May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 212 - Chapter 212 she's back love is no longer 2

Chapter 212: Chapter 212 she's back love is no longer 2

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng's brain seized the last trace of rationality and she said, "I don't believe your words! Gong Mochen, I hate you!"

She stretched out her hand to push the man.

"Be good, be obedient!" Gong Mochen said in a hoarse voice.

"Gong Mochen, I won't fall into your trap again!" Qin Sheng said quickly.

The girl's words were like cold water poured on Gong Mochen's head. She hated him and no longer trusted him!

Gong Mochen's low voice escaped from the corner of his lips and he said, "I'll let you know who hurt you!"

He got up, carried the girl into the bathroom and placed her in the bathtub.

The cold water rushed towards Qin Sheng. She had to admit that taking a cold shower in the autumn season was a shock to the system. It was so cold that her entire body was shivering.

"Ah! There's no need for me to take a cold shower. I'm fine!" She cowered away from the shower in the man's hands. It was too cold. She felt like she was about to freeze.

"Don't move. Stay there obediently! You'll be fine after taking a shower. It'll sober you up," said Gong Mochen, lowering his voice.

Qin Sheng was shivering from the cold, and her teeth were chattering.

"It's too cold. I don't want to take a cold shower!" She turned her head and wanted to get out of the bathtub.

However, she was light-footed and couldn't stand steadily at all. She slipped and fell backward. She instinctively wanted to grab something to stabilize herself, and her hand grabbed the man's arm.

Gong Mochen pulled back his arm and held the girl. "Be careful, the ground is slippery! If you're cold, I'll hold you!"

He reached out to hold his girl.

Qin Sheng finally stopped shivering from the cold, but her rationality reminded her how much she hated this man!

"Gong Mochen, get lost! Don't make me hate you more!" she roared angrily.

Gong Mochen climbed into the bathtub and sat in it with her, soaking in the cold water together.

Qin Sheng was the girl he raised, the girl he loved. He couldn't bear to see her suffer alone. If he got his own way, the two of them would stay together. He would stay with her!

The chilly water poured down on their heads. It was still cold, but in the man's embrace, Qin Sheng didn't tremble.

Her eyes were sour, and her heart hurt so much that she felt suffocated. Why was it that he was the one who hurt her the most every time? And he was the one who made her feel the deepest love...

Qin Sheng closed her eyes. How could the things that you clearly remembered be fake?

No matter how much Gong Mochen explained, she was sure that the memory that was carved into her brain wasn't fake!

She bit her lips, and her mouth tasted sweet. Only pain could make her endure all these feelings. She wouldn't fall for Gong Mochen's trick again, and she wouldn't believe his words.

The girl's painful expression let Gong Mochen know how much pain she was in.

Gong Mochen said, "Qin Sheng..."

The girl's words, 'don't make me hate you more', were enough to make him suffocate. He loved her more than words could say, so how could he dare to make her hate him more? She was in pain, and he wanted to share her pain. He couldn't bear to let her bear the pain alone.

"Qin Sheng, don't love Li Ang..."

He didn't know what he was thinking, even though he already knew that she had given birth to Li Ang's child.

He was still struggling with the fact that Qin Sheng loved Li Ang and didn't love him. Even though he knew that many things couldn't be salvaged, he still wanted to have a place in Qin Sheng's heart. He pitifully wanted a place, to become an important person in her heart, to be able to share a little of her love...