May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 201 - Chapter 201 good morning, Mommy

Chapter 201: Chapter 201 good morning, Mommy

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Four years later, Gong mochen still had the ability to control the country with one hand.

In the office building opposite the Gong Group, a new media company opened. The company's business covered news websites, film and television, periodicals and magazines, and fashion design.

The woman behind the boss's desk listened to the reports from the managers of the various departments and frowned.

She waved her hand to signal for the meeting to end and leaned against the boss's desk.

"I said that I didn't want to take over this loss-making media company, yet you insisted on me taking over. This is great... I haven't even earned enough money to pay off all the debts!" said the woman. She had wine-red wavy hair and wore a low-cut outfit.

The woman behind the boss's desk raised her eyebrows and smiled slyly. "The fashion weekly will rely on you, Chu Xia. You're a great designer! How about it? You bring your work to the Paris Fashion Show, and our fashion weekly will feature your work. It will definitely sell well!"

"F*ck... Qin Sheng, the boss can't just do what she pleases... You're really going to force me to attend the fashion show? I have to take care of Jian Jian!" Chu Xia's face was full of anger.

"Is it just Jian Jian that's the problem? Can't I take care of him for the day? Chu Xia, this fashion weekly really depends on you. This is my first step to pay off the company's debt... By raising the brand of Yun Group Media, we will be able to develop in the film industry. I will be able to earn money to pay off the debt," Qin Sheng explained her plan.

Chu Xia pursed her lips. "What exactly are you thinking? When you returned to this country, you didn't go to see your uncle. What are you doing here?"

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips curled up slightly. "Did I come back just to see him? I don't think so! Four years ago, Qin Sheng left. I am now Yun Sheng."

"Then why did you come back?" Chu Xia was surprised.

"To start a business! Can't you see that I'm working overtime every day?" Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia rolled her eyes. She had never been able to get anything out of Qin Sheng.

Ever since Qin Sheng and the Duke left four years ago, it was as if she had disappeared into thin air. Chu Xia went abroad to study with Papa Tao and Mama Tao. She studied fashion design and made a name for herself in the fashion industry.

A month ago, Qin Sheng suddenly contacted her and asked her to join her media company. She then followed Qin Sheng back to this nation

However, Qin Sheng hadn't mentioned a single word about what happened in the past four years. Even Gong Mochen seemed to be just a passerby to her. No one knew what happened in the past four years.

"Okay, whatever... You're so mysterious these days, Qin Sheng..." Chu Xia looked at her phone and suddenly shouted, "Ah! It's time to go home! I'm going to see my son!"

Qin Sheng rubbed her ears that had been deafened by Chu Xia. Jian Jian was Chu Xia's life. To Chu Xia, nothing was more important than her son!

Suddenly, she thought of something and shouted at Chu Xia, "You have to fly tomorrow morning. Send Jian Jian to my home!"

Chu Xia's voice drifted behind her, "Got it!"

Qin Sheng stood up and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling glass window. Her big eyes were sparkling with a bright light, but the emotions on her face were indecipherable. After four years, she had grown up and was no longer that innocent little girl...

"Gong Mochen, I'm back."

She softly spoke the name that she hadn't said for four years, and the corners of her lips curled up.


In the CEO's office of the Gong Group, Gong mochen looked at the stack of documents that Nie Feng had brought to him.

"CEO, the information on the Yun Group is here. Miss Yun Sheng has a complete set of birth and academic history. She just returned to this nation today and took over the media company that she bought a month ago. This media company has suffered a huge loss."

Gong Mochen's brows sank. There was still no information about Qin Sheng... He'd heard nothing for the past four years. Ever since he was revived, he had been looking for her. However, he hadn't been able to find her.

Li Ang took her away, hid her, and created a new identity for her. When she reappeared, she became Yun Sheng...

"Find out where she lives!" he ordered.

"Yes." Nie Feng left the room.

Gong Mochen stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. His gaze landed on the office building opposite. The little woman's company was inside it. He even knew which window was her office.

He raised his hand and touched the glass. The dark glass made it so that they couldn't see each other.

Qin Sheng didn't know that the man's hand was pressed on the glass, like her hand.

After a while, Qin Sheng gathered her thoughts and walked back to her boss's desk, continuing to work hard. She wanted this company to be a success.

She looked at the computer screen, sifting through the headlines.

A piece of news entered her eyes. Gong Mochen's fiancé was being taken care of by Ye Wei. For the past four years, Ye Wei had taken care of Qin Zixian, whose leg had been blown off by the explosion. Some people guessed that Gong Mochen's monogamous marriage was set. But no one knew why he hadn't married yet.

There was another piece of news. The suspect who had planted the bomb, Qin Sheng, had been on the run for four years, but she hadn't been caught yet!

The corners of her lips curled up into a cold smile. She had been framed for planting the bomb and had been made out to be a spoiled brat. She had tried to kill someone and fled for her life!

Her mouse clicked on the two pieces of news, and she posted the news about herself. It was indeed satisfying!


When the sun shone on Qin Sheng's apartment the next day, Qin Sheng was woken up by a pair of small claws.

"Mommy, good morning! Wake up, or you'll be late!"

Qin Sheng pulled the blanket over her head. She didn't need to look to know that Chu Xia had thrown her son into her room.

"Jian Jian, I'm your Godmother, not your mommy!"

She corrected the little bun. From the first time she met Jian Jian, he had called her mommy! And she had thought of him as a little bun.

Jian Jian blinked his big eyes. "My mom said that Godmother is mommy. In the future, your daughter will be my wife, so you will be my mommy!"

Qin Sheng's forehead was locked in a frown. It had to be said that she was impressed by Chu Xia's education of Jian Jian. Her son was only young, and she already told him that her daughter would be his wife!

"Okay, I'm up!" She really couldn't avoid Jian Jian, so she could only get up.

"Mommy, are you treating me to breakfast? I want macarons!" Jian Jian climbed onto Qin Sheng's bed and caressed her face with his little hands.

"Eating sweets is bad for your teeth. Let's have a Chinese breakfast!" Qin Sheng grabbed the boy's little paws and got out of bed. She couldn't stand the bombardment of his hot kisses.

He was indeed Chu Xia's son. He had been affectionate since the moment he met Qin Sheng!

"Mommy, I haven't hugged you good morning yet!" Chu Jian looked at the girl who had escaped to the bathroom and frowned.

"I'll take a shower and sort out breakfast," Qin Sheng shouted. She ran away because she didn't want to be kissed!

Chu Jian's eyes flashed as he climbed out of bed and ran to the bathroom door. "Mommy, I don't want to be in here alone!"

"Well, I need a shower, so you can wait in there!" Qin Sheng was glad that she had locked the door.

Jeez... She couldn't catch a moment of peace with this little one running around! Is this what it would be like to have children? She couldn't even take a shower in peace...

Chu Jian pouted his little mouth. "Mommy, it's not fair! You've left me all alone!"

Qin Sheng speedily washed herself clean. Gosh, it was hard work looking after a small child! Did she regret agreeing to take care of Chu Xia's son? If she hadn't agreed, then Chu Xia wouldn't have been able to take her work to the fashion show... Ah well! It was too late for regrets now.

When she carried Chu Jian out of the apartment building, she saw a man leaning against a car door. His figure was still as familiar as before, but time had aged him slightly. There were wrinkles on his face that weren't there before...

The man's deep gaze landed on Qin Sheng, and he stood up and walked towards her. He had a stunned expression on his face, staring at the little boy in her arms...