was not xin BA's normal state at all!

Willam put Xin ba into Lian Lian's hands. "Did you see that I hurt him? "

Lian Lian hugged the puppy and examined it. There was nothing wrong with the puppy and it jumped around in her arms.

She looked at Willam like he was a monster, as if this boy was not human!

"Don't look at me like that. I'M NOT A MONSTER! It's just that the aura of my body scares it, " Willam said.

"How can that be? " Lian Lian could not understand.

"All animals are afraid of Mengshou, and so are dogs. They are naturally afraid of Lions and tigers. I have the aura of Mengshou on me, so it can only kneel and lick me, " Willam said.

Lian Lian pursed her lips into a straight line. "You're bragging. Why do you have the smell of a beast? "

"I've fought with these beasts before, and I've killed them with my own hands. Their aura and resentment will be on me, and dogs have extraordinary spirituality. He can see it, " Willam explained.

Actually, there were many supernatural things in this world that could not be explained, but were real.

Lian Lian rolled her big eyes. No matter how strong this boy was, she did not like him!

She was carrying her own Xin BA and was about to leave, but the boy blocked her way. "Did I give you permission to leave? "

"HMPH, you can't control me! " Lian Lian raised her foot and stepped on Willam's foot.

This move would definitely work. A human would hurt, right Moreover, she used all her strength.

Willam's eyebrows sank, and he hugged the little girl in his arms. "You want to act wild with me? I can even fight Lions and tigers, and you, a little wild cat, still want to act wild with me? "

"Let go of me! Otherwise, I WON'T BE POLITE! " Lian Lian roared angrily.

"How do you want to be rude? " Willam asked.

Lian Lian's little face was tense as she lifted her leg and kicked the boy's lower abdomen. Her Daddy had taught her that if a man bullied her, she would kick him right here. It was guaranteed to work!

Willam noticed the little girl's movements and quickly carried her horizontally. This little thing was really ruthless She wanted to destroy his rhythm with her kick!

"You dare to kick me? You're courting death! " He roared angrily. This little thing was truly captivating to his heart, making him want to conquer her at any moment!

"Do you dare to touch me? I'll get my father and mummy to deal with you! " Lian Lian shouted.

"Brother Willam, you're here! I've been looking for you for a long time! " Chu Chu ran over and finally saw the person she had been looking for for a long time!

Willam's eyes narrowed. "Why are you here? "

He really did not like seeing Chu Chu.

Chu Chu's gaze was fixed on Lian Lian. Her Prince was actually hugging Lian Lian!

"Lian Lian, why did you let the Prince Hug you? You're really not shy! " She was gesturing at Lian Lian.

"who asked him to Hug me? I don't want him to hug me! PUT ME DOWN! " Lian Lian shouted at Willam.

"Chu Chu! Lian Lian! " Qin Sheng and Chu Xia's voices could be heard from afar.

A chill ran down Willam's forehead. He had no choice but to put Lian Lian down.

"little thing, I'll let you go for a while. " His deep voice rang in Lian Lian's ears.

Lian Lian was finally let go by the boy. She carried Xin Ba and ran towards her mother.

"Mommy, you're here! " She threw herself into Qin Sheng's arms.

Chu Chu also pestered her mother. "Mommy, have you asked Godmother for me? "

Chu Xia touched her daughter's head. "I've asked. Your godmother has agreed to let you act as the female lead of this drama when you were young. "

Chu Chu jumped up happily. "Great! I'm going to act with the Prince! "

"Yes, yes. You have to perform well. You can't ruin GODMOTHER'S DRAMA! " Chu Xia instructed her daughter.

"I know. I'll definitely act well, " Chu Chu said.

"I object! CEO Qin, I think it's an insult for you to let a girl who has never acted Act Act with me! " Willam said coldly.

Qin Sheng was stunned. She didn't expect Willam to say something like this. "every celebrity has never acted before. Could it be that when they were born, they acted in a few big movies? I don't think there's anything wrong with letting Chu Chu Act with you. "

"There are a lot of problems. For example, her appearance, her body shape, and her body shape are slightly fat. When she was on camera, she would have weighed more than ten kilograms compared to her real body weight, but her real body weight was already over the limit!

"Also, she has never acted before, so she doesn't know what acting is. Even if she's a Newbie, she must have gone through training before she can act, right? " Willam said aggressively.

Qin Sheng looked at Willam in surprise. Although this boy had lost his position as the prince, his aura did not decrease at all. He was even better than before. She did not understand how he could make her have such a strong aura!

"I know, what you said is right, but I think we can let Chu Chu try. After all, her father is Ming Tai. Her father has trained her more or less, and her talent is better than any ordinary person. "

"If it's just a try, I can give her a chance. But if I'm not satisfied with her acting, I will definitely not act with a mediocre actor! " Willam's tone was not polite at all.

Qin Sheng was just about to doubt who was the boss!

"Of course, I will consider the effect of the shoot. If Chu Chu's acting is not good, I will find someone to replace her. "

"Yes, can we do a test shoot now? " Willam asked.

"Yes, we can do it now! " Chu Chu hurriedly answered.

She was scared to death just now. She thought she had no chance. She must fight for this opportunity!

"Okay, then let's do a test shoot. Chu Xia, bring Chu Chu to Ming Tai to read the script. Let Ming Tai Tell Chu Chu about it, " Qin Sheng instructed.

Willam was too fussy. She really did not know if the shoot would go smoothly this time?

Willam's gaze landed on Lian Lian's small face. It was cold and sinister.

Lian Lian glared back at Willam. She was not afraid of anyone in her mother's arms!

Willam turned around and walked towards the studio. The little thing still dared to shout at him. It would not be long before she knew how powerful he was!

Chu Xia brought Chu Chu to Ming Tai, while Qin Sheng brought Lian Lian to watch Willam and Chu Chu Act.

The plot was actually very simple. The male lead was the child of the female lead's maid when he was young. The tsundere female lead looked down on the male lead, but the male lead liked the female lead very much. He vowed to make the female lead fall in love with him and then dumped the female lead to make her sad.

Now, Willam and Chu Chu wanted to act. He came to play with Chu Chu, wanting to get close to Chu Chu, but was fiercely rejected by Chu Chu.

As the director announced the start of filming, Willam stood on his seat and went to the side of Chu Chu, who was covered by the sunlight in front of the window.

"Miss, can I bring you outside to play? " Willam looked at Chu Chu.

Chu Chu was instantly bewitched by the man's eyes. "okay, let's go outside to play! "

"Cut! No, why didn't you follow the script? " The director was drunk. Where was the refusal to speak?

"shoot it again! " Qin Sheng ordered.

However, after a few shots, Chu Chu's refusal was not qualified at all. She looked at Willam affectionately.

"Cut! " Willam did not use the director's shout and stopped himself. "Chu Chu can't play the aloof female lead. I demand a replacement! Acting like this is a waste of my time! "

"No, Mommy, I want to act! " Chu Chu cried at Chu Xia.