May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 161 - Chapter 161 conditions for marriage

Chapter 161: Chapter 161 conditions for marriage

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Without waiting for Ha Siqi to speak, Qin Ze's crutch slammed heavily onto the ground.

"Qin Sheng, you have to be sensible! Now is not the time for you to scream your opinion. In a family like ours, marriage has never been left to our own choice!" he said coldly.

Qin Sheng's heart twitched violently. It turned out that she didn't even need to agree to it!

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, I won't agree to the engagement! I'm not getting married! If you have the guts, force me! Otherwise, chase me out of the Qin family. I'll thank your ancestors for eight lifetimes!" she retorted bluntly. Her voice shot through her throat, hurting with each word.

Qin Ze's face turned pale, and he could barely catch his breath. To have such an unwilful granddaughter brought him great pain. She wouldn't consent to the marriage? Was she not a Qin?

"Isn't my ancestor your ancestor? Don't forget your a Qin. Since you have this surname, you should bear the responsibility of it!"

Qin Sheng's lips curled up coldly. "When I was young, you threw me to my uncle. Why didn't you remember that my surname was Qin back then? Didn't you always say that I'm the daughter of a hotel princess? A prostitute? Why haven't you chased me away already?"

Qin Ze hit Qin Sheng's leg with his crutch. "I hit you on behalf of your mother! Anyone can say it, but you can't say anything about her! Because she gave her life to give birth to you!

"Also, whether you want it or not, you're still a descendant of the Qin family. You don't have the right to choose who you marry! When university starts, I'll register your marriage overseas."

"If I die, I don't know what will happen to your perfect wedding..." Qin Sheng knew that she shouldn't have said anything about her mother, but if the Qin family wanted her to get married like this, she couldn't!

She had never been someone who could be squashed! She was strong, defiant.

Ha Siqi was shocked. "Qin Sheng, you don't have to marry me if you don't want to. We're still young anyway. We could get engaged first, and get married when you want to?"

He held Qin Sheng's hand nervously. He was afraid that something would happen to her. He knew how stubborn this girl was.

Qin Sheng shook off Ha Siqi's hand. She wasn't going to die, but she wanted to use this to threaten Qin Ze.

"Grandpa, you can watch over me for one day, but can you watch over me for the rest of my life? If you want me to be obedient and get married, that's fine. But it doesn't me I will. Let's talk!"

Qin Ze's gaze focused on the little vixen's eyes. He had to admit that this girl's brain was definitely inherited from his son. Moreover, she was very courageous and dared to argue with him.

The only pity was that she was a girl. Otherwise, he would've happily handed over his family business to her.

"Enter the study room!" he said coldly.

Qin Sheng followed Qin Ze into the study room, and Qin Ze sat in his leather chair. She propped her arm on the old man's desk.

"Like I said, if you want me to be obedient and marry Ha Siqi, that's fine. You can want what you like. But don't think I'll do what you say! I want to know about my childhood!"

Her uncle had suddenly abandoned her and even arranged for her to marry into the Ha family. Li Ang had said that her childhood was a secret, and Gong Mochen had a motive for treating her well.

She felt that if she wanted to understand everything, she had to first understand her childhood. It seemed that all her current troubles were caused by that secret.

Qin Ze's old lips formed into a straight line. "When you were young, there was nothing wrong, but you were often weak and hospitalized. The Qin family didn't want the rumors about you to spread."

Qin Sheng suddenly chuckled. "Grandfather, do you still think I'm a three-year-old child? Do you think I'll believe you?"

"You better believe it, or else you won't be able to bear the consequences!" Qin Ze snapped.

Qin Sheng stared at Qin Ze without blinking. "Even if you don't tell me the truth, I still have a way to find out!"

After saying that, she turned around and walked out of the room. She wouldn't marry anyone. If she was to marry someone, it would be on her terms. She would figure everything out before she left for university!

She sent Ha Siqi away and asked him to give her some time to figure things out, before deciding whether or not to go abroad with him.

Ha Siqi didn't make things difficult for Qin Sheng, and he even promised that he would help her investigate.


When Li Ang returned to the Qin family mansion to look for Qin Sheng, he saw the pile of jewelry in Qin Sheng's room. He casually picked up an emerald necklace and played with it in his hand.

"You have made a lot of money from selling your body! Have you been selling yourself by the pound? What expensive meat!"

Qin Sheng glared at Li Ang. "You're the one selling by the pound! You're the pig!"

"It's not only pigs that sell by the pound! There are also cows and sheep. A calf like you is just a calf. I'll buy it back at a loss and eat it after I raise it up!" Li Ang teased the woman.

Qin Sheng was a little surprised. She wasn't expecting Li Ang to joke around about.

"Aren't you afraid that I will marry?"

It seemed that the person who wanted to take her away was Li Ang. So why did he look happy?

"Of course not. You won't marry Ha Siqi. Qin Sheng, I said that you can only be mine. Don't you believe me?" Li Ang asked.

Qin Sheng didn't understand Li Ang's confidence, but he was right about one thing. She really wouldn't marry Ha Siqi.

"I don't believe you. If you want to marry me, tell me about my childhood!" she said threateningly.

Li Ang waved at the little woman. "Come here."

Qin Sheng moved closer. "Tell me!"

Li Ang moved his lips close to the girl's ear and quickly kissed her cheek!

"You're so fragrant and tender. Your skin is suitable for eating raw!" Li Ang teased.

Qin Sheng was so angry that her eyes widened. She covered her cheek with her hand and wiped it forcefully. "You b*stard! You stole a kiss from me!"

Li Ang looked at the angry little woman and laughed softly. "Who stole a kiss from you? You came close to my lips to seduce me!"

Qin Sheng reached out to hit the man, but Li Ang grabbed her wrist. Li Ang turned his arm and pulled the little woman into his arms, sitting her on his lap while his arm wrapped around her waist.

"B*stard! Let go of me!" Qin Sheng struggled in the man's arms.

Li Ang let the little woman struggle. "Your grandfather and Gong Mochen are determined to marry you to Ha Siqi. The only person who can take you away is me!

"As for what happened to you when you were young, I can only promise you that I will tell you when you and I leave together. You can think it over. I will wait for your reply."

As he spoke, he loosened his grip on Qin Sheng. He gave the girl a meaningful look and strode out of the room.

Qin Sheng frowned. If she wanted to know what happened when she was young, she would have to leave with Li Ang...

She gritted her teeth in frustration.

When Li Ang returned to his room, he saw a person standing in the middle of it.

"Old Qin, why are you in my room?"

"Since the Duke has been staying with the Qin family, my Qin family has not mistreated him. Qin Sheng's marriage has already been decided. I don't want the relationship between us to be ruined. In this country, there is nothing that our Qin family can not do. Let me give you a piece of advice, Duke Li Ang. You'd better go back to where you came from!" Qin Ze said coldly.

Li Ang smiled coldly. "Old Qin, your hospitality has been much appreciated. But I still have business here, business with Qin Sheng... You do realised there's nothing I can't do?"

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you, our family has to prepare for the marriage of Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi. It's not convenient to let outsiders stay any longer. Please go home, Li Ang!" Qin Ze ordered coldly.